Book reviews for "Case,_Maurice" sorted by average review score:

Cases and Materials on Conflict of Laws (University Casebook Series)
Published in Hardcover by Foundation Press (1990)
Amazon base price: $40.50
Used price: $9.53
Used price: $9.53
Average review score: 

It's the best books I ever read about conflicts, when you are a lawyer and you need some help to resolve conflict of law you can use CONFLICT OF LAW, you can travel around different cases to inspite your investigation.

Professional Selling: A Relationship Approach
Published in Hardcover by West Information Pub Group (1992)
Amazon base price: $61.50
Used price: $7.00
Used price: $7.00
Average review score: 

This text book deals with what it takes to sell in the real world, not the classroom. The examples provide the preparation that young adults need to be successful after graduation.
I highly recommend this to any school or institution.

Gifted Education Comes Home : A Case for Self-Directed Homeschooling
Published in Spiral-bound by Gifted Education Press (2000)
Amazon base price: $16.00
Average review score: 

This book would be an excellent resource for any home schooler. Inasmuch as it brings to light the learning that can be done outside the structured curriculum. It also should be of benefit to parents with children in regulars schools for the same reason. The learning that can go on in the home and outside the classsroom.

What a wonderful little volume this is! In a day and age of so much pressure on children, especially gifted ones, to "perform", "achieve", and outdo each other for the sake of high test scores and nothing else, it is a breath of fresh air to read a book about learning for learning's sake.
Self-directed learning is an old idea. It's what our founding father's did. It's what many of the greatest minds and spirits in history have done. Self-directed learning makes so much sense and Ms. Rivero's insight into the joys it can bring is enough to recommend this book.
In the book, she explains how learning for self actualization can help our gifted children discover who they are, their purpose in life, rather than conform to what others think they ought to do or be. She also talks about the guidance that we can provide to help our children make these discoveries.
A great read!

This book gave me a new inspiration in homeschooling my son. While I am not ready to go completely the unschooling way, I feel more liberated to experiment with our structure and curriculum and trust my instincts. The only downside is the format of the book (spiral-bound), but it could not detract from its value for me.

The Cardiac Conduction System on Unexplained Sudden Death
Published in Hardcover by Futura Pub Co (1990)
Amazon base price: $120.95
Used price: $39.05
Buy one from zShops for: $70.00
Used price: $39.05
Buy one from zShops for: $70.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

1994 Supplement to Elements of Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials
Published in Paperback by Foundation Press (1994)
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

1995 Supplement to Cases and Materials on Conflict of Laws
Published in Paperback by Foundation Press (1995)
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

1997 Supplement to Elements of Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials
Published in Paperback by Foundation Press (1997)
Amazon base price: $15.50
Used price: $8.44
Buy one from zShops for: $8.49
Used price: $8.44
Buy one from zShops for: $8.49
Average review score:
No reviews found.

1998 Supplement to Cases & Materials on Conflict of Laws
Published in Paperback by Foundation Press (15 July, 1998)
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Algeria 1960
Published in Paperback by Cambridge University Press (1979)
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Arnhem : a case study
Published in Unknown Binding by Thornton Cox : [distributed by Seeley ()
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.
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