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Book reviews for "Chinas,_Beverly_Newbold" sorted by average review score:

LA Zandunga: Of Fieldwork and Friendship in Southern Mexico
Published in Paperback by Waveland Press (1992)
Author: Beverly Newbold Chinas
Amazon base price: $13.50
Used price: $7.00
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Average review score:

Very Insightful
I found this book to give a very insightful view into Zapotec women and culture in general. Also, unique to this book, the reader is given a glimpse into the evolution of the anthropologist- from field work to personal ties and from grad student to a professional colleague.. and of all the trials and tribulations along the way. Overall I found this book enjoyable to read, not dry like some ethnographies.

The Isthmus Zapotecs: A Matrifocal Culture of Mexico (Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology)
Published in Paperback by International Thomson Publishing (1997)
Authors: Beverly Newbold Chinas, Beverly Chiinas, and Louise S. Spindler
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $3.50
Buy one from zShops for: $25.43
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