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Book reviews for "Chinmoy,_Sri" sorted by average review score:

The Wisdom of Sri Chinmoy
Published in Paperback by Blue Dove Pr (14 September, 2000)
Authors: Sri Chinmoy and Thomas J. Hartman
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $13.41
Buy one from zShops for: $13.78
Average review score:

The Best of the Best!
Sri Chinmoy has been teaching Yoga for close to 40 years. He offers a unique vision and inspiration that is both ancient and yet modern. This is a big "best of" collection which I would call "the best of the best." I recommend it without hesitation to all readers interested in meditation, Yoga, and the spiritual life. Truly inspiring!

I read it during my meditation
I meditate daily and often I will read parts of this book during or before or after my meditation. I can feel the truth of what Sri Chinmoy is saying in my very bones. It has really helped me to keep focused on what is real.

Drawn from thirty-six years of teaching meditation
Sri Chinmoy is a spiritual leader who deftly blends Eastern and Western teachings with the pragmatic and practical goal of enhancing the lifestyles of today's men and women. The Wisdom Of Sri Chinmoy is an outstanding collection of his answers to spiritual questions drawn from thirty-six years of teaching meditation and spirituality (including conducting twice-weekly meditation sessions at the United Nations). The selected commentaries are arranged alphabetically by topic and include questions and answers grouped thematically under each major subject heading (God, love, death, self-realization, problems, and reincarnation. Sri Chinmoy writes the way he speaks -- simple, profound, enlightening, and inspiring. The Wisdom Of Sri Chinmoy is very highly recommended for students of Eastern philosophy, meditation, spirituality.

Beyond Within: A Philosophy for the Inner Life
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1985)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $2.45
Collectible price: $15.20
Buy one from zShops for: $11.95
Average review score:

Six Stars !
This is the best book ever written on defining and achieving Yoga (Yoga means union with God, not the physical postures our culture unfortunately misconstrues).

Sri Chinmoy is a "fully realised" spiritual Master dedicated to inspiring and guiding those seeking spiritual advancement (he also conducts meditations for the United Nations twice each week). "Beyond Within" is Sri Chinmoys' magnum opus in that it details and explains the true path in our spiritual advancement.

I fully recommend all the books written by Sri Chinmoy (his book "Meditation" is also required reading)to a get a deeper understanding of more spiritual topics.

Deeply inspired insights by a profound visionary of our time
Sri Chinmoy's collection of writings in Beyond Within explores the personal quest for enlightment. There are insights and ideas for the uninitiated to the advanced seeker. A must for anyone seeking to better one's life.

God Is...: Selected Writings of Sri Chinmoy
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1997)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $1.99
Buy one from zShops for: $9.45
Average review score:

Book that illumines our mind and our heart.
This book brings true illumination for our mind and heart. It opens new horizons and understanding of the Eternal Being that we all know as God or Eternal Truth. In this book every body can find answers on its questions. Highly recommended.

This is an anthology of Sri Chinmoy's thoughts.
God Is is a compilation of writings from Sri Chinmoy's vast and prolific body of works, chosen by his advanced students, and put out in one volume. It is a good introduction to his thought, and is divided by subject. His writings, as always, are clear, intense, highly evolved and unique. He is a powerful spiritual master, and the book expresses this. Although not Christian, it is filled with insights, wisdom and clarity on the spiritual life well worth reading, whether or not one fully subscribes to his philosophy or path. Highly recommended.

My Flute (Aum Classics)
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1998)
Authors: Sri Chinmoy and Sri Chinmoy Centre
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $13.68
Average review score:

The "Steinbeck" of Spiritual Poetry
Hauntingly transcendental and permeating with tenderness... Must have!

My Life's Soul-Journey: Daily Meditations for Ever-Increasing Spiritual Fulfillment
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1995)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.68
Buy one from zShops for: $13.95
Average review score:

Spiritually Enlightening Daily Meditations
All of Sri Chinmoys' books are spiritually enlightening/uplifting (and should be required reading for everyone) because he is a genuine spiritual master. However, this book focuses on the daily spiritual aphorisms as a tool for meditation/contemplation in our daily lives.

