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Book reviews for "Church,_Alonzo" sorted by average review score:

Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (28 October, 1996)
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I give this book 5 stars out of respect for its enormous contribution to mathematical logic; for no doubt many of the authors of the more modern math-logic texts were greatly influenced by this book. But with that said, all of the material here is a proper subset of other current books which present the material much more clearly and using better notation. Examples include Burris' "Logic for Mathematics and Computer Science", Ebbinhaus' "Intro. To Math Logic", and Gallier's "Logic for Computer Scientists".

"Ain't Gonna Lay My 'Ligion Down": African American Religion in the South
Published in Hardcover by University of South Carolina Press (1996)
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A Bibliography of Symbolic Logic (1666-1935)
Published in Paperback by Association of Symbolic Logic (1985)
Amazon base price: $34.00
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Calculi of Lambda Conversion
Published in Paperback by Princeton University Press (1985)
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $21.47
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Used price: $21.47
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A Church Program of Evangelism
Published in Paperback by Baptist Spanish Publishing House (2000)
Amazon base price: $11.50
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Die These von Church : zur erkenntnistheoretischen und sprachphilosophischen Bedeutung der Rekursionstheorie
Published in Unknown Binding by P. Lang ()
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Logic, Meaning and Computation : Essays in Memory of Alonzo Church (Synthese Library, 305)
Published in Hardcover by Kluwer Academic Publishers (01 December, 2001)
Amazon base price: $210.00
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The Lost Language of Symbolism: An Essential Guide for Recognizing and Interpreting Symbols of the Gospel
Published in Hardcover by Deseret Books (2003)
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In the introduction to the book the author defines the terms and concepts he will use in the book, with a discussion of proper names, constants and variables, functions, and sentences. He adopts the Fregian point of view that sentences are names of a particular kind. His discussion of this is rather vague however, for he does not give enough clarification of the difference between an "assertive" use of a sentence and its "non-assertive" use. Readers will have to do further reading on Frege in order to understand this distinction more clearly, but essentially what Church is saying here is that sentences are names with truth values. The existential and universal quantifiers are introduced as well. And here the author also introduces the concepts of object language and metalanguage, along with a discussion of the axiomatic method. The author distinguishes between informal and formal axiomatic methods. The modern notions of syntax and semantics are given a nice treatment here, and the di
scussion is more in-depth than one might get in more modern texts on mathematical logic.
Chapter 1 is a detailed overview of propositional logic, being the usual formal system with three symbols, one constant, an infinite number of variables, rules on how to form well-formed formulas, and the rules of inference. The deduction theorem is proved in detail along with a discussion of the decision problem for propositional logic, with the famous truth tables due to W. Quine introduced here. The notions of consistency and completeness are briefly discussed.
The discussion of the propositional calculus is continued in the next chapter where a new system of propositional calculus is obtained by dropping the constants from the first one and adding another symbol (negation). The two systems are shown to be equivalent to each other using a particular well-formed formula in the second one to replace the constant in the first. Other systems of propositional calculus are also introduced here, using the idea of primitive connectives such as disjunction, along with various rules of inference. Church also outlines an interesting propositional calculus due to J.G.P.Nicod, which assumes only one primitive connective, one axiom, and only one rule of inference (besides substitution). The author also introduces partial systems of propositional calculus, with the goal of showing just what must be added to these systems to obtain the full propositional calculus. He discusses the highly interesting and thought-provoking intuitionistic propositional calculus, due to A. Heyting, which is a formalization of the famous mathematical intuitionism of L.E.J. Brouwer. The system he discusses is a variant of Heyting's and he gives references to the positive solution of the decision problem for this system. The author ends the chapter with a brief discussion of how to construct a propositional calculus by employing axiom schemata.
The author then moves on to what he has termed functional calculi of first order beginning in the next chapter. Called predicate calculi in today's parlance, the author first defines the pure functional calculus of first order, and shows that the theorems of the propositional calculus also follow when considered as part of this system. Free and bound variables are defined, and Church proves explicitly the consistency of this system, and the deduction theorem. The important construction of a prenex normal form of a well-formed formula is discussed, and the author shows that every well-formed formula of the functional calculus is equivalent to some well-formed formula in prenex normal form.
In chapter 4, the author gives an alternative formulation of pure functional calculus of first order, wherein rules of substitution are used and axiom schemata are replaced by instances, making the number of axioms finite. The Skolem normal form of a well-formed formula is defined, which sets up a discussion of satisfiability and validity. The author then proves the Godel completeness theorem, which states that every valid well-formed formula is a theorem. This is followed by a very well written discussion of the Skolem-Lowenheim theorem, and an overview of the decision problem in functional (predicate) calculus.
In the last chapter of the book the author considers functional (predicate) calculi of second order, which is distinguished from the first order case by allowing the variables to range over what its predicates and subjects represent. In second-order functional calculus, propositional and predicate variables can have bound occurrences. The author discusses the elimination problem and consistency for second-order predicate calculus, and gives a proof of the (Henkin) completeness theorem. A fairly detailed discussion of a logical system for elementary number theory is given, but the treatment involves notation that is somewhat clumsy and the discussion is difficult to follow.