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Book reviews for "Dolenz,_Micky" sorted by average review score:

I'm a Believer: My Life of Monkees, Music, and Madness
Published in Paperback by Hyperion (Adult Trd Pap) (1993)
Authors: Micky Dolenz, Mark Bego, and Micky Dolenz
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $7.41
Buy one from zShops for: $24.50
Average review score:

One of the best books I ever read!!
This book is so wonderful! Micky really shows you what it was like for him growing up in show-biz. He takes you through his whole life, from Circus Boy, to his first band, to the Monkees, and throughout the rest of his life up until 1993 when he wrote this book. It really gives you an indepth look at the phenomenon that is the Monkees. By the way, there are some VERY cute pictures of Micky when he was younger in this book! I recommend this book to all Monkees fans!!!

I read this book in two days
I just couldn't put it down. Though I already knew alot about the Monkees, I didn't know much about Micky before and after. This book is very funny because Micky is a very funny person. It's good to see what he thought about the Monkees and to see everything written from his view. I would definitely recommend this book to anybody who cares anything about the Monkees or Micky, if you can still find it.

Groovy! A great book!
I read this book twice, checking it out of the library both times. I love it (mainly cuz Micky wrote it, I just LOVE him)! I've seen all the Monkees shows, and they are SO funny! Micky is my favorite (doncha just love his 'fro), and that's why I read the book. I've also heard most of the Monkees songs.

Governments of Massachusetts 1999
Published in Hardcover by Municipal Analysis Service (1999)
Amazon base price: $150.00
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