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Book reviews for "Dygard,_Thomas_J." sorted by average review score:

Lillian Too's Little Book of Feng Shui at Work
Published in Paperback by Element Books Ltd. (1999)
Author: Lillian Too
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $2.00
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:

Best soccer story ever
I don't really read a long book that's about 220 pages, but I can't believe I did it so fast. Any way this book is the bomb. The main character was Terry Masters who had to choose from football, one of the sports he is a star in. Or soccer. Aperently he picked soccer. And so he had somebody that took the spotlite. I think you should really read it.

It is a great book.
I just read the book Soccer Duel and I think it is a great book. This book (Soccer duel) is about a kid that stars on the basketball, football, and baseball teams, but when he tries out for the soccer team he discovers that he will not be the star. When he tries to be the star he gets benched because he is not being a team player. Terry takes the place of Henrik (the star sweeper) when Henrik gets hurt and the team wins.

I think this is a great book because it never has a part when the author interrupts the action. The book has a lot of action, for example, very close soccer games. There are flashbacks of football games, too. Overall I like the book because of the story. It is very exciting and enjoyable. There are a few parts that I feel could have been better. Sometimes I got confused because there wasn't enough information in certain parts especially in the middle. In other parts there was too much information which made me bored, but I finished the book and it's terrific. I loved the book and I hope you read this book.

It was a terrific book. I had a lot of fun reading it.
It was a story with a lot of conflict in it . It is a good book to get started off with. It is a great sports book.

Infield Hit
Published in Paperback by Puffin (1997)
Author: Thomas J. Dygard
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $3.75
Buy one from zShops for: $4.16
Average review score:

a review of infield hit by Nader Khalil
Recommendation- I would recommend the book Infield Hit because it proves to kids that in order to be successful, you don't have to follow your father's footsteps. "See it's not easy being Ralph Stevens's son. I'm always having to explain something to someone." In order to have your father's approval, you don't have to be exactly like him. "Have you ever heard of Ralph Stevens? Hal asked. It was a dumb way to begin. Everyone in the world had heard of Ralph Stevens, twice the national League batting champ, three times the winner of the Golden glove award for excellent fielding but Hal could think of nothing better." If your father is a famous baseball player, you don't have to do what he did to be successful.

A Baseball Classic!
Infield Hit is a great baseball book, a fiction story of a high school baseball player. Hal has had to move from school to school a lot. When he arrives at Cannon City High, he finds out that the coach played Major League Baseball with his father. Hal knows there is no way he can beat out Blaine at third base.

I really enjoyed this book because it could be true with any famous baseball player's kids. I also like the way they work through their team's conflict. If you are in high school and love the sport of baseball, then this book is for you. This really is a magnificent book that I recommend to everyone.

The Infield Hit
For my English class I had to read a book, so I chose to read Infield Hit by Thomas Dygard. I liked the way this book was written, it was very easy to read and it read fast. No one likes to read a book that seems like it takes forever to read because most people don't have the patience. This book was a very good book to read if you play baseball because it taught me some of the problems that might occur in a real life situation. Another reason to drop what you are doing and read this book is that it is a very understanding book, you can read at your pace and understand what you are reading, when you can understand a book it makes it more fun to read.

Pilates: Creating the Body You Want
Published in Paperback by Gaia Books (29 October, 1999)
Authors: Anna Selby, Alan Herdman, and Felicity Kendal
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

"Up a River Without a Paddle"
I just read a book called "River Danger". It was a good book about people facing their fears. It's about Eric and his little brother, Robbie. They are going on a camping trip on the Buffalo River. It's a combination of laughter, friendship, and loyalty. I liked it how Eric and Robbie always stuck together. In the beginning, Eric gets kidnapped, and Robbie must find help fast. I thought they weren't going to get through the first day when Robbie tipped the canoe over to get a turtle, but they made it, alright. I know if I was in one of their shoes, I would not have been as courageous as they were.

