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Book reviews for "Conway,_D._J." sorted by average review score:

Crystal Enchantments: A Complete Guide to Stones and Their Magical Properties
Published in Paperback by Crossing Press (2003)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.17
Buy one from zShops for: $12.40
Average review score:

My Fav Refrence tool
I love this book. I was so surprised at the contents of each stone section within this book. It even offers the meanings of the stoens when they apear in your dreams. The lore and hystory of the stones gives me the greatest joy to read. This is a deffinate for anyone interested in stones, whether you are healing or casting magick.

Best Beginner's Guide
I only knew stones through their scientific aspects- my husband is a jeweler. My research for alternate birthstones led me all over the net until I found this book. Not only does it give countries of origin, history, dream interpretations, & magickal uses; it has a section on stone divination (sometimes known as lithomancy) and basic meditations/rituals. There are extensive tables & keyword listings as well as an EXCELLENT bibliography. There are no photos or chemical compositions, but I already owned DK Eyewitness Handbooks that cover them well.

Great Book... Full of information.
This book has a lot of very useful information about stones and their properties. It's easy to read and to understand. The only drawback is that there are no pictures of the stones. I'd definitely recommend purchasing this book, but maybe supplementing it with a book on how to identify the different stones.

A Little Book of Pendulum Magic
Published in Paperback by Crossing Press (10 May, 2001)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.92
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

Pendulum Power!!!
I loved this book!!! The exercises and spells are easy to follow and gives the reader a great understanding on how to work with pendulums for divinatory purposes. I recommend this book to the beginner and experienced dowser!!

Llewellyn's 1997 Magical Almanac (Serial)
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1996)
Authors: D. J. Conway, Marguerite Elsbeth, Edain McCoy, Silver Ravenwolf, Bernyce Barlow, Estelle Daniels, Jim Garrison, Ken Johnson, Sirona Knight, and Ann Moura
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $2.75
Buy one from zShops for: $6.45
Average review score:

Delightful as always
I always enjoy Llewellyn's Magical Almanacs because of the varied and interesting articles, the comprehensive daily calendar, and the size of the book. This one is no exception! The articles cover a wide variety of ground and there is something for every magical background.First, I think I'll start with the bad: Silver RavenWolf has WAY too many articles in here; 21, in fact. I love Silver and everything but that's a bit of overkill. Her articles aren't bad, but some of them could've been compressed into one larger article, and a few of them seem like hype for her then-unreleased books _Angels_ and _Teen Witch_. However, most of her articles are good, with the notable ones being "Teen Witch: How Do I Tell my Parents?" which offers practical and usable advice, and "Dream Magick", a personal favorite of mine, which offers a technique for getting a message through to someone you cannot reach. Other articles of hers, on the other hand, are drab, such as "Magical Quickies for Inner and Outer Beauty" and "How to Make your Own Woman Stone".D.J. Conway makes some wonderful contributions, including some sweet children's stories and an article on "Chaos Dragon Power for Women." Other notable articles include biographies of Dion Fortune, Sybil Leek, and Scott Cunningham; "How to Use Planetary Hours"; "The Island of Pimu"; "Men and Isis Worship"; and "Recycling your Jack o'Lantern". The illustrations are great and fitting, with more hand-drawn ones in this edition. Poetry is also offered in this edition, with contributions by Jen Besemer and Jane Callard.Highly recommended, I suggest picking a copy up if you can. You won't regret it!

Perfect Love: Find Intimacy on the Astral Plane
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1998)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $4.98
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

It changed my life
This book opened my eyes to the fact that you can have a real ,lasting, serious relationship with someone on the other side.If your lover dies ,it doesn't have to be the end.You can carry on your love.Or you can begin a new relationship with someone.I think that these sort of love affairs,although they are unknown to people in general,are very strong because it takes so much commitment on the part of both the living and dead person to keep it going.It is beautiful. This book will reveal the secret of spirit love.For all the skeptics:just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean it isn't real.

The Mysterious, Magical Cat
Published in Hardcover by Gramercy (03 October, 2000)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.68
Average review score:

That's all I can say! I truly loved every moment of reading this book, and at the time I didn't even have a cat! (I have one now...)

My Fav Conway Book
I have a Herd of little Fur Babies of my own and this gave me insite into the past and present lore of the cat. I love the every part of this book. It even gives spells using cat parts, but only the good kind such as shed wiskers and claws. A must for any mystical person with a magickal cat.

