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Book reviews for "Childs,_Elizabeth_Catharine" sorted by average review score:

Child's Guide to First Holy Communion
Published in Hardcover by Paulist Press (2003)
Authors: Elizabeth Ficocelli and Anne Catharine Blake
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.50
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Average review score:

Child's guide to First Holy Communion!
I was raised catholic and needed a book about holy communion!
This book was simple and easy to follow and asked questions at the bottom about their own communion! Ann just loved it and I
too enjoyed reading it to her! Does the author have anthing on
confirmation? My son Luke is making his next year and would love a book!!

Child's Guide to First Holy Communiion
I was raised Catholic and wanted to get Mary a book that would
have her understand the importance of Holy Communion! I felt the book was creative, simple and got the point across about God's Love. I even enjoyed it. It brought memories of my own
Holy Communion!! Does she write any other books? My Son Michael is being confirmed next year and would love a book that would
explain Confirmation on the same level!!

Child's Guide to Reconciliation
Published in Hardcover by Paulist Press (2004)
Authors: Elizabeth Ficocelli and Anne Catharine Blake
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:
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