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Book reviews for "Case,_Walter" sorted by average review score:

Encounter at Buff Ledge: A Ufo Case History
Published in Paperback by J Allen Hynek (1995)
Author: Walter N. Webb
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $3.98
Average review score:

Hard work yields quality investigation
Webb is a professional astronomer who has been a UFO investigator for 42 years. He has brought the full weight of his experience to bear on this productive case. Though the experience itself is not as rich in detail as those reported these days, its special benefit is that the two people involved are not related and knew each other only briefly for a few days at a camp where the abduction happened. Such events are rarely reported and have exceptional value as evidence as do the more recent Australian multiple abduction cases. There were confirming witnesses in this case and the investigator has little doubt in his own mind these two people did indeed share some sort of intense UFO experience. The report can be considered a model for other investigators in its thorough and systematice approach.

very detailed accounts
The researcher should be commended!!

Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited
Published in Paperback by Hampton Roads Pub Co (2003)
Author: Walter Semkiw
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.82
Buy one from zShops for: $8.00
Average review score:

A deftly written and engaging presentation
Return Of The Revolutionaries: The Case For Reincarnation And Soul Gro-ups Reunited by Walter Semkiw (Occupational Medicine Physician and the Founder of the Pluto Project) makes a strong and compelling case for reincarnation, claiming that key figures of the American Revolution have come back to us as modern-day figures ranging from such as Oprah Winfrey to Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Jesse Ventura, Jesse Jackson, -- and even himself as the present-day incarnation of John Adams. A deftly written and engaging presentation embracing the concept that all of us have been "the other" in race and/or gender during the transition of lifetimes, Return Of The Revolutionaries is an engaging read concerning the metaphysical issues of life cycles and eternal karma.

important research on Reincarnation and American destiny
Superbly researched and written by a brilliant and versatile medical doctor, this book can be expected to make history and be recognized as a classic in its genre. While there are no new concepts involved, the application of science, religion, intuition and logic together enabled the accomplishment of what could never have been achieved by such applied separately. More than seventy cases of living persons, many who are widely recognized today, are included in this work. Bill Clinton, Al Gore, George W. Bush, Jesse Ventura, Oprah Winfrey, Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, John and Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Martin Luther King, Jr., are among the reincarnated revolutionaries.

Here is a book that rests upon an all encompassing concept found in the world's great religions; that whatsoever a man shall sow, that shall he also reap. At the same time, it melts away the basis for racial prejudice and religious prejudice and makes irrational all the exclusive conditions that various religions impose upon their followers to ensure their salvation. It verifies the Golden Rule as Natural Law in operation.

Even more remarkably, it offers evidence that must transform our understanding of heredity. It provides a basis to recognize that our character traits, natural abilities, artistic talents and inclinations are not the product of fortunate or unfortunate combinations of genes but are entirely our own creation and are preexisting to any particular life that we have in the earth. This is an Ancient Wisdom teaching that has been on record through out all time. This understanding transforms the concept of DNA from its being the source of characteristics of the individual to its being the composite result of the thoughts and actions of the individual soul-entity down through the centuries.

How can a book about the reappearance by reincarnation of the Founding Fathers of America, the revolutionaries, possibly be associated with the foregoing statements?

Science is based upon probabilities. Computer science provides a basis to examine an hypothesized probability and correlate vast data to establish it as an aspect of Natural Law or dismiss it. The accurate preservation of physical appearances through photography, in combination with the computer's capacity for storing data and making vast accumulations of records instantly accessible, is the basis for the existence of this crucially important book. The combination of a brilliant mind, a lawyer's ability to build a sound case, a broad background of scholarship regarding the subject matter, an open mind and exceptional capacity for reasoning, in addition to his exceptionally developed sensitivity to respond to guidance by intuition, has enabled Dr. Semkiw to produce a book that has established the above statements as matters of Natural Law.

This is not to suggest that there is anything pedantic or tedious about the presentation of the material. It is fascinating reading and for many people it will be difficult to put this book down. The opening portion is devoted to information concerning how the author came to dedicate himself to write such a controversial work and to his over view of the subject of reincarnation. He does this astutely, presenting such in a highly readable manner. Then follows his perception that individuals return in bodies that are similar to those of their last appearance in the earth and how they are inclined to again associate in families and socially. He disarmingly describes his own reactions to learning of his identity as the return of President John Adams. By his forthright presentation of his thoughts, he becomes like a personal acquaintance to his reader.

