Book reviews for "David,_Abraham" sorted by average review score:

Abraham Lincoln
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (2002)
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Collectible price: $14.61
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Collectible price: $14.61
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
Average review score: 

This book is perfect. I discovered it at my local library while working on my children's literature review file. I read it and was floored by how great it was and how I would not rest until I owned a copy of my very own. The book is tall and narrow just like the man himself. I especially liked the pictures of Abraham as a little boy. In so many other books, even children's books, Mr. Lincoln is portrayed as looking gruff his entire life. In this book, he smiles and grins and is adorable just like any other little boy. The book also has small ancedotes about his life which make Abraham more real to young children. The text handles the assassination in a way that is not as scary to young children. One of the most moving pictures is Lincoln's funeral train passing a field where both a black and white man were working, side by side, but had stopped to bow their heads. I read this book to a Kindergraten class and they were enchanted. I highly recommend this book for any classroom or school library. Enjoy!

Cancer: The Misguided Cell
Published in Hardcover by Scribner (1981)
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $10.80
Used price: $10.80
Average review score: 

I picked up David M Prescott's Cancer- the Misguided Cell at a flea market. I have minimal background in genetics, genomics, and biology, but I do want to understand it in light of the fact that the Human genome is now almost completed by a company called Celera Genomics. This is going to be the greatest scientific achievement of all time, and I want to understand something about DNA, genetics and in particular cancer, since that is the biggest target of the genomics work. This little book is the best I have ever read It goes through DNA, RNA, proteins, and what happens or what goes wrong when cancer strikes and organism. The book is not a popular braod brush treatment with platitudes and fluff. It will teach you to understand how cells divide, how RNA replicates a cell, the inside of the cell and how proteins work. If I can understand these things from this book anyone can, with a little effort. The diagrams are consise and uncluttered and show each concept clearly, which is often not the case in books of this type. Jargon is used to a minimum and clearly defined and explained before it is used. It is truly a tutorial. If anyone wants to understand this important field that will affect all of us who breathe, I heartily recommend this book. I hope my review spurs a demand for it to be reprinted. It is important and needed. I also recommended it on the Motley Fool ( Celera message board to all.

Rabad of Posqui`Eres: A Twelfth-Century Talmudist
Published in Hardcover by Jewish Publication Society (1979)
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $52.94
Used price: $52.94
Average review score: 

The late Isadore Twersky of Harvard, an internationally reknowned scholar and walking repository of countless disciplines of knowledge paved the way for a particularly grand level of scholarship in his Rabad of Posquieres. With a keen sense of language, a broad and sweeping grasp of history, an all encompassing awareness of the medieval mind and the protocols and methodology of its legal writings, Twersky portrays a multifaceted medieval legal thinker and the many tensions in the writings and thought of this pivotal figure of 12th century Provence. Twersky's treatment of Rabad reveals an extraordinary mastery of intellectual history and serves to illuminate through the Rabad, the life and history of the Jews in southern France in the 12th century. The work is a supreme specimen of Twersky's style and multifaceted approach toward the study of religious thinkers.His historic thrust, halakhic focus and analytical methodology are not for the intellectual faint hearted and will require serious and proficient knowledge of Jewish texts, legal sources and medieval history to appreciate the profundity of Twersky's analysis and contribution to Jewish thought and intellectual history. Twersky's work is a must for the Jewish historian, Talmudist, Halakhist and philosopher.

Rudolph's Pediatrics
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Professional (01 July, 2002)
Amazon base price: $150.00
Used price: $80.00
Buy one from zShops for: $85.00
Used price: $80.00
Buy one from zShops for: $85.00
Average review score: 

This is the book every post-graduate ought to read during residency days in pediatric ward. It helps boost clinical acumen by making diagnosis at the bedside with a very logical approach. It is excellent while describing the diseases of kidney, heart and nervous system. After going through the chapters in detail it infuses a kind of confidence in making diagnosis; and coming to differential diagnosis for a number of presentations of various illnesses. Sometimes, i feel it is a must not only for dealing with complicated and day to day problems but for passing examinations too.

The Hothouse.
Published in Paperback by Dramatist's Play Service (1998)
Amazon base price: $5.25
Average review score: 

This drama is a nightmare made for the theater. We don't know, and it isn't really important,if this is a political,social,existential satire or what; we can but gaze in horror at the poor victims of a bunch of demented wardens.All is shown like in an unreal light, as in a lucid dream. And moreover, this gloomiest of dramas is also uncannily funny. Creepiest Pinter's Play.

