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Book reviews for "Della-Piana,_Gabriel_M." sorted by average review score:

Antología de Autoestima y Amor (The Best of Self Esteem and Love)
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Encuadernacion Geminis S.A. DE C.V. (2001)
Author: Gabriel Hoffman
Amazon base price: $15.99
Average review score:

¡Te levanta el ánimo, aumenta el respeto por ti misma, te empuja a saborear más la propia y la de aquellos a los que amas...Y también la de los que no amas..

Una sinfonía para el alma !

Eso es lo que hace este inolvidable libro !
Te da estimacion para ti mismo y hace que te sientas feliz con el mundo que te rodea

Ya no me levanto triste, ni cansada ni de mal humor...
¡Qué hermosa puede ser nuestra vida !

Vivir Para Contarla
Published in Hardcover by Sudamericana (2002)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $23.40
Used price: $15.89
Average review score:

todos los de garcia marquez
Garcias Marquez es uno de los mas grandes escritores de nuestra epoca,como es posible que un hombre de esta supuesta sensibilidad olvide que su "amigo" el unico dictador Latino Americano del año 2000 Fidel Castro-repita escenas del Otoño del Patriarca y mas- Tres "NEGROS" cubanos fueron asesinados, fusilados sumariamente por tratar se usar una pequeña lancha (propiedad del gobierno como todo en Cuba) y salir de la isla en busca libertad.
Los poetas como tu,Raul Rivero entre otros fueron encarcelados y los veremos morir de extrañas enfermedades,VIVIR PARA CONTARLA,y entonces Gabriel que es mas importante seguir el juego "Para Contarlo" despues de la muerte de Castro o anteponer tu ultima novela (quizas un Nobel) a la causa de un pueblo tan cercano a tu Cartagena caribeña que por semejantes hasta nos cofunden en la manera de hablar, yo no escribo, no soy importante,nadie me conoce y solo nos vimos un dia en la Habana (importante para mi olvidado por ti) Pero ahora Que tienes que decir? a favor o en contra, te queremos oir, para el pueblo de Cuba son ya 44 años de soledad.

Todos los que somos apasionados de la pluma de Gabriel Garcia Marquez, disfrutamos cuando el autor describe anecdotas tan interesantes de su vida que nosotros conociamos por la lectura de sus obras.-
Vivir para contarla! es un libro apasionante que nos hace comprender la grandeza de la imaginacion de GABO, cada uno de los hechos que el narra simplemente nos transporta a la trama de sus obras.-
Excelente lectura, obligatoria para entender la obra completa de Garcia marquez.-

Obra indispensable de un genio del lenguaje
Este primer volumen de las memorias de García Márquez me la enviaron desde Colombia como un regalo.
Para los amantes de Gabo, como yo, el libro es de una dimensión extraordinaria!
En un cambio total de género, ésta autobiografía demuestra que GGM es uno de los mejores escritores de nuestro tiempo. Gabo convierte su vida real y la de su familia en un relato inolvidable. Se develan los misterios de los personajes de sus obras, se es testigo de su vida como escritor, de su vida como ser humano. Se es testigo de la historia de Colombia.
Lo leí muy despacio para que no se me acabaran tan rápido sus 579 páginas. Cuando por fin lo terminé de leer sentí el desasosiego de querer más. Sólo espero que no se tarde mucho el segundo tomo

Published in Paperback by Black Sparrow Press (1975)
Author: Charles Bukowski
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
Average review score:

