Used price: $9.95
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Used price: $22.50
Buy one from zShops for: $23.79

Thank you Ms. Alexander.
Molly Leach Boise, ID

Used price: $21.17
Collectible price: $26.47
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Used price: $15.85
Collectible price: $17.50

There is a plot to this book and the reader is drawn along as Police Constable Arnold Pipkin pulls together a few loose ends to solve a small mystery involving an escaped villian and a fire in a clothing factory.
The second half of the book provides a non-fiction overview of law, crime and punishment in Victorian times. There is a short index and bibliography. Excellent material for anybody wanting to research the atmosphere of the period.

Used price: $34.99
Buy one from zShops for: $23.99

I picked this up in the library. Though it's written by remodeling business consultants, I thought it was refreshingly empty of consultant-guru speak and actually a concise and example-packed manual for the businessperson. Many anecdotes AND real-world data examples, example forms, etc. etc.
The fact is that no one book (or any sum of books) will answer all your questions, but this is one of the few books I would buy for a builder's reference shelf, and seriously, I hardly buy any books. Also a very good book if you're taking some time to get a broad grasp of the business playing field for remodelers before you jump in.

Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $27.20

Used price: $8.49
Collectible price: $10.59

Used price: $19.99