Great Book
This was a great book. Everyone should read this book. This book is easy to read and fast reading. It is very full of suspense. The main characters are Eric and Robbie. They went on a river-rafting trip. Robbie got lost in the woods. Eric had to go look for him. They both found each other in a barn. The cops came and rescued both of them from the barn. They called their mom and dad and told what happen. They decided to finish their trip. I couldn't put the book down. There was a lot of outdoor scenery. This was a great book.

Who finds who?
This was an interesting book, but it started out slow. I had trouble at first knowing what was going on since it jumped around a lot. I liked the idea of the code that Robbie used. he went out into the wood a lot by himself, so it was important. When there was an emergency the code did work well. The author did a good job of describing the scenes so that I could picture the places in my mind. This is a good book for people who like adventure and the outdoors.

Seth Hahlen

Second Stringer
Published in Hardcover by Morrow Junior (1998)
Author: Thomas J. Dygard
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.03
Buy one from zShops for: $7.00
Average review score:

Score Within
Doing your best is often the only thing required to overcome the expectations of others. Kevin Taylor, a second string quarterback for the Warren High Lions, overcame the expectations of others when it was time for him to step in as the first string quarterback. Rob Montgomery, the strong accurate passing arm quarterback, got injured in the game and was no longer able to continue out the season. Nobody expected Kevin to be as good as Rob. However, when Rob pushed aside his feelings about Kevin taking his spot, he offered Kevin some tips to strengthen his plays. Kevin didn't understand why Rob was so helpful to someone who took his spot. Rob needed to be a part of the game, even if it was only to give some helpful plays. As Kevin proves to his teammates that he can lead them to a victory, Rob proves to himself, that there is life outside of playing football.

This was a very interesting story. This book describes the plays of each game in detail. When reading the plays of the game, we felt like we were actually there. This book teaches us that you can't judge a person if you don't really know that person. It also shows that making a team effort will lead you to a victory. This book would be gratifying for students in the 7th grade and above. If you are a lover of football, this is the book for you! Teachers and parents could use this book to explain the history of football, the importance of all team members, and teach an intergrated math lesson.

Hut! Hut! Hike!
This book was excellent. The author, Thomas J. Dygard, takes a real life high school situation and makes it an exciting book that you can't stop reading. This book is basically about a football team that has a star quarterback, Rob Montgomery, and a backup quarterback, Kevin Taylor. Kevin has had to live with this from eighth grade all the way through high school. Now Kevin is a senior, however Rob couldn't be playing any better, Kevin knows that Rob is quicker, stronger, and is an overall better football player. During a game, Rob was sacked and took a hard hit to his knee, everybody gathered around while the doctors were examining his leg. The final decision was made and Rob was taken off the field. The coach with no hesitation calls Kevin and tells him a play. Kevin snaps on his helmet and charges into the field. After a couple of games, Rob starts talking to Kevin and gives him some pointers which is really odd because Rob hasn't said a word to Kevin for the whole season. And they become really good friends, but the players don't have that trust in Kevin, like they had in Rob. Will Kevin win the season, and the hearts of the town and the players? If you want to know, then read it.
As I read this book I remembered that I saw a movie that had the same story, except the book was a lot better. It went into more detail on the game itself. And being born in India, where we see football as kicking a ball in a goal, it was extremely helpful. However the reason why I chose this book is because I have played football before and loving the sport. I think this book is for any sports fan, whether you play basketball or volleyball or any sport, you will love this book. Also whether you are young or old, you wont be able to put this book down.

A good quality choice in reading material.
Second Drtringer is an excellent book. One reason is its about football. Another reason is that it tells a good story and has good detail. The final reason is that Second Stringer is good is because it has good detail.

There is a lot of good parts in this book. The best part is towards the end of the book when Kevin and the Warren High Lions(his team) is in the championship.

Thomas J. Dygard did a good job of the ending and describing main events in the book. He made a really enjoyable book. This book was awesome.

