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Book reviews for "Fitzgerald,_Astrid" sorted by average review score:

The Traveler's Key to Ancient Greece
Published in Paperback by Quest Books (15 June, 2000)
Authors: Richard Geldard, Richard G. Geldard, and Astrid Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $11.00
Average review score:

The best book to take with you to Greece
If your intention in Greece is to explore the wonders of the ancients, this is the best book to take. Of the several books I had with me, it was the most complete, detailed, informative and enjoyable--it was the one I came to trust and refer to the most often. Small enough to stuff into a pocket, it allows you to sit at the sites and read while looking at the ruins. The facts and suppostions were generally supported by other sources, so being able to rely on its accuracy is another plus.

MUCH More than a mere guide book...A True Guide Book...
This book is an excellent starting point for
anyone remotely interested in the ancient Greeks --
not merely the most famous ones of the 6th and
5th centuries B.C. Here interweave myth,
mystery, knowledge, mysticism (Pythagorean and
Orphic introductions), plus excellent explanations
of attributes and psychological aspects related
to the gods.
[here is a section from the "Introduction"]
Each site has its "myth," a term which means
a story of the life of a place, human being, or
god. All myths have meaning, and the task has
been to translate the myth into the myth-language
of our own era. For the most part, the language
of our mythology is the language of psychology.
And of course there are several styles of
psychological language: Jungian, Freudian, Adlerian,
and so on. In this case, the language goes back
to Plato and has been brought to the present
idiom through the work of Paul Diel, the late
Austrian psychologist.
Plato, the great voice of the journey of the
human soul, was the first Western writer to speak
of the idea of spiritual development, the idea
that a human being might lead his life in such a
way as to AWAKEN [my caps] within himself the
divine life. The possibility of such a discovery
makes Plato's works a psychology, or a study of
human behavior in the physical, intellectual,
and spiritual sense. Plato was indebted to the
voices of his own culture and his predecessors in
philosophy, both Eastern and Western [Orpheus;
Pythagoras]. These fragments from the past form
a living mythology which still has power to
transform lives. -- Richard G. Geldard.
*The Traveler's Key to Ancient Greece.* (1989).
* * * * * * * * *

Superbly written, flawlessly produced, highly recommended.
The Traveler's Key To Ancient Greece: A Guide To Sacred Places is the ideal guidebook for exploring sacred locations that once were home to the secret mysteries at Eleusis, the oracle at Delphi, the Labyrinths of Knossos, the vast theater and healing center at Epidauros, the perfect symmetry of the Parthenon, and more! This unique and very special travel guide offers informative and expert commentary on the Hellenic world's palace and temple cultures and sites; Greek drama, philosophy, art, and sculpture; sacred geometry and architecture; and gallery collections in three major museums. Whether you are an armchair explorer or plan to be an on-site visitor, The Traveler's Key To Ancient Greece is a compelling, informative, superbly written and flawlessly produced introduction to understanding as well as visiting these sacred sites of antiquity.

Being Consciousness Bliss: A Seeker's Guide
Published in Paperback by Lindisfarne Books (01 April, 2002)
Author: Astrid Fitzgerald
Amazon base price: $19.20
List price: $24.00 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

One of those books that really make a difference
Astrid Fitzgerald's Being Consciousness Bliss, despite its modest subtitle, is more than a seeker's guide. Its three parts provide the description, the substance and the means of living the examined life. What I found the most helpful was Part Three of the book, the actual details and practices that are necessary to overcome the habits of a life lived without conscious attention. Here I found practical help in how to really change things, not offered as instruction but as example and clarification. I found it possible to follow the suggested practices and felt a real shift taking place in my mind. And as they say, the proof is in the pudding. I was able to see what sort of mess I was in and how to go about cleaning out all the mental and emotional baggage I've been carrying around. This is one of those books that really make a difference.

BRAVA! An Inspiring Guide for Seekers of the Soul.
A wonderful treasure house of spiritual thought, quotations, information and practical advice,
beautifully presented and organized with amazing clarity and great breadth of knowledge. A growth experience for all of us seeking the next step on our soul's path to enlightenment.
Brava! for this newest opus from the author of "An Artist's Book of Inspiration - A Collection of Thoughts on Art, Artists and Creativity", another rewarding book.

Can You Win?: The Real Odds for Casino Gambling, Sports Betting, and Lotteries
Published in Paperback by W H Freeman & Co (1991)
Authors: Mike Orkin and Michael Orkin
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A treasury of spiritual thoughts
Highly recommended. A wonderful source of quotations of spiritual wisdom from an international array of artists, philosphers, spiritual leaders, etc. I have returned to it again and again for refreshment and inspiration. Astrid Fitzgerald has provided us with a gift from the heart.
She is also a very fine artist (...).

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