The Source of Music: Music and Mantra for Self-Realization
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (2000)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $5.39
Buy one from zShops for: $7.76
Average review score:

The Most Important Book on the Impact of Music on Our Lives
Sri Chinmoy explains the effects of soulful/spiritual music (secondary in significance only to meditation)in its importance to our conciousness and life. The knowledge revealed about music (and advise to musicians/artists) is priceless. The information conveyed can be equally applied to any creative endeavor (Art, writing, etc.), and mantra discussion in the book is an additional bonus.

Kundaline: The Mother Power
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1992)
Authors: Sri Chinmoy and Sri Chimmoy Centre
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

Good lectures
If your intention is to acquire good and reliable information about Kundalini, then this is a very good book. It answers questions like these very well: "Is Kundalini real or is it simply folklore from India?" "What is possible in the full Kundalini experience?" "What are the actual dangers of this phenomenon?" "What are some safe appproaches I could take that will lead me in the direction of Kundalini?"

This text was not written as an instructional book. It is just the transcription of a coherent, but short set of lectures delivered by Sri Chinmoy. It is extremely well organized, clear, and concise. The author speaks with the solid clarity and mature good sense that usually arises only from a direct, complete, and deep personal experience. My own guess or intuition is that Sri Chinmoy has a total experience and complete personal command of this entire phenomenon, beginning to end. It seems to me probable that the author is "the real deal" even though I don't know him. In that sense, I regard this book as much better and clearer information than I could get from another source.

My own preferences are not purely informational. I don't like to read a book and say, "Well, that's interesting" and set it down. I like to practice its techniques and get somewhere. While there are some good and useful exercises that a reader can do from this book, the whole subject does not really lend itself to the active or avid amateur reader. The author explains in all detail that an actual teacher is required in this area. We can pick up a tennis racquet and make a try without having any coach or teacher. My hope would be more or less the same with Kundalini. As it happens, Kundalini doesn't work that way. So, if you, too, are a true avid amateur you might be somewhat disappointed with the book (unless, of course, you can find a teacher).

Authentic and probably the only authoritative source
The concentration exercise alone will take the practitioner back through time...and if time travel is not an occult experience then I don't know what is. This book replaces Goraksha's book, the same yogi who brought us Hatha Yoga. Goraksha's writings were destroyed, and this book brings the occult topics back to light here in the west. The book emphasizes the path of the heart. I have tried the kundalini path, which I found to be too dangerous. Since the soul resides in the heart, the heart path places the soul in command. The soul can open a center, such as the third eye to peer into the future, or to open another chakra to help you with what you may be doing. This you'll find to be of Supreme importance if you want inner direction in your life.

Clear & directly to the point !
This book ,like all of Shree Chinmoys books, explains with great clarity the mystery of Kundalini. Since he himself is a accomplished Yogi, his words are authentic and his description of the Chakras crystal clear and easy to understand. His words are poetic and goes directly into the heart.

This is a great book for anyone who really wants to understand the Kundalini and its mystries.

The WINGS OF JOY : Finding Your Path to Inner Peace
Published in Paperback by Fireside (1997)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $8.80
List price: $11.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.19
Collectible price: $2.64
Buy one from zShops for: $0.98
Average review score:

This book is a direct message to your life and your heart.
'The Wings of Joy' is one of those rare books that I refer to again and again. It offers my life wisdom, guidance and compassion. Ever-so-gently, Sri Chinmoy speaks directly to my life and my heart.

'The Wings of Joy' speaks to everyone in the universal language of peace and love. I have given the book as a gift to many friends and acquaintances and they have all thanked me profusely!

I cannot recommend it highly enough.

A dynamic journey to the inner meanings of everday reality
Reading Wings of Joy by Sri Chinmoy felt like rereading something I read a very long time ago ... something that was very sweet and real and I had somehow forgotten. It was like reawakening a most precious memory and made me feel richer inside. I have never had this experience with any book I have ever read. Thank you author Sri Chinmoy... :)

Bottle Water for the 21st Century Soul
The Wings of Joy by Sri Chinmoy, a Fireside paperback, takes readers beyond the roller coaster of the human condition to an everyday experience of genuine inner peace and joy. The book, could in fact, revolutionize what we come to expect from inspirational reading. While The Wings of Joy is similar to other bestseller titles, with easy to read short stories, prose and poetry, it offers something absolutely unique in modern publishing-purity. The clarity and freshness in the pages of The Wings of Joy is more like a healthy dose of Evian for the soul than a comfort food or sweet escape.

