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Book reviews for "Creighton,_Jill" sorted by average review score:

Maybe a Monster
Published in Paperback by Firefly Books (J) (1989)
Authors: Jill Creighton and Ruth Ohi
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $4.49
Collectible price: $22.50
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Average review score:

Uneven but interesting
Renee Zellweger plays against type as Sonia, a traditional Hasidic wife, who yearns for different experiences sexual and otherwise. On her journey, Sonia deals with extended family including a predatory brother-in-law and befriends a Puerto Rican artist (nicely portrayed by Allen Payne.)Along the way, the movie also deals with mysticism in the form of Sonia's dead brother and a homeless woman. Zellweger gives a good but subtle performance in her role.

Apparently this movie was a huge subject of controversy when it was released. The Hasidic community reportedly took offense at their portrayal and the casting of the decidedly Waspish Zellweger in the lead role. Perhaps that's why it slipped under most people's radar.

Their concern is understandable. When a group is rarely portrayed in the movies, any negative generalizations are a sensitive issue. But I think the controversy obscures what is in fact the movie's universal message. Individuals who feel that they don't belong in the community in which they've lived their entire lives and how or if they break out of that mold. The problem is not with the Hasidic community but with Sonia herself. She has to discover who she is. Unfortunately, Boaz Yakin may have been too subtle with his message and as a result most people missed it.

For the most part, I enjoyed the movie. Like Fresh, Boaz Yakin's previous film, it's a bit uneven. (Interestingly, Fresh was a source of controversy in the African American community for it's subject matter. Perhaps this is a pattern with Yakin.) It's seems as if the director's vision may have been too ambituous for what he had to work with at times.

Zellweger Shines in Ethnic Drama; Divergent Viewpoints

A carefully and compellingly rendered drama of a contemporary woman's stirring discovery of self, "A Price Above Rubies" is set in the context of a Hasidic Jewish/American community. Beautifully photographed, this film's acting sparkles -- and renders a reasonably accurate portrait of an easily caricatured community.

Renee Zellweger establishes herself as a talent of unlimited possibilities. ...

The film's feminist perspective is gracefully realized without belittling all guys -- which greatly enhances the film's power! (And lowers my blood pressure!)

Production design is exceptional!

Those Orthodox Jewish critics who are angered by this film's portrayal of Jewish Orthodoxy might have us believe that the world of Orthodoxy is monolithically benign. It is not. ...

Traditional thought and practice -- orthodoxy in many settings -- has its beauties and strengths and -- like most things human-- it has its dark, shadow side as well. "A Price Above Rubies" depicts the delicate balance gone awry.

For a very different, also wonderful film which depcts both light and shadow sides of Ameriocan Jewish traditionalism, but less critically of Orthodoxy, try "The Chosen" (1982) (adapted from Chaim Potok's book), with Robby Benson (quite good in this film, to my surprise), Rod Steiger and Maximillian Schell -- available on VHS, not yet on DVD. For me "The Chosen" is a five star, among my all-time top 10 films!

Dark Side
Despite the Orthodox Jewish background this movie is really about a womens life and her ways of reaching what she has always wanted. See the movie with an open mind and all will be well.

The Great Blue Grump
Published in Paperback by Annick Pr (1997)
Authors: Jill Creighton, Kitty MacAuley, and Kitty Macaulay
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

[Poor] "action-drama" with horrid acting...
This long-forgotten chapter for respectable actors Wesley Snipes, Dennis Hopper, and Viggo Mortensen is surprisingly very predictable with little to no action and very bad acting, even on the leads' parts. The plot concerns a heist and a cop out for revenge. The movie tries to advertise the fact that Snipes' character gets real ticked off, but it's more like slightly annoyed or frustrated. Not much of a "Boiling Point" here, just a little chip on the shoulder. Hopper, better in everything else, even "Waterworld", is completely unconvincing as the bumbling villain and Snipes, usually awesome, is reduced to saying cliche lines in a plot that's so boring it's a wonder it's based on a true story. Don't see this one at all. It's [not good], there's little action, and it lessens the respect of everyone involved.

Don't go into this looking for Blade or Rising Sun
This is not a fast paced movie. It does have an interesting story of a cop tracking down the murderer of his partner. Well paced and good performances by Wesley Snipes, Dennis Hopper, Viggo Mortenesen, Seymour Cassel, and the rest the cast. The settings are good and the music is decent. I hadn't seen this in years but I bought it thinking it was a murder mystery. I wasn't quite right but it was certainly worth seeing.

no over the top performaces here just a good solid film.
No gimmicks, no explosions and no sentimetal lovey-dubby stuff just your average standard good guy vs.bad guy story with some sharp dialouge and some good shots of the l.a landscape. I don't understand all the negativity this film recieves it's a great film Wesley snipes plays a federal agent out for revenge agaisnt a small time crook and his vicious sidekick after his partner is killed in a undercover drug sting. The movie plays with style and character delvelopment, providing snipes with some of his best acting of his carrer. Dennis Hopper is his usual swarmy self playing a pathetic crook out to make his last score. Virgio Mortesson plays Ronnie, Hopper's crazy sidekick who just loves viloence his best scene was where after he shoots a guy in the face after ripping him off he runs him over with his car during his escape. This film is more toned down than "Passenger 57" but the previous lacked the common sense and the utter realism this film portrays. James B. Harris who made another good cop thriller starring James Woods called "COP" I think he even did a better job here. Casting Wesley Snipes in the role was a smart move he made this film more watchable with his flare for profanity and his well dressed manor was quite convincing as a FBI agent who has reached his "BOLING POINT" The title may not blend when seeing this film but who cares about the title? it's the film that counts and it's a great film at that.

8 O'Cluck
Published in Paperback by Scholastic (1997)
Authors: Jill Creighton and Pierre-Paul Pariseau
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $3.20
Average review score:
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How to Put the Love Back into Making Love
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1989)
Author: Dagmar O'Connor
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $4.72
Buy one from zShops for: $4.00
Average review score:
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Circus Days
Published in School & Library Binding by Annick Pr (1991)
Authors: Roger Pare and Jill Creighton
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score:
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One Day There Was Nothing to Do
Published in Paperback by Firefly Books (J) (1990)
Authors: Jill Creighton and Ruth Ohi
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $2.44
Buy one from zShops for: $4.46
Average review score:
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The Weaver's Horse
Published in Paperback by Annick Pr (1991)
Authors: Jill Creighton, Robert Creighton, and Jill Breighton
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $2.76
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Where the Sky Begins
Published in Paperback by Firefly Books (J) (1996)
Authors: Jill Creighton and Sue Harrison
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $6.25
Average review score:
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