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Book reviews for "Caswell,_Brian" sorted by average review score:

Deucalion (Uqp Young Adult Fiction)
Published in Paperback by University of Queensland Press (1995)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $15.50
Average review score:

Just a hell good book!!!!!!
When i started reading this i thought, oh well another book, but as soon as i got into it i just couldnt put it down, a must read!!!!:)

I couldn't put it down, I just couldn't.
I found this book of Brian Caswell's to be an absolute masterpiece. Although the book was written for the younger generation, it is by far suitable for adults. Once I started it, I couldn't stop. The book is set on the planet of Deucalion in the 23rd century. Since time-warp travel was discovered, the people of Earth have been searching for a planet worth colonising, to save the Earth from its inevitable plight. On this wonderfully rich planet, conflicts arise. What will happen to the Elokoi, the natives of the planet? Will the election be won legally? This book is truly a great book of future-history

Only the Heart
Published in Audio Cassette by Louis Braille Audio (2000)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $54.95
Average review score:

Only the Heart
An interesting and pertinent collaboration, this has much that is typical Caswell in style and quality, coupled with a compelling new influence. What is it like to arrive in multicultural Australia as a Vietnamese refugee? What journey, adventures, pain, and loss lead that far? What surprises, twists and fears does the new life hold? The story of courage, perseverance, loyalty, family, survival, gangs, and much more, is intriguingly and powerfully told through different voices, interwoven into a complex whole. It is a challenging read, gathering the significant threads and connections. Characterisation is purposeful and thorough. This book offers understanding through an unforgettable, powerful experience.

Only the Heart
Only the heart is a novel which provides an insight into the struggles of Vietnamese immigrants, in search of a better life, free enterprise and a chance to reward their extra-ordinary efforts. It follows the life of young Vietnamese children, desperately trying to escape war torn Vietnam. They are confronted by many complex issues - racism, love, hate and life. The book is an ingenious mix of chinese wisdom, humour and learning. I thoroughly reccomend this book.

Messengers of the Great Orff (Aliens Zone , No 2)
Published in Paperback by University of Queensland Press (1998)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score:

Messenger FROM the Great Orff
I recommend this book for people 9-13 years of age. I could hear this weird noise coming from behind me as I was reading at school and it turned out to be my friend trying hard not to laugh! This book is one of the best books that I have ever read!

Published in Unknown Binding by University of Queensland Press ; Distributed in the USA and Canada by International Specialized Book Services ()
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

A well written book about the problems of young kids today.
Mike had just moved to a new house in Sydney from Melbourne. He was very stressed about moving and had trouble settling down in his new home. At his new school he had many problems with bullies who bashed him up and ate his lunch. Read about how Mike adapts to the changes in his life, overcomes the bullies and makes new friends. I thought this was an excellent novel because it was well written and realistic. The author also had a sense of humour. I recommend this book to readers aged 11 plus.

The View from Ararat
Published in Audio Cassette by Louis Braille Audio (2000)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $72.95
Average review score:

Ararat is great!
Best Book ever! Very exciting entire way through. Complex plot. I've never read a book twice in my 15 years, but I think I'm going to read it again... and again!

The book is placed far in the future, and there is a horrible outbreak on Earth, in an ore mining factory of something can, "live," on any surface, animate or not, for centurys. One touch infects you're blood and turns it to crystal. It is untreatable, and fatal within two days. This outbreak is kept entirely secret by the mining corporation on Earth. On the new planet, Deucalian, Galan, a researcher, finds out about this outbreak. It takes 40 years to get from Earth to Deucalian, and Galan realizes that several shuttles from Earth are due to arrive very soon. The government has the out worlders quarintined, but it doesn't work. There is a horrible outbreak of "Crystal Death," as it's called, on Deucalian, while there is no cure, and no way to contain the outbreak...

Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection
Published in Paperback by Syngress (2003)
Authors: Brian Caswell, Jay Beale, James C. Foster, and Jeremy Faircloth
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $30.25
Buy one from zShops for: $31.50
Average review score:

I have been a diehard Snort user and member of the community since day one. Snort is awesome and there are so many incredibly talented people involved with it. I always wished that there was a book that documented everything, and gave lots of very cool information on all of the inner workings. I was psyched when I heard this book was being written, and I orderd it before it came out. I got mine on Friday and spent the weekend reading it. Considering the guys (and gal!) who wrote it, I shouldn't be surprised that the book rocks. Everything you ever wanted to know about Snort is in there. And, you know you are getting it from the Pig's mouth--er, or Snout ;)

SNORT COMPLETE...with a great suite of utilities
I teach a graduate level course on Intrusion Detection. The core textbook is long on security concepts, network topographies, and is about 900 pages. It's long on theory and short on specifics---even shorter on actual tools and products.

