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Book reviews for "Dawson,_Jerry_F." sorted by average review score:

Marcel Marceau
Published in Audio Cassette by HarperAudio (1972)
Author: Marceau
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $5.95
Average review score:

Elmer and the Peas
Jerry Dawson is a master story teller and has more than ample experiences to fill this book with laughter, sometimes tears, and wonderment at every turn of the page. The book gets its title from one of those experiences that taught Dawson, then a young preacher, the true meaning of "grace." Many of the stories are about answers to prayer. Others observe the field of higher education where Dawson served as distinguished teacher, dean and college president. Most of the anecdotes are about two pages long, making it a book that is easy to start and stop -- but I found it almost impossible to put down. It's not advertise as such, but "Elmer and the Peas" is a treasure of good stories for the public speaker. Read it to be entertained and uplifted at the same time.

Elmer and the Peas and Other Dawsonisms
Jerry Dawson is a master story teller and has had more "experiences" than anyone I've run across. He has a true gift of being able to laugh at himself, and he leads his readers to do likewise. The anecdotes -- usually about two pages long -- bring side-splitting laughter one moment, tears the next, and wonderment at almost every turn of the page. The book gets its title from one of those stories, a story that taught Dawson a lesson of grace when he was a young preacher. Many of the stories tell of remarkable answers to prayer. Others deal with the world of higher education, where Dawson spent distinguished years as teacher, dean and college president. Not only will this book entertain, it will uplift the reader. It is not advertised as such, but it is a treasure chest full of stories "with a point" for public speakers.

Computability and Unsolvability
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1983)
Authors: Martin Davis and Langdon Davis
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.95
Average review score:

Inspiration, Satire, and Humor from an Educated Baptist!
Light hearted, funny short stories. I found this hard to put down, waiting to see what the next story would bring.

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