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A reader from Pa.

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List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
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Alexis' dad is the authority on the bald eagles. Currently, he leads a study that is banding eaglets to gain research on their natural habitat. Alexis is put to work, but though she loves the birds, she remains angry with her father for deserting her. On a nearby island, Alexis climbs up a tree to remove a fish lure from an eagle's nest. However, when she lifts an eaglet out of the nest, she drops the bird. That error is compounded when she finds herself stranded on the island protecting the injured eaglet from nasty weather and a bear.
This is a wonderful preadolescent to young teen novel that focuses on Alexis, a person in trouble. She needs closure on her younger brother's death from cancer, but at first is not able to find a way to grieve without guilt for living and without alienating her parents also mourning in their own ways. Through the eaglet rescue, Alexis attains an understanding especially of her father whom she previously loathed as well as personal comfort. Though her parents talking with one another following their estrangement feels strained, WHEN EAGLES FALL is a strong survivalist tale that the young at heart will enjoy soaring with.
Harriet Klausner

Used price: $13.40
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List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
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Collectible price: $8.47
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The plight of Marius and Jean-Pierre away from the ravage and hypocritical Catholic rule and superstitious villagers keep young adult readers at the edge of the page while dealing with age-old issues of good verses evil.
"Curse of a Winter Moon" is a historical novel set in 16th century France, a time when the Catholic church was ruling with an iron fist - condemning commoners who could read (and consequently think for themselves) as heretics, punishable by death. Marius displays to young readers a maturity that is able to discern right from wrong, strength to endure the villager's contempt for his family, and a hope-based survival mindset for a better future.
I used this novel as a read-aloud in my 10th grade classes. I strongly recommend this novel not only for its believable historical accounts, but also for the gripping story of Marius' eye-opening experiences to the harshness and cruelty of the world and the tenderness and loyalty of the bonds of family. My students would agree, this novel is truly a must read!

The book is filled with many interesting characters--the old woman who cares for the family, the quiet but strong blacksmith father who has more than one secret, Marius, who is so good at playing the lute (like an old form of guitar), and his uncle, Brother Gabriel, a monk who travels all around Europe and is now in the area.
Even after reading the book, I still wonder about some of the characters and what might have happened to them later. Did Jean Pierre stay safe? Did Marius become a professional minstrel? What about Brother Gabriel--did he continue to travel and have an influence on events during such a dark time in history? I hope author Mary Casanova will consider a sequel to this wonderful book. I am looking forward to talking with my 8 and 11 year old daughters about the book after we read it together.

List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.31
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The book tells the story of Hai Li Bu, a hunter whose village is facing a drought and food shortage. But things change for the better after a magical encounter. Ultimately. Hai Li Bu faces a serious ethical challenge.
"The Hunter" is a well told story featuring a compelling hero. Kids who were turned on to Chinese culture by the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" will, I believe, really appreciate this book.
Ed Young's artwork is certainly striking: mainly shades of brown and black, with a splotchy quality. But I think the illustrations may be a bit too "arty" and impressionistic; I had the feeling that the art was meant to appeal more to adults than to kids. Still, I recommend "the Hunter" for those seeking to develop a multicultural library of children's books.

Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $26.47
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As a teacher I love this book as an instructional tool. It shows my students how fun and informative reading can be. Also Casanova does not talk down to the students, or question their intelligence as so many contemparary young adult writers do. My students are also intrigued to look into the fact behind the fiction. Also, Seth's lifestyle is very different from that of my New England students and therefore it helps to show them the differences between children within their own country. I have just started using this book in my classroom and will continue to do so for years to come.

Used price: $1.87
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Used price: $8.95
Thunders owner is abusing him and libby wants to help. But what can she do? A helpless girl scared out of her mind of this guy but extremly angry with him too. Well, with the help of Griff she devises a plan that fails. But Libby won't give up and in the end she gets to keep thunder.
Personally, I like the part where Griff almost gos swimming:) that was really funny.