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Book reviews for "Fitzgerald,_Randall" sorted by average review score:

The Complete Book of Extraterrestrial Encounters: The Ideas of Carl Sagan, Erich Von D”Aniken, Billy Graham, Carl Jung, John C. Lilly, John G. Fulle
Published in Paperback by MacMillan Publishing Company (1979)
Author: Randall Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $13.46
Average review score:

A Good Book
This is one of the first books I've read about UFOs. This book contains a summary of all the major UFO theories. It contains information by Zacharia Sitchin(12th Planet), Robert Temple(Sirius Mystery), Frank Stranges(Val Thor), and many others. In all it's a basic overview of the sunject of UFOlogy-Ancient Astronaut Theory, Abduction, Sightings, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, etc. A must read!!!

Osu Theses and Dissertations 1983-1992 (Kerr Bibliographic, No 23)
Published in Paperback by Oregon State Univ Pr (1995)
Author: Judith A. Glenn
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.05
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Your place in the Cards---Right On Fortune Telling
I personally knew the author and was totally taken by her psychic abilities.

She not only was able to predict my personal future happenings on a month to month basis, but also told me about my past and things that could only be known to me.

After Donalie had taught me how to use the book, I was amazed by the accuracy of the predictions that could be made using the book after a relatively short learning curve.

Coupled with my own readings from the Parlor Sybil Deck, I find the book to be an outstanding addition to my readings.

The book explores the individual as well as personal relationships based on positioning of cards in spreads that Randall developed and Donalie refined.

My copy is autographed by Donalie and was a gift to me when were stockbrokers together in Los Angeles.

Activities for a Diverse Classroom: Connecting Students
Published in Paperback by Peak Parent Center, Incorporated (1998)
Authors: Douglas Fisher, Caren Sax, and Leah Katz
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

A useful (and often funny) compendium
By his own account, Randall Fitzgerald put "Cosmic Test Tube" together due to his frustration with what he sees as the extremes of irrationality represented by most UFO believers and UFO skeptics alike. To that end, he provides summaries of literally hundreds of published books concerned with all aspects of the UFO phenomenon--ancient astronauts, UFO sightings, contactees and abductees, crop circles, cattle mutilations, and even the works of skeptics like Philip Klass and Curtis Peebles. By and large, these summaries are presented with a straight face and with no editorial or other subjective comment, although in the case of some books that I have also read I believe his selection of what to emphasize may not completely dovetail with what is emphasized in the books themselves. Since nearly all of "Cosmic Test Tube" is made up of these entries, one can view this book as a sort of "Cliffs Notes" on UFOlogy.

The book is divided into several convenient sections (ancient astronauts, general UFO sightings, contactees and abductees, and skeptics), and each section is preceded by an article-length discussion of one or a few of the subjects covered by the entries within. So, for example, the section on ancient astronauts is preceded by a more substantive and editorialized discussion of the so-called "monuments" of Mars and of Robert Temple's "Sirius Mystery," in which it is claimed that the Dogon tribe in West Africa possesses astronomical knowledge that could only have been obtained by the use of a telescope; similarly, the section for skeptical works is preceded by a discussion of the evidence (or lack thereof) for an extraterrestrial connection to crop circles and cattle mutilations.

"Cosmic Test Tube" is genuinely entertaining in places--many of the summaries of UFO-related works are quite funny, especially when presented in such a deadpan manner. It isn't clear to me, however, exactly how "Cosmic Test Tube" points to some sort of "middle way" between believers and skeptics, especially when all it does is reproduce the basic arguments of each side with little in the way of real evaluation. And, of course, it should go without saying that in the modern age of the internet not all of the pertinent information is to be found solely in published books--for example, the paranoia and self-delusion evident in Richard Hoagland's "The Monuments of Mars" pales in comparison with the fantasies and conspiracy-mongering to be found on his web site for "The Enterprise Mission."

Regardless, those with more than a casual interest in UFOlogy will find in "Cosmic Test Tube" a useful reference work that will point them toward other, more detailed books on whatever subject they find most interesting.

Useless, but helpful
Cosmic Test Tube covers everything from Erich von Daniken to Carl Sagan. Whether it's bees from Mars, Nazi flying saucers from the north pole, the grays, or secret military aircraft, Cosmic Test Tube has it all. Which might be too much, actually.

It's helpful in that it can save you years of research. However, you won't be any closer to the "truth" after reading it.

Interesting compendium!
I never thought that I would actually see a compendium for Ufo's and other space/alien related material. However, this title and book in question, i.e., Cosmic Test Tube : Extraterrestrial Contact, Theories & Evidence by Randall Fitzgerald, Paul Mendoza (Illustrator), does just that. It is a compednium that lists numerous titles that deal with the mentioned subject, i.e., aliens and other worldly life forms. Recommended.

John F. Kennedy (World Leaders-Past and Present)
Published in Library Binding by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (1987)
Authors: Marta Randall and Arthur Meier, Jr. Schlesinger
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $5.60
Average review score:
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Military Knife Combat
Published in Paperback by Lauric/Hochheim Press (15 June, 1999)
Author: W. Hock Hochheim
Amazon base price: $26.95
Buy one from zShops for: $26.90
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Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Psychiatry
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange (20 March, 2000)
Authors: Michael H. Ebert, Peter T. Loosen, and Barry Nurcombe
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $24.95
Average review score:
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When Government Goes Private: Successful Alternatives to Public Services
Published in Hardcover by Universe Books (1988)
Author: Randall Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
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