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Book reviews for "Bruce,_Maurice" sorted by average review score:

Maurice Bishop Speaks: The Grenada Revolution and Its Overthrow 1979-83
Published in Paperback by Pathfinder Press (1983)
Authors: Bruce Marcus, Michael Taber, and Maurice Bishop
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $12.45
Collectible price: $25.41
Average review score:

enfuricieron al imperio
La editorial Pathfinder y los lectores fieles siempre sostienen que lo que más le molesta al imperio de una revolución es el ejemplo que pone. En el caso de Granada admitió tal tesis. Los asesores de Reagan dijeron lo peor de la revolución granadiense no fue tanto de porque es una isla de negros, sino que son anglohablantes: podrían comunicar directamente con estadounidenses inconformes y rebeldes.

Los conocedores de Pathfinder a veces la llamamos "la editorial de los mártires" porque sus libros más populares dan voz a generaciones pasadas; ésta es un ejemplar glorioso. A Bishop era el primer ministro de la revolución, y le hicieron mártir en el momento que literalmente encabezó la resistencia a la contrarrevolución.

From Malcolm X to socialist revolutioary
This is the story of a big revolution in a very small country.In 1979 the movement led by Maurice Bishop overthrew the local dictator of Greneda, one E.Gairy.Land reform,free education and health care, new forms of working people's power to replace outdated parliamentary "democracy" which led to the dictator in the first place, development of agriculture and tourism as national industries to benefit the workers and farmers instead of superrich foreign bosses : all this inevitablely infuriated Washington D.C. But most of all they feared and loathed the fact that Grenada marched alongside the other anti-capitalist revolutions in the region : in Cuba and Nicaragua.Read this book and find out why Fidel Castro said "Cuba, Nicaragua and Grenada are three giants rising up in the Carribean."Perhaps most interesting for fighters against the profit system in this country is the story of the evolution of Bishop and his comrades : from Carribean followers of Malcolm X to socialist revolutionaries.The Stalinist coup that assasinated Bishop and opened the door to Reagan and the Democrats' bipartisan brutal invasion in 1983 is also well covered here.Others in the Carribean will take the same road during the new Great Depression looming in our ( workers' and farmers' ) future.

Maurice Bishop's Imperishable Legacy
Advertisements for cruises and holidays to Grenada describe this Caribbean island as a place where "nothing much ever happens". The truth could not be more different. Less than 20 years ago Maurice Bishop led a popular revolution there that lasted for three and a half years and involved Grenada's working people of town and countryside in transforming their society and lives. The Grenada Revolution's giant strides in popular education, economic production, slashing unemployment, and developing national pride and internationalism, are graphically detailed in this outstanding book of Bishop's speeches that were made in the course of the revlutionary years. Bishop and the people of Grenada wrote an imperishable chapter in world history. The speeches address not just the situation of one small island, but the entire world faced with the crisis of capitalism that has sharpened greatly in the past two decades. This book is also valuable for the introductory analysis by Steve Clark of how the revolution was overthrown from within with the murder of Bishop and other revolutionary leaders in October 1983, plus indispensable documents from the Cuban government and speeches by Fidel Castro on Cuba's role in supporting the revolution.

Sergeant Major, U.S. Marines
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Ivy Books (1995)
Authors: Bruce H. Norton and Maurice J. Jacques
Amazon base price: $7.50
Used price: $1.49
Collectible price: $5.45
Buy one from zShops for: $4.75
Average review score:

Sergeant Major, U. S. Marines is the biography of Maurice Jacques, who rose from the rank of Private to Sergent Major of Marines during his 30-years of honorable service to his Corps and Country. Written by Major Bruce 'Doc' Norton, who served in combat with Jacques during the Vietnam War, this book follows Jacque's life from his upbringing in Massachusetts to his days at Parris Island. His post-World War II learning was handled by Marine veterans such as Colonel "Chesty" Puller and General Edward A. Craig. His three tours of combat during Vietnam tempered Jacques into a true combat veteran and teacher. Unfortuantely, there are no Marines with Jacque's experiences serving in today's Marine Corps, but his "lessons learned" and his documented dedication to his Corps is the stuff that legends are made from. Segreant Major is a great book; well-researched, well-written and totally accurate. Credit to Major 'Doc' Norton for a great story about one of our Corps true heroes. 5 Stars for this one!

