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Book reviews for "Almquist,_Don" sorted by average review score:

Season at the Point: The Birds and Birders of Cape May
Published in Paperback by Atlantic Monthly Press (June, 1992)
Authors: Jack Connor and Don Almquist
Amazon base price: $12.50
Used price: $4.69
Buy one from zShops for: $9.27
Average review score:

A gentle, yet high-impact book
This is a book of many moods, and all of them well-written. It is, by turns, a giggle-provoking acocunt of the eccentricities of those strange folks who watch birds, a warmly nostalgic portrait of the Cape May that once was, a fascinating account of the on-the-spot naturalism that goes on during migrations, and a compelling call for action to preserve the remaining natural beauty of this unique point in the otherwise wasted state of New Jersey. Though it is definitely a sedate read, it is a pleasant one.

Published in School & Library Binding by Harcourt Young Classics (May, 1991)
Authors: Richard Wilbur, Don Almquist, and Richard Wilber
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $62.00
Collectible price: $100.00
Average review score:

New Edition of Loudmouse Very Disappointing
When I was growing up, my mother read us children a book called "Loudmouse" by Richard Wilbur, illustrated by Don Almquist. We enjoyed it thoroughly, and I still have the copy we read, albeit in somewhat shabby condition. It is the First Crowell-Collier Press Edition of 1963. The $13 copy of Loudmouse available from is extremely disappointing because: * It is extremely small--less than half the size of the original. * It is printed entirely in B/W--the original had black and brown illustrations. * All the illustrations have been completely redrawn (apparently by the same artist). They look very different, and nowhere near as good. * Positioning of text and illustrations from page to page is totally different, killing much of the punch and excitement of the original book. I recommend that potential buyers wait for the book as it was originally published to be re-issued, before wasting any money on this version. --Darel Finley,,

Loudmouse is a delightful book! Great to be read aloud !
My first exposure to this book was a storyteller who kept her audience of school teachers totally enthralled. Later, I ordered a copy of the book and have read it numerous times to my fourth grade classes and other teachers have borrowed it and read it to there classes!! Moreover, my grandchildren love to read it along with me! The formatting of the book had nothing to do with my enthusiasm for it!

This book is fantastic!
I got this book when I was in elementary school (I'm now a senior in college) and I still love it. I plan on sharing it with the kindergarten class I'm working with.

Dragged Aboard: A Cruising Guide for the Reluctant Mate
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (July, 1998)
Authors: Don Casey and Don Almquist
Amazon base price: $19.25
List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $21.99
Average review score:

Empty promises
As a reluctant mate, I found this book disappointing. Despite the refreshing title, once again, we have an enthusiastic male sailor rattling down the same old story. I recommend Diana B. Jessie's "The Cruising Woman's Advisor", in which cruising women, some of whom started out reluctantly, share their experience and give advice. If you're already hooked on sailing, this book does not tell you anything new, and if not, this definitely is not going to convince you of the opposite.

The Title says it all
This is the third Don Casey book I've read and I like them all. Don has a easy going infomative style that doesn't come of as Mr. Know It All. His other books I've read were on maintenance related issues. This book is all about the emotions and realities of cruising. The chapter tiltes tell it all. "What is cruising really like?" "Confronting fears" "stocking the galley" etc. I have a hard time giving books five stars, but this is definitely a 4-1/2 star. It's only 170 some pages I'd like to see more. Would I buy again? Absolutely- If this title appeals to you the book will deliver. A two thumbs up!

Comforting and instructive.
"Dragged Aboard" is a comforting and instructive book.

Don Casey, who left his banking career to devote more time to cruising and writing, addresses the questions and apprehensions of the reluctant boating mate.

Thunderstorms, sun exposure, going to the bathroom, and even present-day pirates are just a few of the topics that Casey addresses.

He also details what general items you should be sure to take on your cruise, and where you should store them.

And he lists and explains 13 simple sailing terms (from Bow and Stern to Port and Starboard) that will make a reluctant mate's trip far richer and more enjoyable.

Casey's explaination of motion sickness could have been better handled, especially since that's a prime concern of many reluctant mates. Not only is motion sickness not listed in the index (you can find a short paragraph about it under "Sea Legs," on page 92), but when Casey mentions that we can find some effective remedies later in the book, he doesn't say where. (The info, by the way, is in Chapter 10, "Health and First Aid.)

Still, this is a commmendable book. It deserves to be a part of your nautical library, whether you have a reluctant mate or not.

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