Love cats, love this book!
I'm so glad someone finally wrote this book! It's all here -- history, myth, spells your kitty can help you perform, info about the different breeds, touching stories by cat "parents" whose kitties showed psychic abilities, interesting scientific facts about cat behaviour, photographs of exotic cats, folktales, cat deities, etc. Only one thing I didn't like. Was it really ncessary to tell us about cat persecutions and actually show us a picture, albeit an old one from some old horrible time, but, you know, to show us? The truth is harsh and I didn't really want to see a chapter on that in a book I love so much. But, that was only one chapter and the rest of the book is truly loveable. Thank you, DJ Conway, for writing about our furry little bundles of love :)

Magick of the Gods & Goddesses: How to Invoke Their Powers
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1997)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $74.97
Average review score:

Shopping for Gods
Typical of many neo-pagan resource books, this book is filled with inaccuracies and speculations about the cultures and deities it presents. Conway has compiled a lot of information here and that has some value, but the quality of the info, as well as the presentation, seriously lack. I give Conway credit for compiling a list of deities sorted by culture (and in many cases, nationality too) because I can think of no other author who has even attempted a resource like this from a neo-Pagan perspective, and so, I figure that's reason enough for a second star. (BTW, if somebody knows of another author who DID, please e-mail me and I'll retype this and suggest them!!) This book might be a good starting point for a very green newcomer to Paganism and/or the study of ancient cultures. Otherwise, save your money for somebody more readable and accurate . . .

Excellent Resource Guide
This is a 'must have' reference book for anyone interested in the ancient religions and pantheons of the world.

Remarkable Book
As I am an electic witch, the information on all the diffrent pathenons from around the world was excellent. I recommend this book to anyone.

A Little Book of Candle Magic
Published in Paperback by Crossing Press (2000)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.92
Buy one from zShops for: $6.82
Average review score:

Excellent candle magick book for beginner!!
When I first began studying the craft, every book I read referred to (and I mean no offense to anyone when I say this) boring ritual and, what seemed to me, rather extravagant altar items. For example, an athame, wand, cloak, even special shoes, etc. I wanted to practice something a little more simple, until i had a better understanding of the craft.

This book explains how to practice magick only using these ingredients: candles, herbs, stones and chants. It is not infused with drawn-out, boring ritual, that, for me, take the excitement and spirituality out of witchcraft.

Another aspect I love about this book: It does not follow an exact belief system. It is for the anyone who wants to practice Witchcraft alone, and not necessarily Wicca.

An excellent book for beginners, it explains what day of the week and what moon cycle to practice your spell on, which I found very helpful.

I feel like the book became somewhat limiting as I grew more advanced as a witch. I found I wanted to write my own spells, and refer to different books that were not quite so exact. I wanted to add my own personal touches to the spell. But, this book is wonderful for the beginner who has NO idea where to begin with magick.

A good convenient reference
A nice balance of Eastern and Western meanings in candle magic. It's a good size to keep with your supplies. Non-witches and non-pagans would probably also be interested in the book b/c it is so broad. There's nothing I want to know about candle magic that's not addressed here. You'll find yourself referring to it again and again. I only give it 4 stars instead of 5 b/c I think [$]instead of [$] as a cover price would be more appropriate...

The best book on candle magick
The simple terms and glossery found in this book is great for beginers and experienced alike. If offers diffrent cultural meanings of colour along with simple set up for the candles. The affermations she includes is also very helpful in conducting the energy of the spell work.

A Little Book of Altar Magic
Published in Paperback by Crossing Press (30 January, 2001)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.82
Average review score:

A slight disappointment
After reading another one of her a little books of I had to have this one. I have to say I was disappointed at the instruction level this book lacked. I hoped to see where placement of object offected the energy of the alter. but instead I got a mini glossery and soen examples. The infomation in the glossery section is very helpful though.

Helpful for artists
If you're interested in altars from a magickal or artistic viewpoint, this is a good how-to book filled with prompts to get you building your own altar. It's mostly text, but if you're new to altars and not offended by Pagan themes, you'll enjoy this information. Combine this with the more illustrated book, "In a Spiritual Style" by Cerwinske, and you're set to create magnificent art and altars to the themes, images, deity, or deities of your choice.

Perfect gift for loved ones, perfect gift for yourself
No matter the religion, we all collect certain items and arrange them in specific ways. These collections are small insights into ourselves. Ms Conway walks you through the items you have already gathered, tells you what they mean, and how to arrange them with intent... to create an altar... a special place of self in a hectic world.

