The artfully presented reproductions offer an intimate look at the artist's work over the last several years, drawing us into a rich world of desire and possibilities where the sensual and the spiritual are inextricably intertwined - did we ever really believe the centuries of dogma that insists they are mutually exclusive?
Turning the pages of this book is like rediscovering the contents of a long lost jewelry box. Olivieri's images pin our hearts to the incomprehensible beauty of our fantasmagoric world, sewing them together into a mythology that is, at once, entirely original and peculiarly familiar.
To quote from David Pagel's excellent introduction, "Olivieri's pictures... re-write the story of the Garden of Eden."
For those of us who cannot indulge in the pleasures of purchasing several of the artist's paintings, this book can be a very satisfying substitute

List price: $23.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.01

This delightful book provides some personal insights regarding the man's character and political make up. Personal quotes from letters, documents and people who knew him create a strong sense of the man he was.
It is a shame this book is out of print because it would be such a welcome addition to any library of Robert Kennedy. The author not only treats him with respect; he views him with an affectionate eye and an almost sympathetic awe.
Robert Kennedy was indeed an awe-inspiring person. Diligence was a trait that marked him his entire life. Mildly dyslexic as a boy, he would, by adult life become well versed in classic literature. Acrophobic his entire life, he would, in 1965 climb a previously unscaled mountain in Canada with two professional climbers out of love for his slain brother, the late President. This single act is very inspirational because he tabled his biggest fear and was able to act out of love. From all accounts, this man felt displaced among his older, more outgoing siblings. His was the classic "shouting to be heard" story. In adult life, his voice would become the voice of many; his voice would be one readily and eagerly listened to and taken very seriously.
His untimely death in 1968 leaves a painful void in history; one can never help wondering what this at core good, committed and compassionate and very driven man would have accomplished had he won the 1968 Presidential Election.

Used price: $30.95
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List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
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