Many books on semiconductor physics err on the side of breadth at the expense of depth . I found this book to be a pleasant exception . I believe this leaves other similar books like Physics of Semiconductors and their Heterostructures by J.Singh far behind .
Cardona (of course) is at his best when discussing otical properties , especially optical diagnostic methods . I have not seen a similar book at this level which gives the same level of description of light-matter interaction in semiconductors.
I recommend it highly to all fellow graduate students .

Schaich has a good review of the independent particle model theory of PE. Manson presents the atomic view of the calculation of Photoionization Cross sections.
More involved treatment comes from Shirley who considers many electron and Final state effects including Multiplet splitting, relaxation, Electron Correlation effects etc.
There are also some intersting pieces on XPS line shapes from metals and on Angular dependent phenomena.
On the whole, a good read for people looking for more insights into PE phenomena, and some of the mathematical basis involved in the same.