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List price: $19.00 (that's 30% off!)
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If you liked the first Ultimate Book of Kid Concoctions, and you want more gooey things to do with your child, this book is for you! While we didn't enjoy this book as much as the first one, it was still a welcome addition to "I've got nothing to do" solutions.
With yet another 60 plus ideas to educate and entertain, indoors and out, this book is great for giving kids something to do that isn't TV or Nintendo. This book has more ideas for gift kids can make plus edible recipes than the other.
There's an edible frosting dough (kids can make sculptures to add to the top of a cake!), a delicious wreath for the holidays, a shake and make whipped cream, and a fruit roll-up recipe that's a little different.
There are several art projects - a lot of alternative painting ideas, there are a lot of Garden Concoctions - Apple Head People, Indian Corn Jewelry, Living Words, Bird Cookies, EggHead Garden, Greenhouse in a Bag - that are wonderful for kids who like the nature). We especially like the number of concoctions that can be made as gifts for friends and relatives - Magic Candle Art, Ice Lanterns, Kooky Clingers, Magic Photo Art, Peppermint Wreaths, Silly Stained Glass, Cool Crayon Tee Shirts. Don't let the 4 - 8 age recommendation on this book fool you - older kids will like this book - just leave it lying around the kitchen and older kids will probably find something they'd like to make!
Adult supervision is definitely needed. Many of the ingredients are common to most households, but some are not. Most projects take pre-planning. The only addition I'd make to this book would be a checklist of common ingredients, to add to my grocery shopping list!

Used price: $6.00
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Linn's overlying theme seems to be one of creating a home for your soul with your intuition. Feng Shui happens to be one way to accomplish this; but not the only way.
Occasionally the book gets a little heady; it will take me years to meditate as much as she recommends. However this shouldn't be a deterrent, because it is not forced upon the reader. I do recommend reading "Sacred Space" before, or along with this book. There are some references about it in "Feng Shui", plus it's a good warm-up to her methods, and philosophies.
I do recommend this book, and "Sacred Spaces" to any one who is looking for a less contrived, and certainly a less pretetious approach to decorating their home. I look forward to reading some of her other books.

List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.77
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owe much to Alexandra's own account of her journey to Lhasa. Her own books are wonderful to read, all of them , but in particular her 'My Journey to Lhasa' Beacon Press republished it as a paperback in 1993, ISBN 0-8070-5903-X
I can guarantee you will have a most enjoyable read.

I found it a fascinating read about a remarkable woman of whom I knew nothing, a woman who accomplished amazing things in her life. I recommend this biography by Barbara and Michael Foster to anyone interested in tales of high adventure in exploration, in the golden age of exploration and of unknown exotic lands. If the story of resolutely fearless woman pursuing her dream of exploring Forbidden Tibet whets your appetite I recommned you read this well crafted biography. I can recommend it without reservation. ZaneMason

List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.95
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Given the brevity of the book, one can hardly expect a complete and systematic exposition of the views on the topic of immortality and reincarnation found in China, Tibet and India. Still, the work is so idiosyncratic and choppy that it will be of limited value for anyone seeking an introduction and overview of the teachings and insights offered by these diverse cultures. That is unfortunate, such a work is much needed.
Yet, with these limitation in mind, this work does offer some value for the discerning reader.

List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.25
Collectible price: $10.96
Buy one from zShops for: $7.56

Her knowledge of the other Buddhist traditions and of the history of early Buddhism enabled her to attempt to trace the evolution of concepts such as that of Nirvana, for example. She clearly exposed the difference in interpretation by Buddhists of terms that may have had their origins in Hinduism. Her knowledge of Sanskrit and Tibetan enabled her to discuss the different connotations that an expression has even though it seems to refer to the same idea. She had a good grasp of the history of the Kagyu and the other lineages, and showed a surprisingly sophisticated view of the history of Tibet and its relations with its neighbours. Interesting, too, or should I say again, were her observations on the position of the young Dalai Lama in those early days. This edition was printed in 1973 by Ryder in London.

I hope it finds its way back into print.