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Book reviews for "Fites,_Philip" sorted by average review score:

Information Systems Security: A Practitioner's Reference
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1993)
Authors: Philip E. Fites and Martin P. J. Kratz
Amazon base price: $42.95
Used price: $29.95
Average review score:

Great ref. for CISSP examination.
Very useful guide for review prior to taking the CISSP examination.

My CISSP trek
I began to utilize this manual about 10-12 months prior to taking the CISSP examination. A co-worker informed me of this valuable reference guide. He, too, attained the CISSP accreditation. The guide provides in-depth information in all of the security disciplines (physical security, encryption, etc) covered by the exam. I continue to use the reference daily in my job.

Moe Berg: Athlete, Scholar, Spy
Published in Hardcover by Amereon Ltd (1996)
Authors: Louis Kaufman, Barbara Fitzgerald, and Tom Sewell
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:
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The Computer Virus Crisis
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1992)
Authors: Philip E. Fites, Peter Johnston, Phillip E. Fites, and Martin P. J. Kratz
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $1.50
Buy one from zShops for: $1.49
Average review score:
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Control and Security of Computer Information Systems
Published in Hardcover by Computer Science Pr (1988)
Authors: Philip E. Fites, Martin P.J. Kratz, and Alan F. Brebner
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $8.75
Average review score:
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