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Even after their final liberation as perhaps the only intact nuclear family to survive that infamous ghetto, the Skorecki family was due one more date with history. Survival, it turns out, was the story within the story. Little Anne Skorecki Levi, the little girl who survived by staying silent inside that armoire struck a blow five decades later for Jewish survival by speaking out against Louisiana's Neo-Nazi gubernatorial candidate David Duke, and helping to engineer his electoral defeat.
This account of Anne's travel along the arc from victim to victor is an inspiration and a reminder that each of us can and must preserve our collective memory, however troubling.

Thank you to the the author and Anne Skorecki Levy for relating a story that is very, very moving as well as insightful and timely.

Troubled Memory is a beautifully written and tender account of a personal story that stands as an intimate history of Hitler's final solution. Powell's prose will carry you into the Warsaw and Lodz ghettos and into the vegetable bin where 6-year-old Anne and her sister hid from the SS. This is a book that makes the Holocaust relevant to every reader. It will fill you with horror and wonder, and it will move you to tears.

List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.90
Buy one from zShops for: $24.70

These photos capture the awesome beauty and fantastic variety in California's natural landscape through the seasons. The book is divided into sections for the mountains, forests & plains, coast and desert.
Muench has brought new life to many often photographed landmarks with his mastery of light and detail. He has also uncovered many beautiful but less known places; dawn & dusk skies, vibrant flowers, delicate waterfalls & more.
James Lawrence's accompanying text touching on a wide range of topics relating to California's natural history is fascinating and entertaining. I have loved spending hours with this magnificent book.

Used price: $0.41
Collectible price: $11.39
Buy one from zShops for: $2.00

It's not that they make you happy, exactly, but they give you a sense that life is a more worthwhile thing than you might have felt before, stranger and more full. Frank O'Connor has more stories that give me that feeling than any other writer I've read in English - The Drunkard, My Oedipal Complex, The Mad Luceys, The Ugly Duckling, Don Juan's Temptation. He gave me the same feeling I got when I read Tolstoy and Chekhov for the first time: this guy is onto something: he knows the secret, and if I just read closely enough I'll figure it out too. Well, no luck yet - but each time I read one of O'Connor's stories I feel like everything around me is both more sensible and more mysterious than it used to seem, which is possibly all the answer any book is going to give.

You don't have to be Irish to recognize the pattern and rhythm of life and speech in his stories. They capture a place and time perfectly, but yet transcend the confinements of culture or period.

Used price: $19.75
Buy one from zShops for: $23.74

You will find an awesome view looking up through the trees to the sky, and the beautiful azure color of the Colorado River contrasting against white and rust colored rocks. Views of waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, autumn leaves and desert sands will take your breath away. Natural rock formations and cactus plants are seen in a new light as they become elegant sculptures. Endless, brilliant blue skies are captured against fields, mountains and red rock formations. Close-up of photos vibrant pink cactus flowers and sunny yellow poppies will brighten your day. You also get an occasional glimpse of lush green trees and plants.
As with all of Muench's books this one is printed on quality glossy paper with the highest of production values doing justice to the photography. As a Muench fan this is a treasured addition to my library.