Caribbean Life
"Dominica." "Identity." "Colonialism." The words cascade easily off Gabriel J. Christian's tongue as he weaves the names and dates of almost every major event in Caribbean history into his conversation. From the Cuban Revolution to Sammy Sosa, Christian can tell you just about everything about Carib people--and somehow, despite all his historical allusions and unexpected tangents, it all makes sense. He is, after all, a lawyer. Your first impression of him is that he is a man well-suited to writing lengthy, carefully argued works of nonfiction. Not surprisingly, his first book, In Search of Eden, co-authored with Irving Andre and published in 1992, chronicles the history of the island-nation Dominica. But his latest endeavor, Rain on a Tin Roof, is a collection of short stories Christian calls "quirky." It shows an unexpected side of the guy who works 12-hour shifts at his own law firm, goes home to watch C-SPAN, and then settles into a political book before going to bed at 1 a.m. Recently, instead of penning letters on behalf of his clients, he has been spending much of his time sitting at the computer in his "cubbyhole of a basement," contemplating name changes for the characters he has drawn from his childhood memories. In his vibrant stories Christian captures the complex realities of a people whose long histories have been aching to be told, embellished with his own recollections and flair. Rain on a Tin Roof's adventure-starved little boy, who dashes to a window to watch a hurricane swipe the galvanized-iron roofs off the island's houses, is Christian. The hormonal adolescent who five-finger-discounts his mother's kitchen rum to set the mood for a day of carnival, hoping to "wriggle on his classmate Tessa's behind," is Christian. And Christian is also the protective brother who gives the evil eye to a crowd of jeering kids hurling stones and insults at his developmentally challenged sister. Christian is eager to focus his attention on his home--and not to contribute to the brain drain that seems to plague most Caribbean countries, where children leave for education abroad but never return, physically or otherwise, to strengthen the islands that nurtured them. Pond Casse Press, Christian's publishing company, has offices in Roseau, Dominica as well as in Upper Marlboro, Md., and Brampton, Ontario. And his involvement in the Dominican Association of Washington D.C. and the Institute of Caribbean Studies makes Christian the perfect poster boy for Caribbean nationalism. But his approach to the role is subdued. Maybe it's because, for him, entertainment is strapping on a satchel and heading down to Martin Luther King Memorial Library. Or perhaps it's because, deep inside, he knows he cannot really return to Dominica, a place that has irrevocably changed since he left it 17 years ago.

Rain on a Tin Roof
Excellent! Excellent literary work, Gabo brings home all that is truly island happenings. A must read for all Caribbean peoples and a gift of love to their entire family. Rain on a Tin Roof evokes all the memories of growing up in the islands, a story of family love,trials and triumphs so vividly portrayed. An unpretentious and riviting portrayal of island politics , culture and traditions that make every page come alive and leave you wanting more.The reader is transported back in time. As you leaf through the pages you laugh and cry and hold your breath as you are overcome with nostalgia brought on by memories of the good old days. For those who have not visited Dominica this book is home, the experiences are real. Simply put this should make the best sellers and the Opra book club list.

Totally remarkable
This compilation of short stories truly reflects the life of a son for the soil. Though the author spent the greater part of his adult life away for his homeland Dominica, the stories told indicate he s truly reminiscent of the gratifying life growing up on a small Caribbean Island during the seventies and prior. Most of these experiences I believe almost every West Indian will identify with. It's genuine, not to mention zesty.

I can mostly relate to the story 'Rain on a Tin Roof.' Though I was only twelve years old at the time hurricane David was on its rampage devastating our country, my memories of the event remain vivid.

As a young Dominica, I would suggest every Dominican and by extension West Indian should grab hold of this remarkable compilation, as it truly connotes the life of a practical Dominican. This book also makes a great gift for the West Indian offspring's, wanting to learn of the experiences growing up in the islands

To the non-West Indians I say, "Buy the book, its literature is a unique culture to learn about, one which relates the real life experiences of the serious, yet witty author." One to really love.

To the author I say, "Great job Gabe, you are truly ingenious."

Ego Trip's Book of Rap Lists
Published in Paperback by Griffin Trade Paperback (10 November, 1999)
Authors: Sacha Jenkins, Elliott Wilson, Chairman Mao, Gabriel Alvarez, Chairman Mao, Brent Rollins, and Theodore Alosius Bawno
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.77
Buy one from zShops for: $6.64
Average review score:

Like Busta Rhymes constantly says, you won't know "the 1/2" until you get your hands on this exhaustive collection of lists, trivia, lyrics and titles. I haven't found one important rapper who hasn't been touched on in this book, and most of it will leave you rolling ("Why Rappers Don't Dance No Mo'"), thinking ("Most Racist Rap Songs") or reflecting ("Most Misunderstood Lyrics"). Try your closest hip-hop heads in a game of trivia after this, and you will CLEAN UP: this book has it ALL!!! Quit being cheap/lazy/triflin' and GET THIS QUICK!!!