This book has proven to be a breath of fresh air. It provides detailed product specifics and is a reliable roadmap to actually rolling out an IDS. And I really appreciate the CD with Snort and the other IDS utilities.

The author team is well connected with and they obviously had cart blanche in writing this book. I've looked at the other books that have just come out andnotice that (1) they are shorter and have much less information on the actual sstme administration of Snort and (2) they don;t include software.

Definitely worth the money.
I've been using Snort for some time. I really like it, but I've always found it a little difficult to keep up with all of the features and everything. If you spend a lot of time on the site and on the mail lists you can learn a lot from everybody. But I don't always have the time to monitor the list or go through the archives. It is great now having everything I need to know in one book. Brian Caswell is the guy who makes all of the releases and keeps everything on the site maintained and he definitely knows his stuff.

A Cage of Butterflies
Published in Audio Cassette by Louis Braille Audio (2000)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $54.95
Average review score:

An enjoyable, but not very substantial, read.
I found this novel to be quite disappointing. The mystery of the drug that had caused these brain defects was never explained - it was as though they thought that their readers would not understand an explaination. So all we know is that the condition of the Babies was caused by Metamide, but we do not know exactly what it did, why and how. The end was also extroidinarily stupid. I wondered what the Babies parents would have thought about them not being returned. How did the family get custody? And as for Greg and Mikki's wedding - vomit! Give me C.S.Lewis anyday.

A Cage of Butterflies
A Cage of Butterflies is one of Brian Caswell's better books. It full of mystery and the style is very good. A Cage of Butterflies is about seven teenagers who try to save five other children who are abnormal (very high IQs and are able to mind-speak)and called the Babies from obsessed people who try to make money out of them. Even though the ending was abrupt and a bit unexpected, I think that it is still a great book.

A story that made me think
I read this book after my son bought it home from school. It was one of the most powerful books I've ever read. it is the first time I've ever heard of or read a book by Brian and I am impressed. Brian can tell a yarn and make the reader think beyond the written word...certainly worth a read.

Published in Audio Cassette by Louis Braille Audio (2000)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $54.95
Average review score:

Asturias, written by Brian Caswell, shows the typical dream of an aussie teenager in a realistic way. Five teenagers form a band and during their rise to fame experience many problems. But the friendships they form as a result of this band proves to be stronger than any problems which arise. This book is a great read for teenagers in todays society and would also suit older people.

Dreamslip (Uqp Young Adult Fiction)
Published in Paperback by University of Queensland Press (1994)
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $131.53
Average review score:

Dreamslip is based on two twins (Martin and Rebecca) who are sixteen years old. They have these 'dreamslips' and which are inherited memories of their ancestors. When they go to sleep, they actually live into these memories, whether it be 2 days or 2 months they still wake up normally. But one day, Rebecca doesn't wake up and Martin has to look for her. The only problem is, where in Time could he look for her? This book is suitable for 13-17 year olds and is a very descriptive book! Enjoy!

Merryll of the stones
Published in Unknown Binding by University of Queensland Press ; Distributed in the USA and Canada by International Specialized Book Services ()
Author: Brian Caswell
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

merryll of the stones
i want know the review thing...^^

Mostly Long and boring
Merryll of the Stones is too long and dragged out. The bits in Welsh dont help either. Boring!

Brian Caswell has done an excellent job in this book of his. I first read the book when i was 13, and 4 years on, it's still my all time favourite book to read. ive read it countless times, and every time i do, its like reading it for the very first time.
The characters are splendid, and even though it's difficult to understand the welsh text through-out, it certainly doesnt make it less of a masterpiece!!
The whole book just blows me away, i couldnt pick anything 'favourite' about it.
its all just absolutely brilliant!!

read it for yourself, because whoever hasnt, is certainly missing out on a book that's sure to make you look at life a little differently!!

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