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Book reviews for "Davidow,_Mike" sorted by average review score:

Lonely Planet Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka, 8th Ed)
Published in Paperback by Lonely Planet (2001)
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.49
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.49
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score: 

The book is very inspiring and well written. The most important thing, being the recipies, are a must have! I bought it for my mom for her birthday (and my mom has every cook book in the world). I am constantly finding the perfect course or side dish to add for just the right touch. If you like being creative and trying your own hand at modifying recipies you'll be pleasantly surprised. Try adding Lemon to the Artichoke, Chicken and Chive soup - it's SO good.

I picked up this cookbook as I left California. It has become my favorite with each recipe a winner with cook and guest. I especially enjoy the emphasis on fresh ingredients and the ethnic food selections that we were accustomed to in the restaurants in the San Francisco North Bay area. Highly recommend.

I have been a fan of Michele Anna Jordan's writing for a long, long time. Her recipes resonate with me as we have similar tastes and cooking styles, but I love this book for much more than the recipes. All throughout the book are little sidebars filled with delicious little tidbits of information about California, both past and present. One may read about the first canned chile produced in Ventura or mid-1800's recipes from Senora Benecia Vallejo, the wife of General Mariano Vallejo. Ms. Jordan has produced a book that is filled with good things to eat, but is also filled with a wealth of information that makes ourcooking and dining experiences even richer.

Cities Without Crisis
Published in Hardcover by International Publishers Co (1976)
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $12.70
Collectible price: $45.00
Used price: $12.70
Collectible price: $45.00
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