an absolute must for hip hop fans with a sense of humor!
this book is a wonderful blend of information and irreverant humor. you can find everything about rap under the sun--from the first hip hop record ever recorded to what rappers are related to what songs slick rick wishes he had written. there are also list from lauryn hill, slick rick, big boi (of oukast) and dj premier, just to name a few. if you think you know everything there is to know about rap, you don't. but you will after reading this book!

get to know ya hip hop ish
This is one of my favorite books to read. It has everything i mean EVERYTHING you need to know about the rap game. You think you know it all huh? Playa think again. Cause they had all types of stuff that most people dont know about. Everything from beefs, orignal names, how people came up, best of lists, man they got it all. That must've took mad researching to come up with all that. Get this book, trust me, you won't need any other book. This book got it all. And its tight to.

Noticia de Un Secuestro
Published in Paperback by Sudamericana (1996)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $17.90
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.99
Average review score:

Mejor de lo que pensaba
La verdad es que le hice el quite a este libro durante tiempo, pensando que era una especie de producto de los talleres que hace G.M. pero hace poco lo leí de una sentada y me sorprendió. No está a la altura de ninguno de sus libros de ficción y tampoco es gran periodismo, pero todo el trozo que cubre la reclusión de las mujeres y la forma que buscan para sobrevivir al encierro es notable. Lo que más molesta del libro es que no toma ningún riesgo. Es plano, ultracorregido y sobreeditado. Y además, esa tendencia a describir a todos los parientes de las secuestradas poco menos que como personajes de teleserie es desagradable: son unidimensionales, incorruptibles, incansables. No hay drama ni interés ahí, sino que en el encierro. Lástima que el libro no comenzara y terminara dentro de esas cuatro paredes. Para leer una pura vez.

excelente obra narrativa
Noticia de un secuestro

Para: Gloria Leticia Fernández, en Cali.

Noticia de un secuestro de Gabriel garcía Márquez es un libro que se deja leer y que presenta y representa la narrativa en su forma más pura. Con un estilo periodístico claro y directo el Gabo nos hace penetrar en lo más hondo de las vidas de los secuestrados y nos hace sentir sus horrores de la manera más sutil, pues en ningún momento se centra su atención en los crímenes o torturas sino en la vida en común de captores y capturados, y los esfuerzos del gobierno y de sus familias para liberarlos. Una cosa parece cierta y es que la realidad supera siempre a la ficción y este relato de la vida real lo demuestra por lo novelesco que a veces nos parece y lo increíble de las cosas que pasan en Colombia sacudido como esta por el trafico de drogas, las guerrillas y las constantes luchas internas. Aun así sus habitantes aun viven y trabajan, tratan de forjarse un futuro y muchos luchan por el bienestar de su pueblo. El libro esta narrado de forma magistral como un gran reportaje en que el autor se abstiene de intervenir y es simplemente un narrador de hechos contados por otras personas. Nunca nos deja ver el Gabo sus sentimientos ni estropea la obra con rebuscados sentimentalismos que hubieran hecho de este libro un dramón insoportable. Nota: en Colombia se produjeron mas de tres mil secuestros el año pasado y la practica llamada pesca milagrosa ( asaltar gente en las carreteras sin saber bien quienes son para luego de depurarlos pedir rescate toma fuerza). Los cuerpos elite no dan abasto y el país tiene un índice de peligrosidad muy alto. Espero que mi amiga gloria que se encuentra en Cali este bien y si estas leyendo este articulo, sepa que tiene un amigo en y que me puede escribir. Espero que este todo bien en su amada Cali y que la paz llegue pronto a Colombia, que los latinos podamos unirnos en un interés común y hacia objetivos nuevos, que todo el mundo deje de halar para donde más le conviene y que al final podamos progresar en paz.

Mis saludos al pueblo Colombiano.


