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Book reviews for "Casey,_W._Wilson" sorted by average review score:

Casey, the Utterly Impossible Horse
Published in Hardcover by Linnet Books (1989)
Authors: Anita Feagles, Dahmar Wilson, and Dagmar W. Wilson
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $4.00
Average review score:

Wonderful childrens book
I wasn't a child who liked to read but I do remember this book. It was a fun story about a horse who was as onery as I was.
This is a great book for young children who love to read about animals and their friends.
My love for this book has followed me to this day. I even use casey as my chat room alias.

Casey the Utterly Ageless Horse
"Casey the Utterly Impossible Horse" is now out of print. Too bad! Anita Feagles' book is easy yet engaging to read. It is only 80 pages (broken down into 9 chapters). Each chapter details a different scenario in the life of Casey and "his boy" Mike. The story is humorous and sentimental. As a young reader in the early 1960's this was my favorite story. I still have my original copy. I recommend this story highly because the character traits displayed by Casey echo the feelings and words expressed by many adolescents.

TV Trivia Teasers: 1004 Totally Tubular Brain-Twisters&a Titillating Talking-Head "Photo Teaser" Test
Published in Paperback by Pierian Pr (1984)
Author: W. Wilson Casey
Amazon base price: $29.50
Average review score:
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