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The book explains many of the unusual word choices and locutions you encounter if you manage to read the whole thing, especially the differing order of commandments across the Old and New Testaments. Some of the discussion smacks of special pleading (can't make the commandment against covetousness fit your theory? must fit in as a 'background commandment' for the rest...).
Overall, however, the author makes a very persuasive case for an outside editor who edited in references to the 10 commandments thruout the early books of the Old Testament. The author treats the subject matter with reverence and tact, and the 'editor theory' helps explain the remarkable cohesiveness and literary quality to a book compiled over a millenium.
Nicely illustrated and written almost as a detective novel, this book is highly recommended. Plus, you now have only nine commandments to worry about (oops, forgot that covetousness one)!

I've always felt Bible readers have made the mistake of elevating the Torah/Pentateuch at the expense of the rest of the Old Testament. Freedman's thesis seems to defend the integrity of the Hebrew Scriptures as a whole. He shows how the Israelites broke each of the Commandments they received in the wilderness. Not only broke them, but with minimal adjustments to sequencing, Freedman shows that they broke them in order. This breaking of the Commandments constitutes a "scarlet thread" that runs through the Primary History and that ultimately explains why the Israelites suffered defeat and exile at the hands of God's enemies. But there are ten commandments and only nine books in the Primary History. Which commandment does not get represented by a specfic sinful act in a book of its own is a mystery Freedman does not answer until the last chapter. The suspense makes this highly accessible scholarly work, a bit of a page-turner.
If you read this book and enjoy it, you might also like the equally fascinating but more ambitious "Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds," by Donald Harman Akenson.

List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.00
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This dictionary isn't the most compact book in the world, so it kind of has a limitation there. There are really quality facts and ties in this book. Some symbolism is identified. This is really a top quality bible dictionary. There are ties of some biblical figures/stories to others in the bible. Many terms are identified. Some Hebrew names for God are explained. Things like the Dead Sea Scrolls are explained thoroughly.
If you want to know the bible on a deeper level, this dictionary can really help you. it is a really easy to use reference. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know the scriptures more thoroughly.

If you are interested in getting a better understanding of the Bible, a good Bible dictionary is a must -- and this is the best one to have.

List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $27.00
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This book is an important step in that direction. By presenting academically serious, reliable, but still sympathetic portraits of the five great religious founders, it provides a basis for genuine dialogue between the faiths. It is an excellent book. The authors are first-rate, and the writing is generally clear and occasionally even quite good.
I wish it weren't so expensive, but I hope that it will nonetheless have a large readership. I recommend it enthusiastically.

Used price: $17.38
Buy one from zShops for: $21.74

Mandell and Freedman have written a brilliant comparison of these two major pieces of literature from Antiquity. This book should be the next step for anyone who has an interest in either
Herodotus or the Primary History.

Access is a must for serious biblical scholars. After all, why do we learn biblical Hebrew -- in order to read the Bible in its original language. Though the Biblia Herbrica is a faithful text, why should we rely on anything but the oldest available complete text?
The introductory historical notes and additional notations are invaluable as well. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK IN MY LIBRARY and probably will continue to be for many years.

In the previous review I wished to rate this book 4.5 stars, which i couldn't, and now I rate it 5 stars so that it averages to 4.5 stars.
You'll find the margins are not as wide as I said in the criticism below. Actually the whole margin area is barely the same as the text area. Margin of the original codex + a little margin of the photography + margin around the photo adds up to as wide as the area occupied by the text.
The reason that the black-and-white photo gets darker than the color plates might be that the photo films are less sensitive to yellow than to blue. Since the parchment leaves are somewhat tinted in light yellow, the photocopy couldn't help appearing darker than it actually is.
If I could make touch with the publishers, I would like to advise them to use special film more sensitive to yellow light when they make the revision.

List price: $360.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $210.00
Collectible price: $480.00
Buy one from zShops for: $245.00

For example, the word 'church' is not in it.
So if your looking for a huge work of scholarship then 'The Anchor Bible Dictionary' is the one.
But if your looking for a bigger dictionary, like a bigger version of 'Unger's Bible Dictionary', it is not.

I have owned this set since 1994 and find myself frequently looking something up in these volumes. Just pick up one of the volumes and turn to a topic at random. Chances are you'll be hooked. Do not let the title dissuade you from getting this set. Even if you are not into Biblical scholarship this set will give you a lifetime of fulfilling study.
If you are a serious student of the Jewish and/or Christian Bible then this set is a must. If you are a history buff this set will be a valuable addition to your library.
What a treasure!

I have three of this collecction and I recommend it!

Used price: $17.75
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $29.78

They provide a very accurate and detailed philogical work which will likely be too much for even the most adamant layperson. The work really requires a working knowledge of the Hebrew to appreciate its depth of research and scholarship.
This was used as one of the textbooks for my sem class in Hosea which we translated each word from Hebrew. Although I don't buy every translation of this commentary, this overall is excellent and of great usefulness to the student of the text.

Used price: $10.98
Buy one from zShops for: $9.79

List price: $30.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.70
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99

But back to the book: This is so well-written, so accessible, that the most ill-educated (biblically) layman or laywoman can read this with pleasure and understanding. Bravo, David Noel Freedman! Even if you don't agree with all of it, it's worth reading all of it.