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Book reviews for "Bagnold,_Ralph_Alger" sorted by average review score:

Sand, Wind, and War: Memoirs of a Desert Explorer
Published in Hardcover by University of Arizona Press (March, 1991)
Author: Ralph Alger Bagnold
Amazon base price: $37.50
Used price: $359.65
Average review score:

The real life characters from "The English Patient!"
Ralph Bagnold, brother of "National Velvet" author, Enid Bagnold, was a self-educated physicist, who was the first person to describe the movement of sand as a fluid. This fascinating account of desert exploration of the 1930's reads like an Everest-style expedition to the Sahara. Passing reference is made to Count Laszlo De Almasy, Ralph Fiennes character from the film, "The English Patient." Bagnold is a fun and witty writer in the best self-effacing English sense. His contributions to our understanding of fluids is undeniable. I fell in love with sand - a beautiful and fascinating medium.

An Awesome Read
I came across this book purely by accident, as I researched sediment transport for a thesis. I found the content totally absorbing and regret that I will never get to meet the author, who's writing style and experiences marked him as a real human treasure. This is a book for all ages, with concise anecdotes that have you laughing and wondering. It is interesting to read about the involvement of New Zealand troops in the LRDP and Bagnold's determination for this group to succeed; ironic when you consider a Kiwi is generally known for his ingenuity and this group were led by one of the most ingenious men of all, an Englishman. I especially like the concept that discovery and research do not require either tertiary learning, or expensive lab equipment, just an enquiring and analytical mind and a good dose of common sense. Thank you Mr Bagnold, for sharing a part of your life with me, I am much the richer for it.

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