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Alternatives to Economic Globalization
Published in Paperback by Berrett-Koehler (15 November, 2002)
Authors: John Cavanagh, Jerry Mander, Sarah Anderson, Debi Barker, Maude Barlow, Walden Bello, Robin Broad, Tony Clarke, Edward Goldsmith, and Randy Hayes
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.09
Buy one from zShops for: $10.43
Average review score:

Essential reading on globalization
Drafted by a committee of 19 (but sufficiently well edited to read as if it were written by a single author) this book provides a well-argued, detailed and wide-ranging analysis of the consequences of economic globalization (the term corporate globalization is also extensively used in the book) and an examination of alternatives and the action required to move towards those alternatives. It has succeeded brilliantly, and deserves very close study, whether or not you agree with the drafting committee's views.

This is no extremist anti-corporate, anti-capitalist text, although it does clearly come to the conclusion that the vector of economic globalisation that we are on is neither inevitable, desirable nor sustainable. It is notable for arguing at the level of underlying principles and their practical consequences - it makes explicit the assumptions underlying corporate globalisation and questions them. This, in itself, is a valuable service as so much of the 'debate' in the media proceeds on the basis of bald assertion of essentially fallacious economic dogma.

The report starts with a critique of 'corporate globalization'. The term itself is useful, because the term 'globalization' has become something of a 'Humpty-Dumpty' word ('when I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean, neither more nor less'). 'Corporate globalization' describes a process driven and promoted by the large global corporations which, whatever its other consequences, gives primacy to the benefits that will flow to global business.

The critique identifies eight key features of corporate globalization:

1. 'Promotion of hypergrowth and unrestricted exploitation of environmental resources to fuel that growth
2. Privatization and commodification of public services and of remaining aspects of the global and community commons
3. Global cultural and economic homogenization and the intense promotion of consumerism
4. Integration and conversion of national economies, including some that were largely self-reliant, to environmentally and socially harmful export oriented production
5. Corporate deregulation and unrestricted movement of capital across borders
6. Dramatically increased corporate concentration
7. Dismantling of public health, social, and environmental programs already in place
8. Replacement of traditional powers of democratic nation-states and local communities by global corporate bureaucracies.'

It demonstrates each of these propositions and explores who are the beneficiaries of application of these policies. One of the complexities of trying to follow the arguments of the pro- and anti- globalisers is that both use statistics, both from apparently authoritative sources, that directly contradict each other. It is almost as if the two sides inhabit parallel universes that operate in different ways. Suffice it to say that the report puts forward convincing arguments in support of its case.

The critique proceeds to a devastating analysis of the impact of the World Bank, The IMF and the WTO, the three pillars of corporate globalisation, over the last four or five decades.

The report then argues ten principles for sustainable societies, as a basis for identifying ways of realising these principles in the subsequent chapters of the report. It argues that these principles 'seem to be the mirror opposites of the principles that drive the institutions of the corporate global economy.'.

One of the minor problems in the debate is that, whereas 'globalization' rolls easily off the tongue, 'the principle of subsidiarity' is neither easy to say nor obvious in its meaning. The report contains a chapter on the case for subsidiarity, and it is a strong one. The counter argument is almost entirely concerned with power. While there are many elements of conflict between corporate globalisation and the principle of subsidiarity - local control - they are not entirely antithetical. But the reach of the large corporates would unquestionably be reduced.

You may or may not agree with the arguments in this report, but they deserve serious attention. They are well and carefully argued, they represent (in fairly sophisticated terms) the views of a growing number of people around the world who believe that current beliefs and institutions serve them poorly, and they show those who wish to promote change a path for doing so.

recommended by anarchist grad student at snobby grad school
This book is excellent for all those who think we can do better-that small farmers needn't be driven from the land, our water needn't be polluted, people need not go hungry while others are overfed genetically engineered chemically altered junk food, etc. It has great thinkers presenting clear, well thought out ideas about what's wrong and what we can do about it. It helps when getting in that classic argument of keynesianism/communism v. neoliberalism because it outlines the thrid alternative very well. I am a grad student and I used it for a paper i wrote recently refuting neoliberalism and it was very helpful. I highly recommend it! Also, look into Maria Mies. She is the anti-capitalist-patriarchy bomb, yo.

This Book Shows That Another Way IS Possible!
A friend of mine who is involved with Rabbi Michael Lerner's Tikkun Community movement recently gave me a copy of Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World is Possible. I'm not an expert in this field at all, but I found the book worthwhile and very accessible. (So accessible that I read the entire thing in a week!) The writers include Jerry Mander, David Korten, Lori Wallach, and many people working around the world in the anti-globalization movement.

What makes the book really important is the positive solutions and alternatives offered. The authors offer real ways to put into practice the Tikkun Community's first and second core principles (interdependence and ecological sanity, and a new bottom line in economic and social institutions).

I think other Tikkun readers, progressive-Democrats, Green party members, and thoughtful people everywhere---who want to see the world change from how it is now to how it could be---would want to read a book outlining specifics of how to create sustainable energy, transportation and food systems. And Alternatives to Economic Globalization does just that. I can't recommend this book enough (in fact I've already bought several copies to give to some of my friends).