Como enfrentar una realidad tan dura y devastante, llena de olor a sangre, odio y muerte sin estar alli? Como sentir en carne viva la agonia de la democracia amenazada por el mal sin tener que verlo en carne viva? Solo hay un camino, lea este libro. Garcia Marquez ha refabricado este mundo con tal maestria que usted habitara, comera y llorara junto a un pais que dolorosamente se desangra...una obra maestra!

Alicia: My Story
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Authors: Alicia Appleman-Jurman and Gabriel Appleman
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.88
Collectible price: $4.49
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Heart wrenching and Inspiring, an amazing story
I first read this novel in the ninth grade, when I chose it for a book report. Since then I have read it over a dozen times. It is now my favorite book. I have always been very interested in the Holocaust. Reading this book has taught me so much about it. Alicia: My Story is such a heart wrenching novel. It was very hard for me to just read about all the horrors that Jewish people suffered. I dont think I would ever have had the strenghth to survive. I hope many other people read this book, and learn more about the Holocaust, because that is the only way, we can all make sure something like this will never happen again. Thank you Alicia. You are an inspiration to us all.

READ Alicia : My True Story AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!
Alicia Jurman is the most beautiful spirit I know through the world of books. One cannot help but fall in love with this exceptionally strong and courageous human being. Every act of horror and cruelty she survived as a girl is a testament to the will of the human spirit to survive. When you read Alicia'a story you will be reading in the comfort of your home. Alicia lived it. Every agonizing minute of it as a young girl. I strongly recommend Alicia : My Story, to all ages. It will encourage you to appreciate what you have and give you the courage to show compassion to anyone who suffers. I am truly grateful to Alicia Appleman-Jurman for sharing this part of her life with us. One simply cannot imagine the hellish memories she has to live with every day of her life. May our Lord Jesus richly bless Alicia and her family(every one of them!) for sharing with us, the priceless gift of their story. I feel a great pain in my heart for Alicia when I think of how many loved ones she lost, at such a young age and under what circumstances, ...and so will you!

Alicia, know that we your readers Love you!

I will never forget this novel.
It started out quite innocently, seeing someone else reading the book and growing interested in the cover. I always read books about World War 2 because they moved me so and I learned so much. In comparison to so much other history, it is a much more recent event. I then went to buy the book, after all it was on a book list for school. I didn't know that after I read this book my life wouldn't quite be the same.Alicia was an extremely brave girl who risked her life to help others, even when she did not realize it. For years before 1939 she lived a perfect life. She had friends, a loving family, a nice home... but then it was taken away from her. She nearly lost her life many times, but continued to survive. She worked for food in the fields of Poland, making up stories, and struggling to get just one piece of bread for her mother. Soon, she looses everyone and she has to cope with the loss and continue to live. So many times I had to put this book down because tears were streaming down my cheeks. After reading this I have decided to do something to help humanity and to be courageous in that way like Alicia was. She is my hero and probably always will be. I will read this book for years to come.

Gabriel's Story
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (16 January, 2001)
Author: David Anthony Durham
Amazon base price: $16.77
List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.90
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $4.40
Average review score:

Congrats on a Splendid First Novel
When I consider buying a book I look it over asking two questions. One, does the author have a story to tell? Two, does he or she have the skills to tell that story compellingly? As far as "Gabriel's Story" is concerned, the answer is yes on both counts. The story is strong both because it has a tight spine along which the narrative progresses and because the author picks up on an under-acknowledged feature of the American West, namely the role African-Americans played in its history. The novel educates, but it does so effortlessly, so that a reader is transported along on an adventure tale, probably not even noticing how much the novel adds new dimensions to writing about the West. As for the author's skills... He's got it. The narrative reads like some combination of "Lonesome Dove" and "Paradise", somehow spliced together with a cinematographer's eye for horizon-lines, with a soft heart for the family scenes and a keen eye for the violent passages. And it even has a satisfying ending. That's rare these days and seems especially hard for first novelists to pull off. Congrats to the author.

Altogether a really good novel.
I picked up this book after reading the USA Today review, which was essentially an unconditional rave. I decided to give it a try, but figured I'd probably be disappointed, as few books live up to the praise heaped on them. But GABRIEL'S STORY was a pleasant surprise. It begins with vivid homesteading scenes - all the toil and the poverty of it. Makes me glad I wasn't a homesteader, and it made it reasonable that Gabriel would want to run away from it. The journey that he sets off on is truly engrossing, well-plotted, with beautiful language and great descriptions of the Western landscape.