The Rebounder
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Thomas J. Dygard
Amazon base price: $11.08
List price: $13.85 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $10.51
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

The Rebounder
Thomas J. Dygard" book The Rebounder is one book I really enjoyed reading because it has a lot of excitement, humor, and tradgy. That"s what made the book a joy to read. The book was about this kid named Chris Patton. Chris Patton is a transfer student at Hamilton High. The coach Doug Fulton was always looking for a player like Chris, but there is one thing, Chris had an accident a few years ago at his old high school. "This accident will make him never want to play basketball again in his life," coach said. But what Chris didn't know is that Coach Fulton and Chris's family were going to try extra hard to convence Chris to play. Thomas Dygard does a real nice job of keeping Chris's accident to the end of the book instead of telling you right away. I want to know what the big accident was so bad, that kept Chris from playing, that it was hard to stop reading. I told my mom that I was reading this book and she wanted to read it next because she loves basketball as well. So, if you get a chance, get the book and read it, it will amaze you and it is very exciting to read for all readers.

Best sports book
The Rebounder is an excellent book! This story takes place in a small town high school. Coach fulton of the high school basketball team has always had trouble having a good team. He dreams every year that some great player will transfer to the high school and give his team the boost they need. As the school year gets underway, Coach Fulton notices a tall athletic- looking guy named Chris Patterson walking down the hall. Coach Fulton wonders why Chris hasn't showed up for any of the basketball try-outs. Later Coach Fulton finds out that Chris used to play basketball, but no longer dose because of a freak accident. Coach Fulton knows that Chris could be the solution to his team having a winning season, but can he convince Chris to play? The Rebounder is an exciting action packed book the whole way through. Anybody who likes sports books I would definitely recommend to read this one.

The Rebounder
I really liked this book. The Rebounder really shows how a person feels, when they think they are responsible for a tragic accident. The boy in the story, Chris Patton moved to a new school because of a job change for his dad. Everyone at the school just assumed he was a ball player because of his height and he looks athletic. The coach of the basketball team looks at his background and finds out a few things about Chris. If you are into sports, you would really enjoy this book. The Rebounder really tells a lot about how accidents aren't always your fault and you shouldn't blame yourself for everything, it can really hurt you. This book is very interesting and shows how much people care and are willing to help someone that needs it. I liked how all the friends of Chris helped him through this terrible time for hi, and how Chris 's parents didn't push him to do everything, he made his own choices. I recommend this book to everyone, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Just a Little Lie: An Alison Kaine Mystery
Published in Paperback by New Victoria Pub (1999)
Author: Kate Allen
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $6.73
Average review score:

A Rookie Arrives
In the book The Rookie Arrives by Thomas Dygard, Ted Bell is a high school all American superstar baseball player. He gets drafted by the Kansas City Royals right out of high school. The story tells about how hard it is for athletes turning pro right out of high school. It goes through how hard it really is to be in the major leagues. Dygard does a good job telling the life of an athlete that is very talented. He also explains the harsh side of being a professional and never getting a chance to play. Dygard's message is that a lot of athletes should continue in school to get more experience at an even higher level. The main character, Ted, goes through a lot in this story but his main goal in life is to play in the major leagues, not to play for a big college team. He turns pro against his parents will and with having a lot of colleges wanting him. I would recommend this book to everyone because Dygard explains how many young athletes dream of playing pro and will go through almost anything to get their. I especially recommend this book to the people who have a problem with athletes leaving school early to turn pro and have never had a passion or a love for a game.

Good Book For Sports Readers of all ages
I read the book The Rookie Arrives by Thomas Dygard. I feel this is a great book. Out of the whole book, there weren't any parts that got boring. I liked the book because it was about baseball. Another reason is that I never really got confused. There weren't any words that i didn't know. I understood the book and what was happening.It is a great book for all ages. I gave the book a 4 star rating because of the reasons stated above. I feel this is the best book I've ever read.

The Rookie
The Rookie Arrives is an excellent book because the book tells you that you have to be patient to achieve a goal.This book is about a star baseball player named Ted Bell.Ted Bell is an excellent baseball player and enters his name in the MLB draft.He gets drafted by the Kansas City Royals.He is impatient and wants to play,but little does he know,he just had to be patient.