One Great book that defines the title... MARINE!
If I had to select one book that accurately defines what it takes to become and stay on as a career Marine, this is the Book. Jacques grew up poor and uneduacted, like so many Marines, but he found a home and his "calling" in the Corps. Norton does a masterful job in describing Jacques' career, to include wonderful descriptions of Marines (and Jacques) in combat during the Korean War and during his 3 tours of duty in Vietnam. I would make this a "must read" for anyone considering a career in the Corps, enlisted man or officer. Well done!!

An extremly well written account of a soldiers life
If Maurice himself were writting this book himself he could not have done a better job. Its a wonder why this book isn't at a higher rank. This book gets five stars all around.

Dolomites: A Volume in Honour of Dolomieu (Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, nO 21)
Published in Paperback by Blackwell Science Inc (1994)
Authors: Bruce Purser, Donald Zenger, Maurice E. Tucker, and Don Zenger
Amazon base price: $110.00
Used price: $6.45
Buy one from zShops for: $195.55
Average review score:

Cannot find dolomite granulation technology.
Would like to know if anyone has technology on graunating dolomite into a very small granule at about 0.3 - 0.5 mm. diameter. This will be for prawn farming usage.

Thomas' Calculus (10th Edition)
Published in Hardcover by Addison-Wesley Publishing (11 April, 2002)
Authors: George Brinton Thomas, Ross L. Finney, Maurice D. Weir, Frank R. Giordano, Bruce D. Robertson, and George B. Thomas
Amazon base price: $133.33
Used price: $69.00
Buy one from zShops for: $71.99
Average review score:

Just another calculus text
I've had the 'pleasure' of experiencing numerous calculus texts over the years - starting in high school in 1987 and until now (mutlivariable calculus) and, as a math major, I'm sure I'll get to see a few more. I witnessed the growth in the use of graphing calculators and Computer Algebra Systems (CAS - MathCAD, Mathematica, Maple). Thomas' Calculus makes good use of CAS applications and even includes a CD with some 'good stuff'. But it left out all the historical text from the book, expecting the student to find it on the web. Personally, I enjoy reading about the development of mathematics in-line with the presented material and knocked off a star accordingly. The second star I took off was because the reference materials in the front and back of the book are not as helpful as they had been in other texts I've used.

Good text for self-study
I've used this text to teach myself calculus, basically reading the text cover-to-cover and doing about half the exercises. I've found it fairly easy going - the text is well written and contains enough worked examples that you can do most exercises without too much trouble. I would advise against spending money on the Student's Solution Manuals (Sharf/Weir) though - these do not contain enough detail to be of much help with the exercises that you get stuck with.

The Best Calculus Book Ever
This book is the best calculus book I ever had in my possession. It is very detailed and it also gives you lots of examples. There are also a lot of problems that you can work on for practice followed by the odd answers at the back of the book. This book can take you from calculus I & II to Multivariable Calculus. I think that this book should be recommended to anyone taking calculus in college.

Bibliographical studies of seven authors of Crawfordsville, Indiana : Lew and Susan Wallace, Maurice and Will Thompson, Mary Hannah and Caroline Virginia Krout, and Meredith Nicholson
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Authors: Dorothy R. Russo, Thelma Lois Sullivan, and former owner Bruce Rogers
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $18.00
Average review score:
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Edinburgh: Then and Now (Then and Now)
Published in Hardcover by Chrysalis Books (05 July, 1989)
Authors: Maurice Lindsay and David Bruce
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Half Man, Half Beast: Making a Life in Canadian Theatre
Published in Paperback by Vehicule Press (1998)
Authors: Maurice Podbrey and R. Bruce Henry
Amazon base price: $17.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.00
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Handbook of Physiology, Section 7: The Endocrine System Vol. IV: Coping with the Environment: Neural & Endocrine Mech
Published in Hardcover by Amer Physiological Society (15 January, 2001)
Authors: P. Michael Conn, Bruce S. McEwen, H. Maurice Goodman, and Jack L. Kostyo
Amazon base price: $150.00
Used price: $132.69
Buy one from zShops for: $133.89
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Lithic Tool Production and Dryland Planting Adaptations to Regional Agricultural Intensification: Preliminary Evidence from Leeward Moloka'I Hawaii (Occasional Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, No 39)
Published in Paperback by Bishop Museum Pr (1994)
Authors: Boydan A. Dixon, Maurice Major, Michael Price, Alan Carpenter, Cary Stine, and Bruce Longton
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:
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A Men's Room Reader
Published in Hardcover by Green Candy Press (1902)
Authors: Maurice Vellekoop and Bruce Labruce
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:
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