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Book reviews for "Cotton,_Charles" sorted by average review score:

Compleat Angler (Barre)
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Pub (1988)
Authors: Izaak Walton, Charles Cotton, and Outlet
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $3.90
Collectible price: $8.50
Average review score:

A lovely book
A lovely ramble with a fascinating old gentleman, quaint, charming, sunny and a true picture of one aspect of a bygone age and of the way our great-great grandfathers talked and lived. The fishing lore and natural history are hopelessly out of date but who cares? Has been in print for centuries and deservedly so.

The Cotton Plantation South since the Civil War
Published in Hardcover by Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (22 March, 2003)
Authors: Charles S. Aiken, Gregory Conniff, and Bonnie Loyd
Amazon base price: $26.00
Used price: $15.60
Average review score:

Neither Tara nor Jasmine Here
Aiken's examination of the restructuring of settlement in the cotton plantation South from the Civil War to contemporary times captures the complexities of this region's transformation. In three sections he establishes the post Civil War fragmentation of the plantation as tenancy dominates the region, the twentieth century exodus, and finally the contemporary pattern reflecting the changing social and economic structure of the region. Examining the postcolonial explanation for these changes, he opts for a more realistic combination of Faulknerian human failings and failures. Winner of the J B Jackson prize from the Association of American Georgraphers, this book is the culmination of a mature scholar's life work.

Practical Pediatric Otolaryngology
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (1999)
Authors: Robin T. Cotton and Charles M. Myer
Amazon base price: $299.00
Used price: $69.95
Buy one from zShops for: $199.89
Average review score:

excellent textbook
This is a great overview of pediatric otolarygology. The algorithms are very helpful and this is a great book to help study for the board examination.

The Compleat Angler, 1996: Or the Contemplative Man's Recreation (Modern Library Series)
Published in Hardcover by Modern Library (1996)
Authors: Izaak Walton, Charles Cotton, and Howell Raines
Amazon base price: $16.50
Used price: $42.58
Average review score:

Full contents, Good price!
I'm flyfisher in Korea. I think there is no necessity for talking about this book. Because this is so famous book to fishermans, as you know. Specially, this paperback edition is good for your wallet, with no omission. In a word, Full content, Good price!

A rare portal to an untainted world of tranquil delight....
If you don't know about this famous book by the inimitable Walton, you have a lot to look forward to. Purporting to be an account of a 5-day gentlemen's fishing idyll (when gentlemen were gentlemen, and the English countryside was at once bountiful and near to hand), it is in fact a deeply engaging nostalgia trip into a never-never land of pastoral bliss which has no exact parallel in world literature.

To say "evocative of simpler, happier times" is to barely hint at the near-mystical fragrance of this enchanting volume. Three high-spirited protagonists ("Piscator", "Venator", and "Auceps"), devoted to three rival outdoor avocations (fishing, hunting, and falconing, respectively), meet on a "fine, fresh May morning"; ramble across the countryside in search of fine fishing and hearty times; sing, banter, and versify; recount ancient wisdom (of often dubious validity) regarding the habits and temper of over a dozen local fish species; and encounter a sampling of innkeepers, milkmaids, gypsies, and various other idealized rural types. This is a refuge book for quiet evenings, one of those unaccountably transporting narratives which no charmed reader has ever wanted to reach the end.

Some history: stolen in parts from precedents written as far back as 1450, Walton's work is nearly as early as it could be and still be readable without a line-by-line explanatory gloss ("compleat" is about as arcane as it gets). First published in 1653, there have been well over 100 editions in print. Some of the earlier ones contain Lang's 28-page introduction to the author's life, the structure of the work, and its publishing history, all of which is superbly sensitive and informative. Noteworthy are the 80+ illustrations produced by Sullivan (again, available in some of the older editions and their reprints), which are unselfconsciously exquisite -- naively rendered country scenes and character sketches; finely wrought studies of dry flies and of the various species of fish mentioned in the book; and ornately framed images of famous fishermen "taken" from the evidently superb engraved portraits of Major's 1824 edition.

The author was a minor legend in his own time. Held in the highest regard by all who knew him, this "excellent old man" suffered many tragedies throughout his long life (from the public murder of his beloved king to various family deaths and personal debilities), but he never lost his rare sweetness of temper. He wrote numerous other treatises, but "The Compleat Angler" early on rendered him a literary immortal.

A CLASSIC of English Literature!
I have had this book beside me for more than 20 years, not for its guidance about fishing (though this is pleasant), but for the simple, unaffected but eloquent beauty of its 17th century prose. A lovely, idealized, Arcadian sort of England comes to life, and it is a very nice place in which to dip your mind a while.

In Tall Cotton
Published in Paperback by Kensington Pub Corp (2002)
Author: Charles G. Hulse
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.48
Collectible price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

Dust Bowl Discoveries
This historical novel focuses upon the life of a young migrant during the Depression. His personal odessey and discovery are the "meat" of the story-line, which is rich in historical color and detail. His accounts of Arizona during the '30's makes one relish the equally well described relief which is offered. An engrossing book, which satisfies, and leaves the reader yearning for more about the hero.

Charles Hulse debut novel set in Depression era follows teenage Okie as he moves from schoolyard games with other curious boys to
a perilous journey traveling Route 66 with his family. An unexpected encounter plunges him into an adult world more alien, more strangely exhilarating, than the ever-changing view beyond his window.

Read this book. Enough said.
Hulse has written a modern masterpiece. His command of tone and mood and language is stunning, and he recreates the turmoil, turbulence and uncertainty of the Great Depression with absolute authority. Readers can see this ragtage family in their dusty jallopy crossing the country in search of opportunities. At the center of the story is Carlton (Totsy), a young boy who comes of age at a time of turmoil for himself and his family. As he explores his place in the world and his budding sexuality, he finds pleasure, amibiguity and heartbreak at every turn. This is one of those few books that you never want to end. I demand a sequel! Do you hear me, Mister Hulse? I demand a sequel!

In the Shadow of Nelson: The Naval Leadership of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, 1753-1812 (Contributions in Military Studies)
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (2000)
Author: Paul C. Krajeski
Amazon base price: $69.95
Used price: $35.00
Collectible price: $49.76
Average review score:

British naval history comes alive!
The book was obviously written for historians, and more particularly those historians interested in the British Navy during the Napoleanic era. Nonetheless there is much to be learned by the laymen who are interested in what life was like for the average naval officer during that period. The names of Nelson and the others parade in and out of the pages of this book as the story of Charles Cotton unfolds; the story of a non-hero who began his career off the coast of North America during the war for American Independence and rose through the ranks to become commander of the Mediterranean Fleet and of the Channel Fleet before his career came to an untimely end. Cotton's career did not afford him the distinction of fame and fortune but he faithfully served both king and country. His career was certainly more the norm that those of his famous contemporaries. The very nature of this book demands the inclusion of many names, dates, and places, but in spite of all the data, the author has made it a fast moving story that will hold the interest of professional and amateur historians alike.

A Bibliography of the Complete Angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton
Published in Hardcover by Martino Pub (2002)
Author: Arnold Wood
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Bibliography of the Cotton Manufacture
Published in Hardcover by Burt Franklin Publisher (01 January, 1910)
Author: Charles J. Woodbury
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $20.81
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Business Statistics on the Web: Find Them Fast-At Little or No Cost
Published in Paperback by CyberAge Books (01 May, 2003)
Authors: Paula Berinstein and Charles Cotton
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Collectible price: $20.12
Buy one from zShops for: $20.40
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Charles Cotton
Published in Unknown Binding by Penguin ()
Author: Charles Cotton
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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