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The Coming Race
Published in Digital by Amazon Press ()
Amazon base price: $2.99
Average review score: 

Written in 1871 The Coming Race was one of the last books ever written by the author, he died two years later. The story begins when an American civil engineer falls into an underground world. There he discovers a subterranean paradise inhabited by a race called the Vril-ya.These Vril-ya tell the narrator that they are descended from ancestors who escaped the 'upper world' as a result of a deluge which covered the earth. Their evolution has taken a certain course mainly because of the discovery of an energy source, similar to electricity.This energy, from which they also take their name, is called Vril. Lytton's narrative, published in the same year as The Descent of Man, is one of the first truly post-Darwinian novels. It incorporates many of the scientific ideas of the period, and the subsequent fears of degeneration and devolution. The narrator soon discovers that this subterranean paradise is not all that it seems. Lurking in an unlit region of this underground world are a race of primitive savages, who like Wells's Morlocks, represent the flipside of evolution. Without Vril the savages have not progressed, they live in darkness, eat meat and resemble animals. In contrast, the Vril-ya live perfect lives, they are physically beautiful and have developed the abvility to fly with the help of Vril. The narrator appears to have stumbled into a parasise where a race of angels live in perfect harmony, without conflict, without envy and where all men are considered equal. The one thing that this future paradise cannot overcome is boredom.Tthe narrator concludes that although mankind dreams of perfectibility it is a pleasure that we are not meant to enjoy, at least not in this lifetime. Worth a read, especially if you are interested in the history of Science Fiction.

Written in 1871 The Coming Race was the last novel ever written by Lytton, he died two years later. The story begins when an American civil engineer falls into an underground world. He discovers a civilisation inhabited by a race called the Vril-ya who tell him that they are descended from ancestors who escaped the 'upper world' as a result of a deluge which covered the earth. Their evolution has taken a certain course mainly because of the discovery of an energy source, similar to electricty. This energy, from which they also take their name, is called Vril. Lytton's dystopic narrative is influenced by the post-Darwinian fears of degeneration and devolution. He soon discovers that this subterranean paradise is not all that it seems. Lurking in an unlit region of this underground world are a race of primitive savages who, like Wells's Morlocks, represent the flipside of evolution. Without Vril the savages have not progressed, they live in darkness, eat meat and resemble animals. In contrast the Vril-ya live perfect lives, they are beautiful and have developed the ability, with the help of Vril, to fly. The narrator appears to have stumbled into a paradise where a race of angels live in perfect harmony, without conflict, without envy and where all men are considered equal. The one thing that this future paradise cannot overcome is boredom. The narrator concludes that although mankind dreams of perfectibility it is a pleasure that we are not meant to enjoy, at least not in this world. Worth a read, especially if you are interested in the development of science fiction.

Chirologia ; Or the Natural Language of the Hand. Chironomia or the Art of Manual Rhetoric
Published in Hardcover by Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Trd) (1974)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $134.96
Used price: $134.96
Average review score:
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Cult Criminals: The Newgate Novels, 1830-1847
Published in Hardcover by Routledge (1997)
Amazon base price: $715.00
Average review score:
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England and the English
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (1972)
Amazon base price: $3.45
Used price: $4.00
Used price: $4.00
Average review score:
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The Last Days of Pompeii
Published in Paperback by Wildside Press (2002)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $10.97
Collectible price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.55
Used price: $10.97
Collectible price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.55
Average review score:
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Letters to John Bull Esquire (The Works of Edward Bulwer-Lytton (19 Volumes))
Published in Library Binding by Classic Books (1851)
Amazon base price: $98.00
Average review score:
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Lives of Eminent Men: Duke of Wellington, Scott, Milton, Lyton Bulwer, Cowper, Earl Grey, Johnson, Thomas Moore, Isaac Newton
Published in Textbook Binding by West Richard (1988)
Amazon base price: $50.00
Average review score:
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