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First rate material

List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92

I recommend it highly to those couples considering marriage or newly married.

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Collectible price: $5.00
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Dr. Price, being a Word of Faith teacher himself, helps us to overcome the extremities and bondages that can come as a result of misunderstanding the message of faith. Many have made false accusations concerning Dr. Price and other faith teachers. Obviously, his accusers have overlooked this treasure that many years ago attempted to bring balance and freedom. Best of all, it is a simple book that is very easy to read.
This book will certainly dispel the lies that have spoken against the faith message but most importantly, will help those who have questions concerning practical everyday issues and the use of their faith in God.

Used price: $3.85
Collectible price: $5.28

Used price: $8.00
Collectible price: $24.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.71

Dr. Price writes this with tough love. He displays his love for his white brothers and sisters but shows his strong committment and lack of compromise in support of his own race. Jesus is truly in the heart of Dr. Price.
It is time for those in the church who have even the smallest of "white supremacy" in their hearts to ripp that thing out through the blood of Jesus and repent for it. It is also time for African Americans to realize who they are as a people and most of all, who they are in Christ. We are not inferior but we are created in the image of God.
Pneuma Life Publishing also publishes many good books along these lines. Do a search for them here at Amazon.com

Used price: $45.00
Buy one from zShops for: $44.99

List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.59

Just to bring you up to speed, I'll provide a little background on the series. During the mid-1990s, Dr. Price first presented "Race, Religion, and Racism" as a teaching series in his church. Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles, California was the epicenter of some 60-plus weeks of truth that rocked America. Pastor Price, prior to the series, spent several years in study on the topic. Thus, if one had the opportunity to see the series presented, the books track consistently.
This latest volume could best be thought of as a consumer's guide to both the belief and faith structures of these two well-known religions. In Price's view, one must understand not only the core books of Islam (the Koran and the Hadith), but one must also understand what has been said by some of the leaders in Islam in the United States.
Dr. Price presents a balanced and well documented presentation of what has been said, what has been written, and what has been spoken by those involved in Islam--including the Nation of Islam and some of its leadership as it compares with the Bible.
One of the particularly interesting items of the book centers upon Black History and how, through deception, some African Americans are lured into Islam without exploring or even understanding our own Christian heritage. Without giving away too much of the contents of the work, let us just say that Price does inform, and give the reader a choice--by placing both faiths side-by-side and allowing the reader to make up their own mind.
The third volume in this series does maintain the standard set out by Price when he began the series. It is a much needed addition to one's own library, and biblical knowledge.

Oh, and there appears to be both a hardcover and a paperback. I bought the paperback used, and it seems to have matched perfectly with the hardcover. Never even used the CD.