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Book reviews for "Childs,_Marquis_William" sorted by average review score:

Sweden, the middle way on trial
Published in Unknown Binding by Yale University Press ()
Author: Marquis William Childs
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.49
Average review score:

Easy to read and very informative.
Having to read this book as a review for my studies I found it very interesting and easy to comprehend. Childs seems very intune with Sweden where his travels have given him many stories and experience.

It is a 170 pages long and deals with Sweden as being in the middle of two extremes, Capitalism and Communism. For years Social Democratic policy has meant a healthy living but this has meant increased costs in the way of high taxes.

In 1976 during a deep recession a new coalition government came to power on the back of the energy issue. And here is where Childs displays his enormous knowledge of Swedish politics and of the common person. It was also interesting to read of Sweden's neutrality during WW2 and the implications this had during and after.

In short a recommended book for anyone interested in Swedish and Scandianvian social and polictal history.

Eisenhower: captive hero; a critical study of the general and the President
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: Marquis William Childs
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.79
Collectible price: $4.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Ethics in a Business Society
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1973)
Author: Marquis William Childs
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $1.49
Collectible price: $5.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Mighty Mississippi
Published in Hardcover by Ticknor & Fields (1982)
Author: Marquis Childs
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $5.25
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Walter Lippmann and His Times
Published in Hardcover by Books for Libraries (1968)
Author: Marquis William, Ed. Childs
Amazon base price: $11.25
Used price: $6.56
Collectible price: $10.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Witness to Power
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill (1982)
Author: Marquis William, Childs
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $8.79
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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