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Book reviews for "Clark,_George_Norman" sorted by average review score:

The Fire This Time: U.S. Crimes in the Gulf
Published in Paperback by Thunder's Mouth Press (1994)
Author: Ramsey Clark
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $24.95
Collectible price: $37.06
Average review score:

essential for Gulf War erudition
The book is written by a respected US Gov Official. He has nothing to gain from writing this book but the contentment of disseminating the reality of US involvement in the middle east. Since writing the book, he has been chastised for being unpatriotic and even anti-semitic - all these reaction being confirmations of guilt. There is little subjectivity in this book - in fact it is not invigorating. Rather, Clark works through hard fact, in an appropriate level of detail, to describe just how misled the general public can be about war, and the incredible effects of sensationalist media and gov propaganda on the collective opinion. Read It.

Shocking truth about a war the West should be ashamed of
Since the British lost their grip on the Middle-East, the U.S. have taken over. Mr. Clark very accurately describes how the role of the U.S. during the Gulf war fits into the bigger picture of how the U.S. have tried (and succeeded) for decades to remain the world's number one power. At first, I only wanted to read the book because I had some little doubts about the objectivity of the information that we received via the media. On the whole, I agreed that action was needed, and that the war against Iraq could not be avoided. Until I read this book...It was like shells fell from my eyes. I realise now that not only there was a lot more violence used against Iraq than we were told, and that the purpose of this war was not to get Iraq out of Kuwait (which was indeed the 19th province of Iraq before England "created" Kuwait out of it in 1922), but to cripple an entire nation for decades to come. But also that this war was carefully planned by the U.S. for years. Mr. Clark shows this with countless examples, that make you say to yourself: "yes, I always had doubts about that". One of them is that although the CIA was already aware for sixth months that during the Iran-Iraq war, Iraq used poison gas against the kurds in the North of Iraq, it never revealled this information to the press until after the Iran-Iraq ceasefire in 1988, 3 hours before an Iraqi delegate arrived in the U.S. and gave a press conference. This delegate was rather taken by surprise by the questions he got at this press-conference. I can hardly exagerate the need for everybody to read this book, and learn what price the Iraqi people had to pay to secure U.S. access to cheap oil...that's what bothers me most: this war was not about democracy or human rights, it was about money and power only. And by the way: all this talk about U.S. attempts to eliminate Mr. Hussein is, of course, nonsense. The U.S. still need him in the saddle because he gives the U.S. the excuse for presence in the Gulf and maintaining the economic sanctions. READ THIS BOOK!!! And see, among other things, that not only the Iraqi people were informed very subjectively by their media. We were also by ours.

An eye opener..not for those who sufer from blind patriotism
An excellent book, throughly footnoted and straight forward. Don't pay any attention to the previous reviewer who comes of as some sawed off war hack who hasn't even read the book to start with.Since he doesnt agree with Clark, he resorts to character assassination of this great man..shows the mindset of "if you're not with me, you're against me." Clark does an excellent job in exposing the US for its terror campaign in the Middle East, not just the Iraq affair. If you have open mind and a consciousness and persistance for the facts, this book is for you...if not, than keep away from this book as it may cause problems to your "patriotic" brainwashed mindset.

English History: A Survey
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1985)
Authors: George Norman, Sir Clark and William R. Clark
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $8.06
Collectible price: $10.59
Average review score:
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The Later Stuarts, 1660-1714,
Published in Hardcover by Oxford Univ Pr (1956)
Author: George Norman, Sir, Clark
Amazon base price: $80.00
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:
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War and Society in the Seventeenth Century.
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1985)
Author: G. N. (George Norman Clark
Amazon base price: $43.75
Used price: $15.97
Collectible price: $29.00
Average review score:
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The Wealth of England from 1496 to 1760: (The Home University of Modern Knowledge)
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1986)
Author: G.N. (George Norman) Clark
Amazon base price: $68.00
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:
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