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Book reviews for "Fitting,_Greer_A." sorted by average review score:

Alice in Puzzle-Land: A Carrollian Tale for Children Under Eighty
Published in Paperback by Viking Press (1984)
Authors: Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Greer Fitting, and Raymond M. Smullyan
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $26.48
Average review score:

Full of Wit and Wim, both logical and humorous
This time the reader comes along for Alice's adventures in Wonderland as a logical analysis, to asses the logical understanding and thoughtfulness of the inhabitant's minds (rendering surprising results). The puzzles go first from a young child's birthday party, then onto the mysteries of the eateries in the Queen's Kitchen. Next, Alice decides from obscure facts and hints who is mad in Wonderland (waddya go Alice!). Next tackle some clever algebric and arithmetic problems of the two queens and Griffon...just don't use algebra and arithmetic! Then help the White King decipher who the devil was the spy in his various trials. Travel through the woods to play some interesting card games with the Tweedles. Then kick back as Humpty Dumpty, with his little desire for brain cells, gives a 'true logician's' lecture on the nature of paradoxes and Godel's Incompleteness Theorm. At long last wrestle with some truly difficult puzzles in which the abscent-minded White Knight has almost completely forgotten the facts of some very interesting trials. Then asses the nature of a Looking-Glass logician. And finally analyse one of life's deepest mysteries...dreams. Did the Red King actually hit on the mark with his propositions of Type A and Type B? Or was he perhaps just a figment of Alice's imagination? But then...well, I'll let you decide. At any this book!

Max Beckmann and Paris: Matisse Picasso Braque Leger Rouault (Jumbo Series)
Published in Hardcover by TASCHEN America Llc (1999)
Authors: Max Beckmann, Cornelia Homburg, Tobia Bezzola, St. Louis Art Museum, Kunsthaus Zurich, and Cornelia Hamburg
Amazon base price: $39.99
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
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