This little book is a gem and the perfect gift for everyone on your list. (Add a couple of candles for perfect presentation!)

BB Chameleon SilverCat

The Celtic Dragon Tarot
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1999)
Authors: D. J. Conway and Lisa Hunt
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.00
Buy one from zShops for: $16.25
Average review score:

Colorful, The Readings were Accurate, However, the book...
was another story...I don't feel the descriptions of each card in the book to be accurate at all. The incorrect descriptions themselves weren't even descriptive enough. I printed out the traditional descriptions and taped them inside the book for each card for travel purposes. Alot of information in this book was useless to me. Alittle "beginner" information to meditation. More "beginner" information to Tarot and a few spreads. Other than that, some spells and candle magic that I don't bother with.

But on the up side, the art is beautiful and so colorful that cards sometimes speak for themselves. This was the only deck I could find that wasn't too bland and unattractive to me. Not every card in this deck gives you it's meaning just by the artwork. Which makes it alittle difficult to identify immediately with each card since images aren't memorable with it's true meaning and may take alittle more time to memorize.

However, either way, all my readings have been accurate with this deck. I like this deck enough that I gave it 4 stars. I believe that this deck, despite the book, is a worthwhile buy.

Beautiful Art..
I went back and forth with this deck. Some days I wanted to keep it.. others I felt like selling it. Dragons aren't really my thing.. yet the art on this deck is just beautiful... Definitely a fantasy deck... and I think the cards would be highly readable as well..

The book is "okay".. definitely good to go over to understand the whole dragon thing in more detail.. but i really wouldn't spend too much time on the card descriptions.. too limiting!!.. not enough detail!!

I would reccommend this deck to the collector based on the art.. or to the dragon lover!

A gate to other worlds... a true Terot deck.
I own 2 Terot decks since I'm not a professional, but this deck connects to me and knew me so well in even my first reading. You don't even need to be a dragon lover to enjoy this deck. I especially love the book-- it has a picture of each card by it's description, a paragraph about the beautiful artwork, and the meaning of the card. As a beginner, this deck is really helpful in understanding the cards. In the back (this is what I love) there are chants and candle spells. There are also ways to call upon your own dragon. It is one of the greatest decks with so much imagination behind it. I doubt I'll be getting many more decks because this deck has such a connection with me... I just couldn't let any other decks take some of it's glory away.

Magickal, Mythical, Mystical Beasts: How to Invite Them into Your Life
Published in Paperback by Llewellyn Publications (1996)
Author: D. J. Conway
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $5.99
Average review score:

An interesting, light read
All my life I have been interested in magickal beasts and faerys. This book has some information and parts are quite interesting, but on the whole, I would go for a more informative and engaing book. A wonderful book that is quite similar to this one is A Witches Guide to the Faery Folk. This book is more complete but if its information on unicorns and centaurs that you are looking for, Magickal, Mythical, Mystical Beasts will do nicely.

good intro to work with mythical beasts
i just finished reading this book. and i enjoyed since i learned so much. most of these creatures i did not even know exist. what was fun and informative to read.

Comprehensive, fascinating, amazing!
I have always been fascinated with mystical creatures, but unfortunately very few intelligent books have been written about them. I'm happy to say this book is great! _Magickal Mythical Mystical Beasts_ covers a lot of ground, offering information for each creature, and also advice for working with them.Conway begins with an introduction to the concept of mythical beasts, and a general overview of working with them. The book is then divided into sections for each type of creature, as follows: Unicorns, Flying Horses, Centaurs, Satyrs and Fauns, Gigantic Birds, Human-Birds, Griffins, Mystical Bulls, Fabulous Lions, Magickal Serpents, Sphinxes, Hell Hounds, Water-folk, Creatures of the Stony Stare, Gargoyles, and other creatures. Each chapter has many different types of creatures that fall under that heading, such as Woodwose under "Centaurs", and Nixies under "water-folk". For each creature a description, area, origin, and folklore are given, followed by psychological attributes and magickal attributes. The many illustrations are delightful and detailed. The final part of the book deals with working with magick, and covers candle burning, amulets and talismans, and rituals. These chapters are brief, but Conway gets right to the point. In the "Rituals" section, she offers three different quarter calls and dismissals, for the Archangels, Lords and Ladies, and the Elemental Kings.A wonderful book that anyone interesting in magick or mystical beasts can enjoy greatly. Even if you are not into magick or paganism, you can still delight in reading about the folklore and legends about these magickal mythical mystical beasts. Blessed be!

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