Lolida 2000
Published in DVD by Koch Full Moon Releasing (22 January, 2002)
Amazon base price: $9.98
Used price: $7.38
Collectible price: $16.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Used price: $7.38
Collectible price: $16.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score: 

I saw this movie under a different title "O Lita 2000" Same story. Jacqueline Lovell is beautiful as always. She hosts this movie with viginettes throughout. One is of a woman (Gabriella Hall) who was kidnapped by aliens and her memory returns about what happened onboard the spaceship. A man travels through time and has sex in each time period. My favorite was the Female Space Traveller (Chandra) who gets caught by a xenophobic race and put through sexual torment of the brain.
Ms. Lovell has a solo pleasure scene to round out the film. Seeing Jackie's body is always a treat for this fan!

Awful everything, but the girls are hot (especially the blonde that always gets tied up... and gets all hot bothered when she's with some guy who's also in the movie and she takes it out in him in a rather satisfying way) and the scenes are energetic and tops for the softcore genre.
If you're watching this for other than a cheap thrill, you might as well look somewhere else. This movie has only one thing to offer, big-breasted bimbo's itching to have their shirts and other clothing items torn off.
If you're watching this for other than a cheap thrill, you might as well look somewhere else. This movie has only one thing to offer, big-breasted bimbo's itching to have their shirts and other clothing items torn off.

In this erotic science fiction film from the folks at Surrender Cinema, fan favorite Jacqueline Lovell plays Lolida, a former employee of an organization dedicated to finding and destroying anything possessing the least bit of sexual content. Now, she is on the run from her former employers, carrying with her a number of video "stories" that touched her (and caused her to touch herself) and made her realize that the very knowledge she was destroying should actually be spread far and wide. To that effect, she produces three of these stories for the benefit of whoever may be receiving her transmission. The three individual stories are quite strange, involving alien abduction, a female pilot's imprisonment on a distant planet, and a man caught in a "time slip." Featuring a significant number of impressive softcore scenes, these three stories manage to be interesting as well as provocative. It is unfortunate that Jacqueline Lovell serves as little more than lovely narrator herein, but some scintillating performances from the likes of Gabriella Hall do much to assuage one's disappointment. Lolida 2000 is yet further proof that Surrender Cinema makes the best erotic movies in the business.

Dynamical Systems: A Visual Introduction (Science Frontier Express Series)
Published in Paperback by DAKOTA BOOKS (14 March, 1996)
Amazon base price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $35.99
Buy one from zShops for: $35.99
Average review score: 

The quality of the speakers in this collection varied. Some, like those by Fred Friendly and Tom Brokaw, were interesting and thought-provoking but the decline in talent from lecture to lecture was obvious - the last one was by conservative ideologue and media mogul Rupert Murdoch, defending sleeze (sp?) on TV. The editors also did a poor job - all they had to do was transcribe some speeches. The fact that they wound up with spelling and grammatical errors just goes to show how quickly this work was thrown together. My advice - read the offerings by Wicker, Chancellor, Friendly and Brokaw and skip the rest.

Abraham Lincoln: Theologian of American Anguish
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1973)
Amazon base price: $9.30
Used price: $37.77
Buy one from zShops for: $50.15
Used price: $37.77
Buy one from zShops for: $50.15
Average review score: 

This book is a big check-list. Do not buy it if you are actually looking for building code information. However, it would probably be useful to contractors who want to be sure they have covered all bases. (I gave it two stars because it was not useful for me.)

This book makes an excellent Companion for the 1997 UBC Code. It is broken into section like the UBC code, each section has check list that can be used to insure compliance with the code.
The CD Rom in the back of the book allows you to print out check list that can be used in project files for documentation. An excelent tool for any design Engineer.

Hitler and the Nazi Leaders: A Unique Insight into Evil
Published in Hardcover by Hippocrene Books (2001)
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.48
Collectible price: $11.11
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.48
Collectible price: $11.11
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Best of Mind and Spirit
Published in Hardcover by Wisdom Press (GA) (2002)
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.24
Collectible price: $5.87
Buy one from zShops for: $5.67
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.24
Collectible price: $5.87
Buy one from zShops for: $5.67
Average review score:
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