But then I listened to it. Impressed is not the word.
First of all, let me explain what "Get the Ring" is and what it isn't. It is a six CD/cassette series on dating and marriage. However, it is not preachy, and it is not dry. It is based on a series of interviews with seven top marriage counselors, each with his or her own style and manner of presentation. The interviews are lively, humorous and unbelievably on target. You can tell that the interviewees are dealing with these issues on a daily basis.
One of the most unique aspects of the series is that it's not geared to any specific population. Lots of books on relationships focus on either singles or marrieds. Rarely do they offer information that is useful to both. But I would highly recommend "Get the Ring" to anyone, whether never-married, divorced and looking, married but having difficulties or married happily. I, for example, have been happily married for 8 ½ years and I still found lots of great ideas for making our marriage even better. My husband listened, too, and he said the same thing.
Another unusual facet of "Get the Ring" is the source material of its content. All seven speakers plus David LeVine, the producer of the series as well as the interviewer, are practicing, traditional Jews. As such, their presentations are based on Judaism. But their advice and guidelines are so right-on, and ring so true, that you'd never know that they're formed by a tradition thousands of years old if nobody told you. The series is geared toward an entirely secular audience, so everyone can enjoy and benefit.
The range of topics is so wide that it's hard to believe that it all fits into just over five hours. Some of the topics include defining love, differences between men and women (unbelievable!), detailed dating advice, how to discern true character, and how to make time for each other despite hectic schedules. One of my personal favorites is the "Ten Ways to Marry the Wrong Person." I thought it to be an absolutely mind-boggling presentation, especially the down-to-earth, practical advice on discovering true character, common interests and life goals. Just that information alone could totally change the way a single man or woman would approach dating - and it gave me some interesting ideas on how to enhance my own marriage. I could add some more details, but I don't want to spoil it for you.
A word of caution, however. (Some people might consider this a "con" even though I think it's a "pro.") A lot of the ideas presented seem at first glance to be revolutionary, especially in today's day and age. An open mind is a prerequisite for listening to this series. So if all you're looking for is to have your old opinions and preconceptions reinforced, you're not going to be very happy after listening. Then again, maybe the series will open your eyes and you'll see where you've been going wrong and how to fix your mistakes.
If there are any real "cons," the only one I can think of is that, because the recording was done in an office, there is occasionally some background noise that can be distracting - although the sound quality happens to be excellent. As far as I'm concerned, it's a small price to pay for information that could change your life.
Having listened to "Get the Ring" over five times, my opinion is that anyone who seriously wants to get married or to have a better marriage cannot go wrong by following the advice in the series. In his introduction, David LeVine says that your chances of finding the right one increase every time you listen. I couldn't agree more.

For example, the information about the differences between men and women is priceless. I know that lots of people today have trouble with this idea, but what can you do? Men and women really are different, and this series does an excellent job of describing each one fairly.
Not looking for perfection is another key theme that struck home. I found that I have really been looking for that "perfect" someone, just like in the movies and the novels, and that's one reason why I've always been disappointed in relationships - they never measured up!
The advice on actual dating is terrific. Even though it might not all be relevant to everyone, there are a lot of good, sound principles in there that can be applied in different ways to fit different situations - for example, the need for down time, which is something I had been ignoring.
Another aspect of the series that I really appreciated was the emphasis on character development and how the person you are is what's really going to determine the nature of the relationship and how well it goes. That was a big revelation to me.
The 10 ways to marry the wrong person are fantastic! I felt like whacking myself on the head with each one. Why couldn't I have heard this five years ago?!
But the biggest advantage to Get the Ring is how realistic it is. On the one hand, it dispels a lot of illusions that people (including me) have (in my case had, because I already heard the series) about dating and marriage. But on the other hand, it doesn't leave you with the feeling that you're stranded holding a burst balloon. Each speaker explains - with lots of empathy, I must add - how to rebuild your outlook on dating so that, if you follow their guidelines, you're sure to be more successful in the future.
If you are dating - or married, for that matter - than you owe it to yourself to buy "Get the Ring." Even if you never listen to self-help products, change your policy this one time. I promise you that you won't regret it. I didn't. I am now going out with someone and Get the Ring is my bible - and things are going great!

