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Book reviews for "Benig,_Irving" sorted by average review score:

The Messiah Stones
Published in Paperback by Fawcett Books (November, 1996)
Author: Irving Benig
Amazon base price: $12.00
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Collectible price: $6.99
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Average review score:

The dumbest book I ever read!
I have read a great deal of Bible fiction, so I feel that I am qualified to write a review of this book. It is amazing that any publisher ever gave this poorly written book with a rambling plot line and dull, unimaginative dialogue a second look. So, in a nutshell...the Creator (never "God") gave to Moses, in addition to the well-known tablets, a second set of glow-in-the-dark Messiah Stones which predict the return of the Messiah (never called "Jesus") in the year 2000. (Forget what you read in the Bible about "no one knows the hour or the day.") Written on the stones along with the Hebrew, Latin and Greek prophecy, is the main character's name "McGowan!" It is never explained why his name is so significant. Through a tedious search, McGowan finds a couple Angels, learns about "perfect souls," people put here throughout history by the Creator to keep mankind from going too far astray, and he comes to the realization that all religions are basically the same, all lead to the Creator and that ultimately, when Messiah returns, we can all stop being reincarnated (including Messiah himself, who has lived among us all these years in different bodies) and go back to the Garden of Eden to live. This is a hodge-podge of Eastern religion, Christianity, Mormonism, Mysticism and boring self-examination. What little plot there is runs out long before the end of the book, and the author seems to have given up trying to make it interesting; he just (mercifully) ends it. At least I bought this at Half-Price Books! DON'T waste your time, 'nuf said?

messiah books
Any book that has the word "messiah" in it catches my eye: Dune Messiah; Illusions: the adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, etc. So I picked up The Messiah Stones and was not disappointed. Any book that honestly and with integrity promotes the spiritual journey...the faith journey, is usually a good read for me; especially fiction. Messiah Stones was all of that. Granted that the "young fatherless child growing up and picking up the father's legacy" theme is a bit dramatic, it did not, for me, take from the basic "how God and humankind relate" ideas set forth. I would strongly recommend this for anyone who enjoys the various ways we human beings interpret our relationship with fiction as well as in real life. Which is which? is perhaps an interesting question, too!

A captivating story with a SPECIAL twist
My kudos to Benig on his first novel. Keep up the good work! I picked up the book while on vacation and couldn't put it down till I finished. Benig chooses a tough story line to write about. His imagery is solid. Character development is adequate. But most of all, the book is simply a well-told story about a wonderful subject.... fiction though it is. It's a pleasure to read a mystery that's not about murder, evil, etc. Don't expect religious accuracy. Just try to enjoy.

Las Piedras Del Mesias
Published in Hardcover by Planeta Pub Corp (September, 1998)
Author: Irving Benig
Amazon base price: $9.95
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