It looks like the novel is being compared to Cormac McCarthy's work. There are some similarities, but GABRIEL'S STORY is a bit more hopeful than McCarthy's work. The world is still harsh and dangerous, but Durham seems to have more faith in humanity, in family and friends. Also, I thought it was interesting that the reviewer in USA Today said that he was a city-dwelling white guy that still got into this book about a black boy in another century out on the plains. I felt the same way. Yes, the main characters are black, but their racial identity is only part of the whole world of the story. They're black like James Joyce's characters are Irish or Faulkner's are Southern - it matters, but it doesn't change the fact that anybody can connect with them. Altogether a really good novel.

One of the best books I ever read
Here is my reaction to one of the best books I have ever read. The book is "Gabriel's Story" by David Anthony Durham. The action takes place in the 1870's. The protagonist is Gabriel, an African-American youth who has just turned 16. The other characters are his brother Ben, just turned 14; his step-father, Solomon; his mother, and his uncle. Gabriel's parents were freed slaves. After their freedom, they lived in Baltimore, where Gabriel enjoyed the big city life. Then his father dies, and his mother decides to go west to Kansas to join and marry her first love, Solomon. The two were separated by slavery. Gabriel doesn't realize that they were in love before this time. Gabriel resents his mother's remarriage and the hard life homesteading on the Kansas prairie. He has all of a teenager's resentment of everything with something real to pin them on. He makes a friend, an African-American orphan his age whose name is James. Together the boys decide to join a group of cowboys and help them drive some horses west to Texas. What the boys don't realize is that these are very bad men they have fallen in with -- the very worst men there could be. As the trip begins, Gabriel and James gradually discover what these men really are, and now their greatest desire is to get away from them. The rest of the novel contains their picaresque travels with the men, trying to leave the men, and trying to return to Kansas. The author has done a marvelous job with this book. The plot is exciting and adventurous, with many twists and turns. The characters and their relationships are complex. The description is wonderful. I felt I was with Gabriel every step of the way on his journey. On Sunday I read in a frenzy from 2 to 6 because I couldn't stop until I finished this book. At times my heart was pounding and I almost stopped breathing as I said aloud, "Oh, no!" I was so involved in this. In addition, the author's writing is beautiful and eloquent. I wouldn't have predicted that I would fall in love with a book one might call a "Western," but this novel defies categorization. The aspect of African Americans homesteading is unusual and interesting. I immediately wrote to the author to thank him for this book, and I hope other people will enjoy it as well. It might be a good one to recommend to teens.

Strange Pilgrims
Published in Paperback by Penguin Books Ltd (29 September, 1994)
Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $15.82
Buy one from zShops for: $15.82
Average review score:

Soaring With Garcia-Marquez
An incredibly inventive and thought-provoking collection, "Strange Pilgrims" is reminiscent of Milan Kundera's "Book Of Laughter and Forgetting", as well as Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried". Constructed as interweaving short stories, these twelve misfit pieces all deal with moving themes: loneliness, death, travel, the otherworldly nostalgia that these phenomena provoke, and ultimately the sadness of being lost in your own experiences. Like Kundera's "Laughter and Forgetting", "Strange Pilgrims" does not attempt to draw lucid conclusions between its seemingly unrelated characters. Instead, Garcia-Marquez simply allows the reader to develop his own relationship to the text. At times, "Strange Pilgrims" achieves what Garcia-Marquez so eloquently refers to when speaking of writing in the book's introduction-"the closest a human can get to the experirence of levitation." Highly recommended.

The twilight zones of Garcia Marquez
As I read "Strange Pilgrims," the collection of short stories by Colombian-born Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I was reminded of the classic television series "The Twilight Zone." Like some of the best episodes in that series, many of the stories in "Strange Pilgrims" are rich in irony and psychological intrigue, and incorporate elements of the macabre and the fantastic. And many of the stories have twist endings. This collection has been translated into English by Edith Grossman.