The people interviewed on this CD set all have varying styles. Rabbi Shimon Green is certainly the must humorous of the bunch. Lawrence Kelemen certainly reflects on societal issues the most. Excellent points on how seeking the one you love is not taught in school. Too much of an emphasis on veneral diseases instead of how to treat a member of the opposite sex.
Regardless of who is speaking, excellent advise flows like a river into a stream. Its important for single people to evaluate strengths and weaknesses carefully. What are key deal breakers? Also what are potential red flags? Its very important to notice how someone treats those whom he or she has a casual relationship with like a telephone operator.
Also the importance of physical attraction, ethics, and how long should one date someone. Another key point is to network when dating someone. Getting recommendations from trustworthy people always helps. You are oh so precious why not go the extra mile.
Other sections emphasize the value of being humble and acts of kindness as more important than raw chemistry. Kindness and a humble attitude can actually create long lasting chemistry as opposed to a flash in the pan relationship where both parties never take the time to know the person.
I could emphasize so many other good moments of this CD for many more moments. However the deep meaning behind the words of wisdom from these speakers is what will provide long lasting knowledge to many single people out there. This is a must purchase for anyone in search for true love.

Used price: $3.91
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Thoreau had been inspired by the humanism speech of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who was the Sage of Concord. In order to follow Waldo¡¯s lecture, he declared himself free, and he tried not to yield another¡¯s will. He practiced his philosophy by teaching the nature to the students, trying to distinguish himself from others, surveying living things in the meadow, and refusing the taxes to the unfair government. He was so called, a ¡°transcendentalist¡±, and he kept emphasizing ¡°BE YOUR OWN MAN!¡± His saying, ¡°The freest man in the world! And you, out there, are chained to what you have to do tomorrow morning!¡± in jail showed his position against the civilization and the world. After spending one night in jail, Thoreau eventually decided to face the real lives instead of avoiding them.
Thoreau met another prisoner, Bailey, who had waited for the chance to prove his guiltlessness and had never spoken up for himself to avoid trouble. Bailey barely understood what happened in the world or what were right things to be done. He stands for the victims, who can¡¯t get along with others and be protected by the authorities, like Henry Williams, an escapee and slave trying to get to Canada. On the other hand, Deacon Nehemiah ball, the chairman of the Concord School Committee, stuck to insisting on having an obedient attitude, taking the strict policy. He is the symbol of the power and violence.
Thoreau¡¯s brother, John, understood, supported, and ran the meadow school with Thoreau, but he died young from lockjaw. Besides John, the young lady Ellen Sewell also understood Thoreau¡¯s transcendentalism. She attended his lectures and attracted his attention. However, she didn¡¯t dare to stand up to the authority. One more woman is there, Lydian Emerson, who is Dr. Emerson¡¯s obedient wife. She, who is warm-hearted, tries to make Thoreau get in the mainstream. Despite her sympathy toward Thoreau, she maintains her position, observing the majority. Sam Stapler, the constable in Concord, has difficulties because he persuades Thoreau to pay his dues. Finally, he carries out the law and arrests Thoreau.
This play is not just for those who started to know new spirits, which are the transcendental movement and the abolition movement in the late 1800¡¯s, but for all of us who are educated, rationalized, and law-abiding in the societies, so that we can justify their own determinations. We always assimilate social conditions to be alike. We often forget thinking about what we are doing as keeping pace with others. This play is insightful enough to extend their point of view about the world and think over our attitudes toward societies. It deserves the best compliment and is recommended to read. Why don¡¯t you stop wandering around in your cage to see your outside world?

List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.24
Collectible price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.64

For any student who wants to appreciate the Latin language, and how it changed over time, Cassell is by far the best buy (short of purchasing the [more expensive]Oxford Latin Dictionary).

Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50

A MAJOR WARNING, though: All of the stories in this collection appeared in The New Yorker. I bought the book thinking I'd find at least four new stories, but I found only small changes-- and I'm not sure they made the stories better. This really bugged me, and, as enjoyable as the collection was, I wondered if the stories didn't read better in the pages of The New Yorker, seperated from each other by a few issues ....
The stories are excellent, but the collection brings nothing new to the table, and brings nothing more from the stories.

Susan O'Neill
Author: Don't Mean Nothing: Short Stories of Viet Nam
(Ballantine Books, 2001)

Used price: $19.99