It is a great adventure to be taken along with Doctor Semkiw as he unravels each of the cases of reincarnation. The implications of his findings are momentous for our civilization. The returned founders of our nation are now dedicated to restoring the ideals that it was founded upon and contributing to its spiritual awakening. Accurate knowledge of the Natural Laws governing our lives will provide the incentive for the most able, the most intelligent, the most ambitious, the most energetic, of our citizens to dedicate their lives to serve the best interest of their fellow man and posterity.
Joseph R. Myers, P.E. is a consulting structural engineer, a writer whose radio documentaries have been broadcast on public radio, a captain as a WWII aircraft engineering officer and has a web site offering his reincarnation research findings:

Ruby Ridge : The Truth and Tragedy of the Randy Weaver Family
Published in Paperback by Regan Books (19 February, 2002)
Author: Jess Walter
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

The unbiased truth from the beginning to...the future.
I was raised in a rural part of Idaho, and was 17 during the summer of the Ruby Ridge siege. At the time all I got from the local media was that a crazy mountain man who had warrants for his arrest was holding Federal officers at bay on a remote mountain hours north of where I lived.
Eleven years later I read this book. It gave me the true story, from the beginning, of what really happened during that 11 day span that became such a historic event in our great state.
What it came down to, even past the feds having it out for Randy Weaver, was a Terrible lesson in miscommunication. When word got back to Washington, it was said that Randy Weaver had government agents "pinned down" by his "compound". The fact is, hours before, Federal agents had trespassed on the property, surprised Randy, his son, their dog, and their friend Kevin Harris. The result was the family dog being shot in the back, 12 year old Sammy Weaver being shot in the back as he ran away yelling "I'm coming dad!" and a Federal Marshall shot to death in self defense (I don't think there is much doubt who shot first).

In the days that follow, more blood would be shed; (Vicki Weaver is shot to death in the head by a sniper while holding her baby). Information would be re-scripted, re-tooled, and eventually covered up in many cases. One of the most compelling parts of the story is knowing why they stayed holed up in their cabin that long. Anyone that had ventured out before had been shot at!

Another interesting note that I did not know till reading this book was the neo-nazi connection. Weaver was not a neo-nazi, as the media portrayed him to be. He did however, know a couple of them in his passings in the area. The money and time spent to set up Randy so he would squeal on the Neo Nazi's was ridiculous. When he simply said "no, I don't want to have any part of it, I just want to mind my own business and be left alone". Now you would think they would honor this and let him be, but no. They changed the rules of engagement so that they could ultimately and hopefull slaughter all involved...and for what? Because they had different religious beliefs? What possible threat did one quiet mountain family have againt anyone?

On a lighter note, it was nice to see the new experiences that the oldest daughter enjoyed when moving in with relatives back in Iowa. Getting to see her first movie on a theatre screen (which led her to get a job in the theatre soon after) and listening to rock music was something many of us take for granted. This book is a must read if you are of an open mind. Despite religious or polotical views, everyone should read this book. It may change you're outlook on many things, if only for the better. I only hope there was a lessoned learned somewhere by those responsible, after what happened on a remote Idaho Mountain in the summer of '92.

Disturbing and Important
The book is both disturbing and important. It traces the tragedy of Ruby Ridge, Idaho from the very beginning, even before Idaho. It profiles Randy and Vicki Weaver when they first meant and follows through their marriage, their children and their move to Idaho. It explores their different beliefs in depth and both their problems and triumphs throughout their marriage.

It explains how the U.S. Marshall Service and the ATF first noticed Randy Weaver and why they were interested in him. Did they initially set him up? It explains what the reaction of the FBI was when they were called to the scene. How the government agencies invovled escalated the problem to a new level. How the lack of communication within the government made a bad situation worse.

It follows the aftermath of the seige and the shootings into the evidence gathering stage and through the trial. It follows the survivors and what they have become, their tribulations.

This is a very important book for everyone to read. It is about lack of tolerance in others beliefs. About the governments miscommunications and lack of sharing information between departments. This has been going on for years, way before 9-11. It delves into the fact that government agencies don't like to admit they were wrong and will sacrifice the little guy to protect the big guy. It show that there is hard working decent people working for the government as well as complete self serving, intolerant, career mongers looking for nothing but advancement and the connections to insulate themselves from the decisions they've made.