Instead of candy-coating the soul's journey, Sri Chinmoy looks at its totality and addresses its difficulties. For example, rather than pretending anger doesn't exist, Sri Chinmoy confronts it outright. "When you become angry, it means you have lost your oneness with the world around you . . . the after-effects of anger are frustration and depression." How do we overcome the obstacle? Two ways to "illumine" anger are to either enlarge your heart or to think of perfecting yourself instead. Such tactics are "peace-weapons" that can be used to win in the everyday battle of life.

For anyone seeking to go beyond the quick fix soul remedies and comfort foods of todays' market place, The Wings of Joy offers a fresh look at preventative measures for the 21st-century soul. Sri Chinmoy's is an author who has dedicated his life to inner peace and meditation. His thirty-five years of renaissance-like spiritual activism in the West has resulted in a new millennium wisdom made up of all the right stuff: simplicity, humility, sincerity, soulful clarity, and above all practicality.

"We can have more joy and less tension in our daily life only through self-giving, not demanding." -Sri Chinmoy, The Wings of Joy

Meditation: Man Perfection in God Satisfaction
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1989)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $0.89
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

boring and uninteresting
Just a bunch of platitudes and new age language with no substance and depth. Makes the reader fall asleep. No explanation given of real issues.

Great book, great teacher!
I couldn't agree less with the alleged "reader" who wrote something nasty. Great book, great teacher! What is "scary" is that there are those who will use the term of abuse "cult" to describe someone who's found higher meaning in life through the practice of meditation. Sri Chinmoy is not the only teacher of meditation, but he is certainly one of the best. I highly recommend this book. To me, one of the hardest things about meditation is to feel a sense of inspiration, not just sit mechanically. I can feel the truth in Sri Chinmoy's words, and this gives me inspiration to take meditation to the next level.

The Best Book on Meditation
Sri Chinmoy is a fully realised spiritual master dedicated to inspiring & serving those seeking a deeper meaning in life. He teaches that love is the most direct way for a seeker to approach God. Through his teaching of meditation, writings, & lectures (he conducts peace meditations for ambassadors and staff at the United Nations), and dedicated service to humanity, he tries to show others how to find inner peace and spiritual fulfillment. Yoga means spiritual union with God (not performing exercise postures), and meditation is the single most important thing a person can do to attain peace, love & advance themselves spiritually. This book describes in detail and clarity, the various techniques for concentration, visualization, meditation and contemplation (the stages of Yoga). Sri Chinmoy also discusses the philosophy and idealogy of Yoga, so that it is an invaluable aid/reference to meditation students of all levels of expertise. I have personally given numerous copies to family and friends, and consider "Meditation" by Sri Chinmoy to be one of the most important books a person can purchase in their life.

Commentaries on the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita: The Three Branches of India's Life-Tree
Published in Paperback by Aum Pubns (1997)
Author: Sri Chinmoy
Amazon base price: $13.95
Buy one from zShops for: $11.00
Average review score:

Simplistic and without depth and substance
Chinmoy uses New Age jargon to mask the fact that he is uninformed about the subtleties of the subject matter. He is neither a philosopher nor is he spiritually adept. He uses his PR skill to lure unsuspecting youth to his cult. Don't buy his books.

Enlightening Commentary and Spiritual Revelations
Enlightening commentary on all 3 ancient Indian scriptures (Vedas, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita) in one book. Sri Chinmoy transcends mere commentary by providing us with spiritual illumination on the inner meaning of these important works. Sri Chinmoy is a fully realised spiritual master (who conducts meditation for the United Nations), and his very words provide us with direct spiritual inspiration/enlightenment.

A good book of social and religious meanings.
The story and meaning of the Sacred Tree is related well in this book. The social and religious meanings, as well as symbols, are expounded on. This is a good book for grades 10, 11, & 12.

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