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Book reviews for "FitzGerald,_Robert_David" sorted by average review score:

Contract on America: The Mafia Murder of President John F. Kennedy
Published in Hardcover by SPI Books (1992)
Authors: David E. Scheim and John H. Davis
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $0.69
Collectible price: $5.00
Average review score:

Four sides of a circle.
David E. Scheim's fascinating research into the assassination of JFK makes for one of the most compelling publications ever. Far & away one of the best books about that day in Dallas;
Scheim dissects mafia involvement in Dealy Plaza,Texas,22.11.63. Not as much suggestive as masterfully investigated,there is stuff here that will blow you away; such as Lee Harvey Oswald's vastly covered-up significant ties to the Mafia~(Oswald's mob connected uncle "Charles Murret"). There's also a fantastic chapter dealing with Mafia associations to R.Nixon's Administration & to R.Reagan's Administration. And check out the "Appendix#2 Sources-on-the-Mafia" section; Seems that the Cosa Nostra has been networking an evil business empire ranging from Wall Street connections to an interest in child pornography.

An intriguing,powerful paperback. Check it out.

My Dad said this is the closest to the truth he saw
He's passed on now but when he handed me the book almost 20 years ago he said "This is almost dead on." And for reasons I won't elaborate on he knew some of those who knew those who carried this out. That coupled with the thorough research of the author gave me chills then and chills now. Who lost the most from Bay of Pigs? The crime bosses. Havana was well on its way to becoming the drug/sex/gambling playhouse of the New World, and only 90 miles from our shores! What a deal, with [people] like Batista in their pocket, they had a perfect plan. My Dad went to Havana twice pre-Castro to meet with his "friends". Keep in mind that part of the deal was the compliant Cubans at the top of the food chain, most of whom came here after Castro, which is why they get no sympathy from me. No matter how bad Castro has ever been, he's better than Batista who was a criminal and a traitor to his people, but they never mention that. If you're ever in a conversation with a Cuban without a gun, ask him to tell you what life was like for most Cubans before Fidel. It usually stops the conversation.

Excellent investigation.
This book covers one of the essential aspects of the murder of President Kennedy: the Mafia and his executioner Jack Ruby.
It is a thorough investigation: David E. Scheim went as far as analyzing all telephone calls by Ruby before the assassination.

The author gives us a most credible explanation of how the Mafia could benefit and did after the murder. More, he draws a disturbing portrait of how the Mafia penetrated the highest power ranks in the U.S. and how it could influence the life of every U.S. citizen.
He castigates the Warren Report as a shameful misjudgment.

This book is a must read. It describes how a secret organization could wield enormous power and influence to its own adavantage a whole democratic nation and its citizens.

A Picture Book of John F. Kennedy (Picture Book Biography)
Published in Paperback by Holiday House (1992)
Authors: David A. Adler and Robert F. Casilla
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.89
Collectible price: $5.25
Buy one from zShops for: $5.24
Average review score:

Mr. Adler needs to do a better job checking his facts
While I think it is important for young people to have books to read about the important figures in our history, I think it is imperative that an author makes sure his facts are correct. In his book, Mr. Adler has JFK being elected to the Senate in 1952 and reelected in 1956. Yes, JFK was elected to the Senate for the first time in 1952, beating Henry Cabot Lodge, but he was not reelected in 1956. Senate terms are six years unless there are special circumstances, which there were not in this case, which means JFK would not have to run again until 1958. He did so and was elected by the largest margin in Massachusetts state history at that time. In 1956 JFK made an attempt to be the Democrat's candidate for Vice President on the ticket with Adlai Stevenson, but he was defeated in that attempt by fellow Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. How can we expect our children to have their facts straight when we do not provide them with the correct information to begin with. How this mistake got past the author, editor and publisher, I do not know, but that fact that it did is [unheard of]

The Real John F. Kennedy
I really enjoyed reading this picture book. This book portrays JFK as a normal person who had real problems in his life. Dispite being one America's Great Presidents, people can see the other side of him as well. The everyday boy growing up in a big family. I learned what he did as a kid, and how sickly he was. This book even gave information about his brothers as well. The illustrations are incredible. The pictures are almost a perfect likeness of JFK and his family.

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds: Eastern Region
Published in Turtleback by Knopf (1994)
Authors: John Bull, John, Jr. Farrand, and Lori Hogan
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
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Ntinga: Year 1 Learners' Workbook
Published in Unknown Binding by Juta Gariep ()
Authors: L. Pringle, P. Denga, A. Kruger, and N. Mgobozi
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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The Link
Published in Hardcover by Quartet Books Ltd (1987)
Author: Clive Henry
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $17.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.49
Average review score:
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Of places and poetry
Published in Unknown Binding by University of Queensland Press ()
Author: Robert David FitzGerald
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Cyborg: The Man-Machine
Published in Paperback by Thames & Hudson (2002)
Author: Marie O'Mahony
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $17.34
Average review score:
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Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence
Published in Paperback by University of Queensland Press (1997)
Authors: Doris Pilkington and Nugi Garimara
Amazon base price: $16.25
Used price: $15.00
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score:
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R. D. Fitzgerald: a bibliography
Published in Unknown Binding by Libraries Board of South Australia ()
Author: Jennifer Marjorie Van Wageningen
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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R.D. FitzGerald
Published in Unknown Binding by Oxford University Press ()
Author: G. A. Wilkes
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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