These stories deal with Latin Americans on voyages, for various reasons, to Europe. The book thus has a trans-Atlantic, international feel. Highlights of the collection include "Bon Voyage, Mr. President," about a deposed head of state seeking medical attention in Switzerland; "The Saint," a supernatural tale of a father seeking canonization of his daughter from the Pope; the creepy "The Ghosts of August"; and the grotesque "Seventeen Poisoned Englishmen."

Throughout the book Garcia Marquez presents many images that are beautiful or disturbing, but often memorable: a drowned man floating with "a fresh gardenia in his lapel," a moray eel nailed to a door, a bedspread stiff with the dried blood from a murder. An added bonus is the appearance of Chilean poet Pablo Neruda as a fictional character in one of the tales. "Strange Pilgrims" is a varied collection of weird treats from a master storyteller.

Easy to read, difficult to forget
In twelve short stories, Garcia Marquez proves that he is not only capable of writing deeply, he is capable of writing concisely. The stories in this book are extremely thought provoking, relating to the human spirit and little oddities about people.

There is one story in particular that I will not forget. It is about a woman who gets stranded with a flat tire, and hitches a ride with a bus to a mental institution. The story unfolds from there, and I don't think I have ever felt so deeply troubled by a single story like I was in this case. Of the twelve stories, I liked 8 or 9, the others were a little boring (or maybe I did not get them). I highly recommend it, especially for those who do not have the patience to read GM's "One Hundred Years of SOlitude" and would like an intro to the author.

The Buccaneers (Everyman)
Published in Paperback by Orion Publishing Co (16 September, 1993)
Author: Edith Wharton
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.49
Average review score:

Tras tres o cuatro excelentes libros (El coronel no tiene quien le escriba, Cien años de soledad, El otoño del patriarca, El amor en los tiempos del cólera), García Márquez se ha dedicado a verle la cara a sus lectores, que seguimos esperando un poco más de sus libros más recientes. Cuando no compra sus historias - por ejemplo Relato de un náufrago, Noticia de un secuestro - o escribe cuentos patéticamente malos (no se hagan, ¿a quién le gustan los Doce cuentos peregrinos?), simplemente refritea sus novelas, es decir, expone temas ya tomados en cuentos publicados anteriormente y los entrelaza para formar una historia más extensa. Es éste el caso de Del amor y otros demonios. Si quieres leer el libro únicamante por el estilo y el realismo mágico, adelante. Siempre he dicho que GGM es un poeta y su estilo es bellísimo, y ni se diga, junto a Kafka y Rulfo es de los grandes del realismo mágico. Pero desde el punto de vista de la lo recomendaría. Lee mejor los cuatro libros que mencioné arriba, y luego ya verás que a comparación, Del amor y otros demonios es una narración más bien sosa.

Absorvente , fascinante , pasional , conmovedor.
Primeramente , no soy partidario de quienes creen que Cien Años de Soledad es el único libro clave de García Márquez. Esta novela relativamente breve , para ser leída en una noche cualquiera ya sea que este desvelado o sino de todos modos es posible que pierda el sueño con su lectura. Se narra la historia de una chica supuestamente poseída por demonios , magistralmente ubicada en la época de la inquisición , y de cómo inesperadamente surge un idilio con un sacerdote. Muchas cosas sutiles , de esta obra a dicho su autor que es la novela en la que las id obra encontrará el romanticismo trágico a lo García Márquez , y estimo que de una manera especial en este caso.

p.d. Mi home page :

Pequeños grandes personajes.
En el amor no importa la postura política, tampoco importan las diferencias sociales o la edad o la tradición, pareciera decir García Márquez. Pero no explicita. Simplemente pone en juego elementos contradictorios que se resuelven con la muerte. Describe minuciosamente las diferencias, los choques, las distancias que conviven en una cultura que se muestra homogénea ante los ojos del mundo, pero que está carcomida en sus entrañas más profundas.
La vida de dos pequeños personajes que podrían no modificar en absoluto el discurrir de la humanidad pero que, en su intenso amor, en su propia tragedia, ponen de manifiesto la injusticia de las verdades innertes que rigen la vida actual. Una luz de esperanza que se apaga con el sufrimiento y la muerte, reescriben a Romeo y Julieta en el seno de las sociedades latinoamericanas, donde las diferencias y las supersticiones deberían reconciliarse a partir de un relato que nos pone a pensar qué sería de nosotros sin el amor, qué absurda injusticia vive en los prejuicios que no entienden de otra cosa más que de su propia indiferencia para continuar vivos. Y Sierva María debe morir para que nosotros lo entendamos de una vez por todas.Excelente.

Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing
Published in Paperback by North Atlantic Books (2000)
Authors: Gabriel Cousens and David Wagner
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.60
Collectible price: $6.87
Average review score:

A book length ad to sell Tachyon TM products.
This book does it's best to sell Tachyon disks, tachyon cells, tachyonized water, and other products, and I sincerely recommend that you allow this book to collect dust on the bookshelf.

Page 58: there is an illustration of the Chakras.

I do not accept the Chakra model of distributing universal lifeforce energy through the body. I am not saying the yogic mystics did not see the Chakras. I am only saying they misintrepreted the chakras. If the Chakra theory were correct; Accupuncture would not work.

Page 70: "Vegetarianism is an important contribution to the harmony of the world, a world in which we as human beings respect our brothers and sisters of the non human kingdom as fellow beings of equal value."

If you want to be a vegetarian be my guest. All I say is for you to supply the body the food it really needs. The Creator created everything to serve a purpose, and in his/her/it's eyes all have equal value. However remember you are killing the vegetables you eat. For people to live; something must die and serve as our food. The same law appies in the animal kingdom as well.

Page 70: "All twenty-four meridians achieved achieved energetic balance and stayed there."

The authors should have done a more thourough job in research. There are twelve primary meridians, Eight Qi vessels, and hundreds of smaller meridians. The Baihui vital point on the crown of the head is the meeting point of 100 or more meridians. I would suggest that you look at a chart showing the known meridians, and the 705 accupuncture points.

In several areas; this book suggests you apply tachyon disks or tachyon cells on meridian points.

This book does NOT show an illustration of the meridians, and accupuncture or accupressure points; meaning you neeed to buy materials and learn about the meridians, and buy the Tachyon TM products.

I would suggest that you learn to direct this universal lifeforce energy with the mind.

There are many modalities that you can learn inexpensively or even free of charge. Actualism Meditation, HUNA, Qigong, Reiki, Seichim, and Theraprutic Touch are only a few modalities.

E-Mail me if you have questions or comments. Two Bears

Wah doh Ogedoda (We give thanks Great Spirit)

Exciting possibilities await if we all can harness Tachyon
This book can be defined as a breakthough. There are so many intesting thing within it, that it could be overwhelming to someone who hasn't done some reading on health related books.

Gabriel Cousens never ceases to amaze me with his writing. I've followed him for years, and his books "Spiritual Nutrition..." and "Conscious Eating" are two of the best books I've ever read on health, and I've read 100's. When Cousens writes, I listen. I respect him as a writer and as a person because he tells it like it is. He'll say if he doesn't know, he'll voice his opinion. It's a breath of fresh air to read the work of someone without an ego.

Tachyon healing is very powerful, as I have experienced it myself. This book COULD be in better detail of certain of the Tachyon methods of healing, but I'm sure a revised version will come out in the future. If Tachyon is half of what the authors believe it to be, we may see the human lifespan go up to 160 years and beyond.

All in all, an exciting new look at a "new" discovery that just might be the key to unlocking the tremendous potential of the human species. I'm excited to even think about it.

An amazing new healing tool
This is a great book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all the testimonials and descriptions regarding the applications of tachyon energy to improve personal and planetary health, concrete scientific examples of how tachyon's vitalizing energy affects plants, animals, people and mental function just blow the mind. I was especially grateful to see that there is a solution to the harmful effects of ELF waves and electro-magnetic fields produced by power lines and appliances in our home and work environments. This is an amazing new form of energy to use - a faster then light particle that when brought into the labs seams to have so many extremely curative and helpful benefits to living organisms. I wouldn't recommend this book to someone that is just getting interested in the field of energy medicine but for those that are interested in learning of one incredible new healing tool!

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