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Used price: $1.82
Collectible price: $2.38
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The story is told through a series of flashbacks with can be disconcerting until you catch the rhythm of the story. The life of the three women revolves around mother-daughter relationships and the path our lives take as a result of the decisions we make.
Each woman struggles with similar heartbreaks (although they don't always know what the other one is/has gone through) They struggle with marriage, children, death, and finding ones self worth in a sometimes harsh world.
While I enjoyed the story (possibly due to my Swedish heritage!) I still felt the story plodded in some sections so I only gave it a three star rating.

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
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People should get their facts straight even when writing fiction. Artistic license is all well and good but this carries things too far

Used price: $15.00

If you've never read Fredriksson before, skip this one and go for her earlier books, such as Simon's Family.
Unfortunately, her first several books, which are her best, in my opinion, have not been translated into English.

It was a fun fast read, but seemed to be written as a formula novel, and it was too choppy. Clean up the rough spots and you could have a much better novel.

Buy one from zShops for: $26.90

Used price: $13.98
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Buy one from zShops for: $41.80

This story of Simon and his family, a title also appropriate since the story is as much about them as him, is a beautiful one and its rare nowadays to find novels of such emotional depth and sense of beauty expressed so well and so gently. This is not to say it does not note other painful things in life and so the novel becomes an honest portrayal of life in pre-war and post-war Sweden. Luckily Sweden escaped most of the ravages of the Holocaust because of its neutrality but that doesn't mean its people didn't suffer nonetheless. However, this novel is mainly concerned with the people of the story and their lives, their troubles, angst, problems and so on, the fear instilled by the Nazis is very real and ever present in the minds of Isak and Ruben, Isak's father and wealthy book merchant. The differences between the Jewish life of Ruben and Isak are not stressed so much as their friendship and eventual family bond with the Larsson family (Karin, Eric, Simon).
Even though the natural world forms a part of the story, as it often does in Scandinavian tales, this is not as deeply brought out as the interaction inside the families themselves and so the novel is very human and not infused with the other world of trees, plants and animals which can be found in say "The Forest of Hours".
A novel of great depth and beauty.