1989 American Institute of Architects Firm Survey Report
Published in Paperback by Amer Inst of Architects (1989)
Amazon base price: $195.00
Used price: $23.79
Average review score:

Million Dollar Trip
A Review by Travis

This book is about two guys who just got out of high school who decide to go on their last two week trip to the BWCA were their going to canoe and camp. Although when they get there all is good until about 3 days into the trip, when they run into a hijacker, who hijacked a plane and stole three-quarters of a million dollars. Then they find the money, and it's now a run for their lives, as the man chases them.

One thing that I like a lot about this book is how it kept the reader wanting to read more, like when the boys stole the money, and the man started chasing them, it seemed as if wherever you left off it was a cliffhanger. The one thing the author did not do was start the book off with a boring beginning. The starting of this book was suspenseful in many ways, because it talked about the hijacker and his doings, and it also talked about the history of the boys lives. The book was a little difficult to get in a couple of parts, for example when they keep switching from the minds of the hijacker, the two boys, and the detectives, it got a little confusing, but as you kept on reading, it cleared up.

I recommend this book to all teenagers over the age of 13, because even though it's an easy book to read, some parts the words get confusing. A great book for people who like suspenseful, camping books.

The Mystery in Minnesota
Mike and Todd were two average guys ready to have some fun on
their yearly canoeing and camping trip in Minnesota.Only this year would be their last because they were both heading off separate ways to college. On their way there they turn on the radio and overhear the news saying that a man was hijacking an airplane on the ground at the Minneapolis airport, the man was demanding three-quarters of a million dollars in ransom. Todd and Mike got scared a turned the radio off. Later they arrived at the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. A couple days later they were taking a walk around and passed a man. They found that odd because the man acted like he didn't want Todd and Mike to see him. So they boy just ignored him and kept walking. Then they came upon something really weird in the middle of the woods it was a bag with lots of money in it next to a parachute laying on the ground they knew that the money must have been stolen. They figured someone was coming back for it, and very fast. They decide to take the money with them so they can turn it in later. But will they get to the cops before the person finds the money missing and comes after them?

This book was very interesting. It made me want to keep reading to find out what was going to happen to the boys and the hijacker. The author made the antagonist very realistic and had good details about everything. The book kind of made me scared because I would never want to be in a situation like Tom and Mike were in. I liked how I did not get confused in the book while I was reading. I could follow along great.

Wilderness Peril: A Great Read for Ages 10-17
My opinion of this book is excellent. I read it as an out of class novel in school, and thought it was a great choice. I particurally enjoyed the author's writing style, in which he writes each chapter from a different person's view, but does not repeat himself. I strongly suggest you purchase this book.

Backfield Package
Published in Turtleback by Demco Media (1993)
Author: Thomas J. Dygard
Amazon base price: $11.10
Average review score:

I choose to read this book because it was about football and choosing between going to college with your friends or somewhere that has a great football tradition. Four high school friends promise each other that they are going to go to college and play football together. One of them has scouts from major schools looking at him and he has to choose whether he will leave his friends and go to a winning football program or whether he will keep their promise and attend college with his friends. I would recommend this book for someone in 6th to 10th grade. Overall it was a good book, and it was worth reading.

A 30 year old man!!!
For my book report I choose a book called "Backfield Package." I picked this book because I'm interested in sports and I felt as if it was an appropriate book for me to read. The author of this book is Thomas J. Dygard. He began his career as a sportswriter for the Arkansas Gazette in Little Rock and joined the Associated Press (AP) in 1954. Since then he has worked in many other AP offices around the country. Currently he is Bureau Chief in Tokyo, Japan.
The book consists of four high school football players characters and a few other important characters. The main character is Joe Mitchell. Joe is the Quarterback for the Hillcrest Cardinals. His father managed the Hillcrest Water Works. He earned a solid living. Not a luxury living, but a comfortable life. Joe's grades were good enough to satisfy almost any college entrance. Then there is Tracy Jackson the Cardinals' wide receiver. Money never seemed to be a problem in the Jackson household. Tracy's father was the President of the Hillcrest State Bank. Coley Brewster, the small running back. Coley making excellent grades probably could get a scholarship without football. The last of the four players is Lew Preston, the tallest of the four was a powerfully built fullback. Lew on the other hand had terrible grades. Barbara Landford, a pretty blonde who plays tennis for the Hillcrest High tennis team. Coley was quick but not strong; Lew was strong but not quick. Joe was quick and strong. Tracy was a step slow going out for a pass or running the ball.
The story takes place in a small town called Hillcrest, Illinois sometime in the 1990's. The settings take place in Ellie's Café, at the football fields, at school, and at Joe's and Tracy's house. The four of them hangout at Ellie's Café on Saturday mornings. It's also where Barbara Landford comes into the story. The Cardinals practice at their field and played

