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Book reviews for "Casey,_W._Wilson" sorted by average review score:

Casey, the Utterly Impossible Horse
Published in Hardcover by Linnet Books (1989)
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $4.00
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $4.00
Average review score: 

"Casey the Utterly Impossible Horse" is now out of print. Too bad! Anita Feagles' book is easy yet engaging to read. It is only 80 pages (broken down into 9 chapters). Each chapter details a different scenario in the life of Casey and "his boy" Mike. The story is humorous and sentimental. As a young reader in the early 1960's this was my favorite story. I still have my original copy. I recommend this story highly because the character traits displayed by Casey echo the feelings and words expressed by many adolescents.

TV Trivia Teasers: 1004 Totally Tubular Brain-Twisters&a Titillating Talking-Head "Photo Teaser" Test
Published in Paperback by Pierian Pr (1984)
Amazon base price: $29.50
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This is a great book for young children who love to read about animals and their friends.
My love for this book has followed me to this day. I even use casey as my chat room alias.