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Book reviews for "Donald,_Peter_Harry" sorted by average review score:

The Dolphin Boy
Published in Hardcover by Ivy House Publishing Group (2001)
Author: Stephen Anthony Edell
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $1.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.69
Average review score:

The book is good for anyone who wants a quick understanding of certain possibilities of why the North won. However, some of the essays(this is no reflection of the actual book) are not that well justified in my opinion.

modest size, MAXIMUM intellect
Reissue of a classic collection of essays from the 60's...Currents's "God and the Strongest Battalions" is alone worth the price!...Economic, political, social, etc., aspects are all considering by the "big-gun" historians of 40 years past...Scholarly enough for the serious student, yet very reader-friendly for the novitiate...recommended in the strongest possible terms!

A must have for anyone writing a paper on the Civil War
This is an excellent book which contains six essays on the various economic, miliary, diplomatic, social, and politiical reasons why the Confederacy lost and the Union won the Civil War. This book saved my butt

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