Randy Weaver and his family thought differently than many. They wanted to be left alone. And they were pushed and pushed to the breaking point. Attacked and surrounded and attacked again. The Weaver's paid the price for their beliefs but the government agents that overstepped their bounds have never been brought to justice or even held accountable with more than meager 15 day suspensions. The courts felt the government wrong enough to award a monetary settlement to the Weaver's. When will the total truth come out?

This is an excellent book full of information and presented well. It is engrossing and pulls you in from the beginning. It reads well. I recommend it to everyone.

Aces in Command : Fighter Pilots as Combat Leaders
Published in Hardcover by Brasseys, Inc. (15 March, 2001)
Author: Walter J. Boyne
Amazon base price: $21.56
List price: $26.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $11.10
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $17.19
Average review score:

A superbly researched and written military history
Aces In Command: Fighter Pilots As Combat Leaders is a superbly researched and written military history of combat aviation leadership. Aviation historian Walter Boyne details the careers of four legendary aces (Eddie Rickenbacker, Hub Zemke, Boots Blesse, Robin Olds) who went on to using their leadership skills in positions of command in World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. Although the advances in military aviation were rapid and transformative, the qualities that each of these men exhibited in their respective eras is nothing short of fascinating. Painstakingly researched, Aces In Command combines the best qualities of superb scholarship with a flair for narration that is an entertaining as it is informative. Aces In Command is "must" reading for all military aviation history enthusiasts.

The Case of the Gilded Lily
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (1985)
Authors: Erle Stanley Gardner and Walter J. Campbell
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.75
Collectible price: $3.55
Average review score:

Twists in another case with Perry Mason
This story is an excellent story inline with all the others I've read by Erle Stanly Gardner.

This story like all the others in the Perry Mason series has a series of different twists.

What makes this story so good like all the other ones is that your getting nearly about 3/4s of the way through and you can see that unless something goes drastically wrong for the prosecution then the defendant is going to get the electric chair. But in true Erle Stanley Gardner fashion Perry Mason the defense lawyer pulls the defendant out of the spot that he's in and in doing so he gets his professionalism questioned including accusations of tampering with evidence.

In conclusion This is an excellent book by Erle Stanley Gardner and like others in this series it has the twists and other odd things that happen.

The Logic of Privatization : The Case of Telecommunications in the Southern Cone of Latin America
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1997)
Author: Walter T. Molano
Amazon base price: $62.95
Used price: $16.50
Buy one from zShops for: $34.00
Average review score:

A Review in Foreign Affairs

A timely analysis of four Latin American countries' attempts to sell their public telecommunications companies during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Chile's divestiture of the Chilean Telephone Company was implemented quietly and with little public opposition. In Brazil the privatization of Telebras never emerged from the preliminary debates. In Uruguay heated opposition emerged to the sale of Antel from unions and other interest groups, most powerfully pensioners, upset with the government's reform policies in other areas, and the measure was rejected in a public plebiscite. And in Argentina the legislature repudiated the first attempt at privatization of Entel but ratified a second attempt after the opposition, which had changed its attitude toward the policy, gained power. Molano concludes that the key to success or failure of privatization was not external but lay in the domestic political arena, principally in the political clout of the chief executive and his ability to act early in his administration. But he worries that the influx of foreign capital and new technology, if it should slow as it did in the middle part of the century, will provoke a new round of renationalizations.

Every Knee Shall Bow : The Truth & Tragedy of Ruby Ridge & The Randy Weaver Family
Published in Hardcover by Acacia Press, Inc. (1995)
Author: Jess Walter
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $1.49
Collectible price: $5.25
Buy one from zShops for: $5.94
Average review score:

Well written and detailed report on the Ruby Ridge Incident.
This is a well written book. It is as exciting and easy to read as a novel. All sides of the controversy get a fair hearing. The beliefs of the Weavers, the White Separtist Movement, Christian Identity and others involved in this controversy are explained. The author definately had his point of view but covered all points of view fairly.

Horrifying tale of Government murder
First: This book is not a right-wing diatribe. It is an objective history written by a journalist. The book is well-written and researched. The story is horrifying. I recommend this, or Alan Bock's book, Ambush at Ruby Ridge.