Global Backlash: Citizen Initiatives for a Just World Economy (New Millennium Books in International Studies (Cloth))
Published in Hardcover by Rowman & Littlefield (2002)
Author: Robin Broad
Amazon base price: $85.00
Average review score:

Innovative and fascinating collection
If you want to gain insight into the goals, motivations, and tactics of the antiglobalization social movement, this is the book for you. The editor, who is a professor of international development at American University in Washington, D.C., has selected more than 40 documents (mostly written by activists themselves) that illustrate both the diversity of the movement and its underlying themes. Whether your interest is in indigenous peoples, the environment, the labor movement, fair trade, or development, you will find valuable and illuminating information in this volume.

All-American Heroes: Superman with Batman & Robin on Radio
Published in Audio Cassette by Radio Spirits (1999)
Authors: Original Radio Broad Csrdos 4196 and Radio Spirits
Amazon base price: $54.98
Used price: $19.97
Buy one from zShops for: $19.98
Average review score:

HUGE collection of Superman on radio
This 20 cassette boxset is the most comprehensive collection available of Superman on radio. 119 episodes in total, there are no duplicate episodes from other Radio Spirits Superman collections. As a nice "extra," this set includes a rare 1939 audition episode that was never aired.

"Superman With Batman & Robin on Radio" contains several Superman milestones, including the serial "Knights of the White Carnation" (dealing with issues of racism, with white supremacists as the villains), for which the producers of Superman were honored with a humanitarian award. Superman's first encounter with Kryptonite is told in "Superman vs.. Kryptonite". Kryptonite was invented for the radio show, when Superman actor Bud Colyer wanted to take a vacation. Along with this is Superman's first encounter with they dynamic duo, Batman and Robin. They were brought in to replace Superman while Colyer was on vacation.

Other serials include "The Man Without a Face," "The Phantom of the Sea," "Mystery of the Lost Planet," "The Monkey Burglar," "Drought in Freeville," and "The Story of Marina Baum."

The only drawback of this collection is that it is not available on CD. Still, an excellent purchase.

Super Fun look at Nostalgic Radio
"Superman With Batman and Robin" is good fun radio. I have always been impressed with Bud Colyer's portrayal of Superman from radio, the Fleischer Cartoons, and the 60s TV series. But now we have a 20 cassette collection of 119 radio programs to enjoy. On top of enjoying these old programs, we get a rare treat of listening to the original Superman 1939 audition called "Clark Kent Reporter"! (Never aired). And we get to hear the last season of Superman where Collyer is replaced by Michael Fitzmaurice, who unfortunately simply cannot recreate Collyer's Superman voice. The reason I do not give it 5 stars is because there are some bad recordings in a few episodes, and also, I have to admit that I do get tired of the number of "Kelloggs PEP" commercials heard throughout the programs. But overall it is great family entertainment and I hope that RADIO SPIRITS crank out even more titles as time goes on. It's true SUPER FUN!

Superman With Batman & Robin/04 Cs
Published in Audio Cassette by Radio Spirits (2001)
Authors: Original Radio Broad Csrdos 5012 and Smithsonian Historical
Amazon base price: $16.79
List price: $23.98 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.87
Average review score:

Listen to this with your kid!
You can really get the feel. I mean,what was it like to be a kid in 1945 and look forward to a daily adventure serial? I listened to this tape in the car with my eight year old son, and, do you know what? Now we feel we know.

Sure, the story is a bit corny when listened to with a modern ear. But the villains are bad, the plot is convoluted and actually takes some surprising turns. But more importantly, it really gives you a peak at the Man of Steel's roots. For example, did you know that it was this radio series that created Superman's pal, Jimmy Olsen, as well as the menace of Kryptonite? Both appeared in this series before it did in any comic book. Also, the great "Faster than a speeding bullet" intro that many of us remember from the old 1950s TV series with George Reeves also got its start here. In fact, you can see here that the very sound of that old TV series (such as the sound of Superman flying) was obviously taken right from this radio series. As a long time comic book reader, I was amazed to find out how much of our modern Superman legend came from these old radio dramas.

The author obviously made a brilliant selection of material. In the course of this ongoing serial, we get to hear Superman team up with Batman, the telling of Superman's origin by Clark Kent to Perry and Lois, and the second appearance of Kryptonite.

The sound is clear, and my son and I really enjoyed listening to it over several long (and short) car trips when we were on vacation. If you're interested in the Superman phenomenon, old time radio (all commercials are also included), or just want something to listen too in the car with a child, this collection is a must. Much more kid friendly than that scary Shadow guy!

The Philippine challenge : sustainable and equitable development in the 1990s
Published in Unknown Binding by Philippine Center for Policy Studies ()
Author: Robin Broad
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $24.00
Average review score:
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Plundering Paradise: The Struggle for the Environment in the Philippines
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (1994)
Authors: Robin Broad, John Cavanagh, and Barbara Ehrenreich
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $9.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Philippines (Studies in International Political Economy)
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (1988)
Author: Robin Broad
Amazon base price: $50.00
Used price: $15.88
Collectible price: $15.85
Average review score:
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