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Book reviews for "Barton,_John" sorted by average review score:

Playing Shakespeare
Published in Paperback by Methuen Publishing, Ltd (April, 1985)
Authors: John Barton and Ltd London Weekend Television
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $3.94
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

How can this book be out of print!?
Barton's careful method and artful writing combine to create a powerful primer on the actor's responsibilities to the text, the character, and the play. This is a must-have-must-read for anyone preparing for the profession.

A Wonderful Introduction For Actors and Non-Actors Alike
John Bardon, with the assistance of the players from the Royal Shakespeare Company, presents with great zest and humor not merely the mechanics of speaking the verse of Shakespeare, but the sense of the Style of Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age. The actors demonstrate all of the means by which they have discovered the characters they portray and make their own, and their great fortune in the legacy of the RSC. They have absorbed with passion and insight the very beings of another time. I wish, when I was a young actor, that I had had John Bardon as a teacher of verse drama. It took me years to find anyone who could teach me the basic, uncomplicated approach to verse I found in this book. May I just add, I also saw the London Weekend Television production on which the book is based and it was magical. The book reinforces my memory of the living actors, most of whom are favorites of mine who I have seen in all types of productions. However, it is not necessary to have seen that program to appreciate and learn from the book. Highly, highly recommended.

One of the must-have books for any serious stage actor.
I first read Playing Shakespeare when I was still in high school, and have reread it at least three or four times since then. A definite must-read for any serious stage performer. An eye-opener for anyone struggling with a Shakespearean role or character. Very literary, but easy to get into and understand. You have to read it for yourself! Definitely worth the price.

Curiosa: Celebrity Relics, Historical Fossils, & Other Metamorphic Rubbish
Published in Hardcover by Harry N Abrams (October, 2002)
Authors: Barton Lidice Benes and John Berendt
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.40
Buy one from zShops for: $17.25
Average review score:

Best Giftbook of the Season
I gave Curiosa to friends, relatives and business associates for Christmas this year and it was a hit every time. The book itself is beautifully produced, with gorgeous photography and excellent design. Benes' text is funny, engaging and insightful. Leafing through the book is addictive; once started, it is difficult to put down. I hope Benes produces more books of his work. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil author John Berendt's humorous introduction tells the story of how he saved a prescription medicine bottle ("one nasal douche, use twice daily or as needed") belonging to Roy Rogers for 30 years, not knowing what to do with it but not quite being able to throw it away. When he meant Benes at a dinner party, he knew he had finally found its ultimate home, in one of Benes' museums. Some of Benes' relics could cause squeamishness in a different context, but Benes' work and in particular the beautiful presentation in Curiosa, makes them palatable and meaningful to virtually anyone.

Barton's work is amazing. I've seen many of the pieces featured in his book and they are breathtaking and hilarious.

John (Life Application Bible Commentary)
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (June, 1993)
Authors: Bruce B. Barton and Philip W., Ph.D. Comfort
Amazon base price: $19.99
Average review score:

Excellent Resource
The gospel of John is not a simple book, therefore interpreters of the text have their work cut out for them. The authors of this text have done a fine job of fleshing out the meaning of the scriptures. For example, many times within John, Jesus is described as the Son of God, the Lamb of God, the Light of God, the Mesiah, etc., and Christ's own words include difficult to understand quotes such as "I am". The man/spirit duality is discussed at length and with different perspectives to illuminate and clarify this difficult situation.

The book uses three different methods of organization to the text. The bulk of the text includes quotes rom the Bible, followed by interpretive text. I found the majority of these sections to be very well written and logical, if a bit wordy at times. There are also boxes placed inbetween the above text that are marked with the tree logo used on this entire series of study books. These boxes of text tend to be more personal, asking the reader to consider their own thoughts, motives, practices and goals in life. These sections were the least valuable to me personally.

The third method of organization is the use of tables of information, often with supporting scripture cited. These sections compare and contrast many of the associated issues. Throughout the book, when scripture is cited, it is labeled with the version (such as New King James Version = NKJV) that is being quoted. The book also includes a few maps that help one track the travels of Jesus and his deciples during his ministry on up until his crucifixion and beyond. Very well written overall and an interesting, thought-provoking read.

This book helped me understand the Book of John
This book was very well written and organized. I loved being able to glance down at the bottom of each page and have a cross reference and explaination for each individual verse. The commentary was clear, concise, and easy to understand, and the book got off to a great start with it's introduction. I look forward to studying other books in this series

Three Years With Quantrill: A True Story Told by His Scout (Western Frontier Library, Vol 60)
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd) (October, 1992)
Authors: John McCorkle, Oswald Swinney Barton, and Albert E. Castel
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $23.99
Average review score:

Three Years With Quantrill
Although I don't like giving a 5 star rating to any book this book deserves 6! This is the real stuff, pre WWII, pre WWI, PRE-TV! It was written at a time before historic brainwashing by movies and television existed. Before people were self conscious about telling the truth. We can see the actual format of the "Civil" War sentiments. He reveals the concepts of dying, of The North, Slavery, and other aspects of the era that we are usually forced to accept from modern day writings, reflecting only current, politically correct viewpoints. The down to earth flow of this book is very enjoyable and is great reading for anyone with interest in this subject matter.