Read this BOOK(AND REVIEW)!!!!!
This book will keep you asking when the next book will be published by Thomas J. Dygard. The book involved an internal conflict between Joe and the decesion on where to go to college.There is also an external conflict between Joe and the rest of the team because of a article printed, by the editor without Joe's permission, in the paper. To find out more about the conflict and action of the story, you will have to read the book. If anything, believe me when I say this was the best book that I have read this past two years. So trust me when I say, you should read this book.Thanks!

Running Scared
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow & Company (1977)
Author: Thomas J. Dygard
Amazon base price: $11.25
Used price: $5.69
Collectible price: $21.18
Average review score:

Fighting fear and succeeding!
This book Running Scared is a very exciting book. Larry Hudson is a senior at Marlin State College and is afraid to play football because of getting hurt. Towards the end of the season he wants to quit, but is afraid of what people will call him. I liked the way Larry didn`t quit and got up his strength and did what noone ever thought he would do..... I also like the way Thomas J. Dygard makes it seem like your`re there. This book is aewesome.

Running Scared
Running Scared by james Dygard s an excellent book. The title its self is very ironic. The title makes us think a player is runnign cause hes scared, but in reality hes running from his fear, getting hurt. This irony also ties in with the theme of the book, which is individual control of destiny. Larry Hudson had control of his destiny when he choose to saty with the team and face his fears rather than quitting and running from his fears.

I think the was kool and ineresting and I'm reading running scared and wood like to read some more of thomas J.Dygard book

Hiroshima Mon Amour
Published in Paperback by Grove Press (1987)
Authors: Marguerite Duras, Alain Resnais, and Richard Seaver
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.98
Collectible price: $5.91
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

Halfback Tough
Halfback Tough
Thomas J. Dygard

The book that I read was halfback tough. I gave this book a 4 out of 5 stars because the book was about my favorite sport and it was a good book about how a kid had to work his was up on the football team from the bottom to the top.
My book is about named Joe Atkins that had to change schools because he was always getting into trouble with his old friends. At the new school he tries to start a new life and to become a better person. As that happened he was trying new things like he went out for the football team. He found out that if you go out for a sport you have to maintain eligible. Once that he started to pay more attention in class and became a better student and wasn?t always getting into trouble. Then he became on of the best football players at the school he played wide receiver. This book was an okay book but the only things that had interested me the most was when it was a football game or something to do with the football game.

A book worth picking up!!!! A Must read!!!!
Dygard really hit gold when he wrote this book. If you love football, then this is the book for you. When Joe has to move to a new school, he gives up his old trouble making life and starts over. When he joins the football team, he doesn't know he's in for a wild ride. When he has to go to his old school to play his old school's team, he runs into his old friends. Will Joe be able to stay out of trouble? This book is really a "Can't put it down" kind of book. You must read this book!

Halfback Tough
A great book about a kid whose life changes over a move to a different school. Joe Atkins was a trouble-maker at his old school. After his dad gets a new job 130 miles away from his friends and old school, Joe starts over. Joe starts off by joining the football team. Then he finds himself doing his homework and paying attention in class. On his football team he finds out ath he can catch and run better then anybody else on the team. When Joe's old friends come to visit him will he turn back into a trouble-maker again? I suggest you read this great book and find out.

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