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Book reviews for "Carrison,_Muriel_Paskin" sorted by average review score:

Cambodian Folk Stories: From the Gatiloke
Published in Paperback by Charles E Tuttle Co (1993)
Authors: Muriel Paskin Carrison, Venerable Kong Chhean, and Muriel Paskin
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.00
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Average review score:

Offers great insights into traditional Cambodian culture
What better way to get to know a culture than through its folklore? This wonderful collection includes Cambodian folktales passed down for centuries--even millenia--before being written down in the late nineteenth century. Simple but elegant (as are the illustrations), these stories teach traditional Buddhist values, usually in the negative: don't be greedy, don't be haughty, don't be superstitious, don't be gullible--or else you will pay the price! Adding insight are background notes on Cambodian society, holidays, etc. A good primer for anyone interested in traditional Cambodian culture.

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