Sober, even-handed & compelling
An excellent account of the shootout and standoff at Ruby Ridge that's all the more powerful because Jess Walter plays it straight down the middle, neither out to get the government nor out to belittle Randy Weaver. What we get instead is a sober laying out of the facts through great use of detail and a strong narrative. I went into the book a little skeptical and underinformed about Ruby Ridge and emerged horrified at what happened, particularly by the behavior of the feds. But Walter doesn't try to make Weaver a pure hero either, showing his eccentricities and willingly raising questions about his handling of the situation such as whether Weaver used his children as a buffer between himself and danger. The obligatory court section of the book is saved from the boring recitation of trial that often characterizes non-fiction, true crime books by an excellent portrait of lawyer Gerry Spence and very nice detail on the jury's lengthy deliberations. Walter ties Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City together very nicely without overdoing it. He's a master of understatement, leaving the reader to form his own conclusions. He includes a very good, concise history of the Aryan Nations/militia/freemen/patriot radical right-wing movement. This is a must-read for any student of the radical right-wing movement, especially anyone open-minded enough to be willing to accept that the government has made some horrific, perhaps criminal errors ... and that some of those errors have fanned the flames of hatred more effectively than any racist demagogue.

The Shore Road Mystery, (Hardy Boys Mystery Series, Case 6)
Published in Hardcover by Applewood Books (1997)
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon and Walter S. Rogers
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.47
Collectible price: $9.50
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Not As Good As The Original
The Shore Road Mystery re-write wasn't nearly as good as the original, wherein Frank and Joe bought a used fancy car, fixed it up, and hid in the trunk. Their Trojan Horse technique carried them right into the lair of the auto thieves; after numerous exciting brushes with danger, they were able to escape and bring back the police.

The re-write wasn't nearly as tense. It's possible that was purposeful. At the end of the original, Fenton Hardy muted his pride for his sons' accomplishment with the admonition that their tactic had simply been too dangerous, and they could have been seriously injured or worse.

But that's what made the book good. Kids enjoy stories of that nature because nothing like that ever happens to teens in real life. Really, how many teams of teen-brother detectives do you think are operating in the USA just now, solving crimes and mysteries every other week (while owning cars, motorcycles, ice boats, airplanes, you name it)? Zippo.

Good; Not As Good As The Original
This review concerns the revised 1964 edition. Jack Dodd, a schoolmate of the Hardy's, asks Frank and Joe to solve a family mystery involving a treasure hidden during Pilgrim times. However, after Jack and his father are accused of stealing cars along the Shore Road, they disappear. Did the Dodds go onto hiding so that they could search for the treasure? Did they run away because they are guilty? Or were they kidnapped to make it look as if they ran away? Frank, Joe and Chet work to find the answer and solve the mysteries. This book was quite good; it has a realistic plot, plenty of action and was generally enjoyable. Nonetheless, I prefer the original edition to the revised. The original edition was better written as to the flow of the book and the language used. The Pilgrim mystery, which was not a part of the original, felt tacked on and was not woven into the story very well in my opinion. Both editions are worth reading and since they are only similar in their basic plot and only slightly similar in their endings, I think that most fans could read one and then not feel bored reading the second one later. However, if you're only going to read one, I'd say to go with the original.

I love the Hardy Boys!
This book was Super! I liked pretending I was one of the Hardy Boys. I also tried working out the mysteries with the book. I liked it when they found the Hidden Hideout. I also liked when they spied. I like spying on people myself. I also liked their motorcycles. I loved it!

Managing the Chaos : Outcome-Based Case Management in Behavioral Health Care
Published in Spiral-bound by Walter Shepperd, Ph.D. (01 December, 1997)
Authors: Walter Shepperd and Walter Shepperd
Amazon base price: $15.00
Average review score:

An excellent training guide
I have used this as a training manual and it is excellent! It gives the information needed and leaves open the "facility specific" issues such as forms and format. Very thoughtfully written and is a tremendous resource for a facility trainer or clinical director.

Stopping the Presses: The Murder of Walter W. Liggett
Published in Paperback by Univ of Minnesota Pr (Trd) (1998)
Author: Marda Liggett Woodbury
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $7.49
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $15.40
Average review score:

Another side of Minneapolis
As a former Minnesotan, I was interested in this generally untold side of Minnesota history. I have lived in Minneapolis and loved it, but was shaken by these horrors that long preceeded my time there. I would have appreciated more specific addresses and names of businesses where events took place as it would have put the story in a more real context, but only for those familiar with the city. It is almost unbelievable to imagine the kind of opposition that existed to those publishing information which went contrary to the public image desired by those in power-both "legitimate" and underworld people. I'm glad Ms. Woodbury used her research skills to write this work. It does indeed exonerate her family, and her respect for her parents is well deserved, especially her telling of her mother's grace and dignity in coping with this tragedy.

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