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The life she led makes you count your blessings. Such heartbreak and such love.

Used price: $45.00
Collectible price: $9.99

This book was a wise purchase by my mother in 1947 for it has continued to live, and grow. As a girl it was a love story, 40 years later it is the portrait of a marriage. I found a copy in a used book, just like my mother's. I will read it again.

Mrs. Mike is the story of a young innocent girl who falls in love with man and follows him to the remote Canadian wilderness . It is packed with scenes so vivid and real I could remember them perfectly for 20 years. The romance and adventure called to me as a teenager; the friendships, love and loss call to me as an adult.
I cannot reccomend this book highly enough.--Erin Smit

List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.99
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I read "Mrs. Mike" a very long time ago (I was eight). I read it as a great adventure...my sister read it as a romance. I could never understand that aspect until I read the book again in my twenties. The wonderful thing about this (The Search for Joyful) book is that, yes, there are the elements of romance but again the heroine goes on an adventure that imparts information about history from an unique perspective. Anytime a book can teach, entertain and be subtle about it is a plus.
I enjoyed the book almost as much as I had "Mrs. Mike" years ago. It was a pleasant read, made me laugh, made me cry in places and made me hope there wasn't going to be another 50-year wait for more stories about Mrs. Mike and her family.

This Kathy, as readers of MRS. MIKE will remember, came into the lives of Mike and Kathy Flannigan after their one-time household helper - the Cree girl Oh-Be-Joyful, who ran away to marry a half-breed trapper named Jonathan Forquet - died and left a baby daughter behind. Jonathan brought the child to the woman his young wife had called her "more than sister," and the Flannigans added the little girl to their adopted twins. Who, with their French ancestry, fit in among the northern Alberta village's white youngsters; while small copper-skinned Kathy, a First Nation child growing up in a white family, fit in nowhere except at home. "Kathy is to be included," Mrs. Mike consistently told Connie and Georges. But as her story opens, Kathy Forquet is striking out on her own for the first time - to answer her country's World War II call for young women to study nursing - and merely being "included" is no longer enough.
In the cosmopolitan city of Montreal, she find a profession to excel at and to love. She also finds prejudice among her fellow nursing students, and even - eventually - in the family of the young man she marries. But there is another young man, a fellow "Indian" also serving in the Canadian Army; and there are friends like Kathy's roommate Mandy, her old schoolmate Elk Girl, and "Sister Egg."
Through study and hard work, through coming under enemy fire in a front-line medical unit, through loving and losing and learning to love again, young Kathy journeys just as far in this book as her adoptive mother did in MRS. MIKE. It is written with more frankness because it was, after all, published 50 years later. If you're planning to hand it to your child, be warned about that! But I personally thought it well done, and well worth reading.

Used price: $6.00
Collectible price: $26.47