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Book reviews for "Fitzgerald,_Nancy" sorted by average review score:

This Side of Paradise (Ivy Classics)
Published in Paperback by Ivy Books (1996)
Authors: F. Scott Fitzgerald and Nancy Milford
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $4.99
Average review score:

Growing Up
In "This Side of Paradise," Fitzgerald recounts Amory Blaine's journey from childhood to adulthood, a journey that he himself was just starting in the writing arena. "This Side of Paradise" has moments of brilliance that rival some seen in his later works but it is missing something that makes the later works truly memorable and classic. I recomend this book if you are trying to gain a complete understanding of F. Scott Fitzgerald and his life, but if you only read occasionally, one of his other books or his short stories would be more enjoyable.

A great introduction to Fitzgerald
I was about to pass this book up in order to buy The Great Gatsby, but someone reccomended me to read this one first before I got to read the other books by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I have to say it was a excellent introduction to the author; I've also been told that this book is one of Fitzgerald's less accomplished works, and I did find it a bit lacking on something, I don't know what, but I enjoyed it anyway. Amory Blaine, although richly described, is not a particularly likable character, but he is certainly bright and his capacity for self analysis is amazing, though his little why-is-everyone-but-me-an-idiot attitude can grate in your nerves sometimes. Oh well, I guess that can be forgiven, considering his age; I also believe (sometimes) that at my ripe old age of nineteen I already know all I'll ever need to know about pretty much everything. Speaking of which, I loved that line, "I know myself, but that is all", I think it about sums up the whole story. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Abounding in energy and vigor!
Written when F. Scott was a mere 23 years of age, This Side of Paradise elevates itself as a seminal and ground-breaking semi-autobiographical novel that inexplicably remains vastly underappreciated as of today. Amory Blaine manifests himself as a veritable study of egotism, romanticism, idealism, and intense disillusionment. Amory proves to be an endearing and highly affable young protagonist. The prep school and Princeton years of supercilious and pretentious egotist hedonism abound immensely in energy, innocence, and vitality.

Through the despair of his failed love with Rosalind et al, his disenchantment with his advertsing job, and the inseparable gloom and despair of WWI, Amory enters into a reproachful state of disillusionment and cynicism subsequent to "The Great War". Fitzgerald, the acclaimed golden boy of his aptly named Jazz Age, emodies in Amory "a new generation grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken."

Amory undergoes a catharsis of sorts in purging his tragic loss of innocence due to the war with his heavy drinking and nihilistic behavior. Nonetheless, he regains a semblance of his former confidence and intensity at the conclusion of the book, "yet the waters of disillusion had left a deposit on his soul." Is Amory the same romantic egotist that we witnessed at the onset of this powerful work? Not by any stretch of the imagination. However, through his despondent adversity, his intellectualism survives as well as his somewhat frayed, yet repaired sense of hopeful idealisism for the future - whatever it may bring. A strikingly similar ending to Hemingway's later masterpiece The Sun Also Rises, n'est-ce pas?

Zelda (Unabridged)
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $11.16
Average review score:

"God, What A Sob Story !"
"Zelda:A Biography," by Nancy Milford, is a depressing story about a woman (with a few bats in her belfry) torn by the never-ending clash of her husband's career and her own talent. A story I could have lived without!

"Zelda," By Nancy Milford
I absolutely adored this book. It is extremely depressing at times to read considering the life of the woman the book is based upon, but other than that, it was fascinating. Milford' writing style is unique as well as informative and quite objective. The details about Zelda's life could only come from an author who has done her research. I would definetly recommend this book.

A brilliant woman in semi-brilliant times
Semi-brilliant because it was still a time when Zelda was explained as sick because of her ambition and lack of satisfaction in the demands of being a wife and mother. No one thought to tell her as a child she may have to make her own way and Scott only said it later because he was tired of her financial drain on him and already looking with desire at other women. She expected exactly what she was told would happen, and it did happen for a little while, until it all started falling apart.She wasn't prepared, but made a valiant attempt to succeed- Against a destructive jealous alcoholic genius husband, a snobbish daughter, and a world that wished she would learn her "place", could you have stayed sane? Granted she wasn't an angel, but F. Scott Fitz owes his very legend to her. This book reveals through her own words and those of others what she may have been, and frankly what she became as a writer and artist is more than many "sane" people will ever be.

GI Joe #05 Operation: The Everglades Swamp Terror
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Ballantine Books (1986)
Author: Eric Affabee
Amazon base price: $1.95
Collectible price: $29.99
Average review score:
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Alexey Brodovitch
Published in Hardcover by Phaidon Press Inc. (31 December, 2002)
Author: Kerry William Purcell
Amazon base price: $52.50
List price: $75.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $44.00
Buy one from zShops for: $44.50
Average review score:
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Published in Paperback by Avon (1975)
Author: Barbara F. Johnson
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $0.38
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:
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Of the World: Bears, Frogs and Toads, Insects, Primates, Sharks, Snakes, Spiders, Turtles and Tortoises, Whales and Wild Cats (Of the World Series)
Published in Hardcover by Facts on File, Inc. (2003)
Authors: Paul Ward, Suzanne Kynaston, Christopher Mattison, and anthony Wootton
Amazon base price: $350.00
Used price: $2.94
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:
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A Creature Who Belongs
Published in Paperback by Poetry Harbor (1998)
Author: Nancy Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $5.95
Collectible price: $26.47
Average review score:
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Down Into the Water
Published in Hardcover by College Press Publishing Company (1984)
Author: Nancy Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $1.95
Used price: $13.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.50
Average review score:
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Grover Square
Published in Paperback by Jove Pubns (1984)
Author: Nancy Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $1.45
Collectible price: $4.25
Average review score:
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Information Systems Development: Methods-in-action
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Education - Europe (01 June, 2002)
Authors: Brian Fitzgerald, Nancy Russo, and Eric Stolterman
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $58.27
Buy one from zShops for: $58.27
Average review score:
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