Excellent firsthand information
If you are looking for truth about what happened in Missouri during the War betwen the states this book is for you. The best way to learn what really happened is to read firsthand accounts and that's what this book offers. No one sided historical author can screwup or argue with accurate eyewitness reports. This book records the pure hard facts.

The Allergy Discovery Diet: A Rotation Diet for Discovering Your Allergies to Food
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (February, 1990)
Authors: John E. Postley and Janet Barton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $4.88
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $16.95
Average review score:

Excellent "discovery" book for those with food problems.
This book has excellent suggestions, and after trying this rotation diet for myself and my family, I "discovered" we ALL had a sensitivity to one food or another. I helped me discover why my son always coughed when the school year started. I now know why my daughter is dairy intolerant, my husband is also.

I recommend this book highly for its ability to help the individual really look at how they eat, and why.

The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (August, 1998)
Author: John Barton
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $18.31
Average review score:

Indispensible for meaningful interpretation
This is a brilliantly but clearly written book, one that will make your experience of the Bible incalculably richer. The first part provides both an overview and more detailed archealogical and historical information on the presence of the early Israelites in the area of Canaan. There is also relevant and compellingly written analysis of the literary and cultural environment. All of this information allows you to see the Hebrew scriptures for the monumental literary and philosophical achievement they represent. Then, there are commentary and background information for every separate book of the Hebrew scriptures and New Testament. Whether you practice one of the three religions of the book (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam), are a student of history and culture, or just want further insight into this most influential of books, you will find the Cambridge Companion an invaluable source for deeper understanding. I teach humanities at the largest private college in the country, and I find the presentation in this book to be clear enough for the least-interested students and complex enough to support the best and brightest. I have also used the material here to discuss religion with my family members and other practictioners--everyone can get something deeply worthwhile from this book.

Capital for Our Time: The Economic, Legal, and Management Challenges of Intellectual Capital (Hoover Institution Press Publication, 448.)
Published in Paperback by Hoover Inst Pr (November, 1998)
Authors: Nicholas Imparato, John H. Barton, and Peter G. W. Keen
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $12.98
Average review score:

Intellectual Capital Review
It is interesting in today's world to see books that remond us all the present and future value of intellectual capital. It is unfortunate the book does not focus on the de-valuation of intellectual capital when downsizing occurs in an organisation. The cost of replacing the intellectual capital does never figure in anual reports, it is 'hidden' by other standard costs, such as employee related costs, equipments, etc. We need to establish a quantification method, so that intellectual capital replacement is thoroughly investigated.

Milkin' the Bulls: And Other Hot Hazing Stories
Published in Paperback by Leyland Publications (October, 1993)
Author: John Barton
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $117.43
Average review score:

The hottest one handed reading I've ever experienced!
I only read an exerpt from this book. I've been searching for it ever since. The publisher would be wise to restock it. It will sell out again.

Ordinary Day with Jesus Leader's Guide, An
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 December, 2001)
Authors: John Ortberg and Ruth Haley Barton
Amazon base price: $27.99
List price: $39.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $27.94
Buy one from zShops for: $27.89
Average review score:

Ordinary Day was GREAT
This book and study guide gives practical ways to stay in touch with Jesus all throughout your day and week. Giving practical ways to invite Him into your thinking and working each day. The main thing I learned (or was reminded of) was that Worship and walk with Jesus is a conscience effort. You need to allow Jesus to walk with you through EVERYTHING you do. We did this study as a small group (12-18 people). The discussions were great and the video added another dimension that held attention and was a wonderful springboard to further discussion. We may do it again with another group!! A super "growth potential" tool for small groups.

Reading the Old Testament: Method in Biblical Study
Published in Paperback by Westminster John Knox Press (October, 1984)
Author: John Barton
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $21.50
Average review score:

An excellent introduction to Biblical interpretation.
Barton's book would serve as a fine introduction to any student interested in practical application of source, form, redaction, or structuralist criticism to the Bible. Barton's prose is lucid, his examples extraordinary. His discussion of structuralism is the clearest demonstration that I have read. The book suffers from two flaws. First, Barton's book was written prior to the time when deconstruction became a trendy approach to scripture. Thus, students should be aware the structuralism has transformed into another approach more suited for the nihilistic climate of our age. Second, for those of us who believe that God is speaking to us through his word, Barton leaves little hope. He concludes that future study should focus on the act of reading rather than the mimetic relationship between text and man. While perhaps an intriguing scholarly study, it does little for those of us seeking to know God more fully.

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