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Book reviews for "Allen,_Sheila_Rosalynd" sorted by average review score:

The Meddlesome Ghost
Published in Paperback by Diamond Books (February, 1993)
Author: Sheila Rosalynd Allen
Amazon base price: $3.99
Average review score:

Sir Harry Returns
Five years have past since "The Reluctant Ghost" took place, but Sir Harry still haunts Steadford Abbey. The Abbey has been empty until a Steadford cousin, Giles, moves in to recuperate from his war wounds (the reason the Abbey is given to him is implausable at best, but we will accept it and move on). Since he isn't recuperating, the local doctor arranges for a nurse to help him out. Elizabeth soon becomes his nurse and physical therapist to get Giles to walk. The romance is believeable and the reentry of Sir Harry as a (rather inept) matchmaker is humorous. The situational humor from visiting Londoners is also enjoyable to read. Move on to next two books, "The Helpful Ghost" and "The Passionate Ghost," for more fun with many of the same characters.

The Helpful Ghost (Haunting Regency Romance)
Published in Paperback by Diamond Books (June, 1993)
Author: Sheila Rosalynd Allen
Amazon base price: $3.99
Average review score:

Double duty for Sir Harry the Ghost
Three years have past since "The Meddlesome Ghost" took place, and the Steadford Abbey is again inhabited by new owners, this time a family from the self-made middle class of England. This time, Sir Harry, the Abbey ghost for lovers, must join together the two daughters of the house with their true loves. But to do this, Harry must overcome a dearth of class conflicts. The clashing between the lower, middle, and upper classes makes this book a true Regency comedy of manners. However, small inconsistencies in plot (i.e., why one daughter sees Harry before she even meets her true love) and poor editing (at least in the paperback copy--missing quotations marks and words misspelled [doak instead of cloak?]) prevent this from being a five star book. Look to "The Passionate Ghost" to conclude this fun series.

My Favorite Book :)
I truly enjoy reading this book! It involves 4 star-crossed lovers, a ghost, and disagreeable parents; an unstable combination. I think the plot is pretty solid, although the ending is a bit sentimental. There a some surprises in plot, but since i have read it so much, i know all of them. My favorite supporting character is Lord Andrew's mother. She is a "snob of the first water". YOu have to read the book to get that. If you can find a copy, i highly reccomend it, thought you have to be a bit of a romantic to fully enjoy.

The Passionate Ghost (A Haunting Regency Romance)
Published in Paperback by Jove Pubns (August, 1993)
Author: Sheila Rosalynd Allen
Amazon base price: $3.99
Average review score:

Exit Sir Harry, Stage Left
Finally, all the mysteries surrounding Steadford Abbey and its ghost are solved. In this culmination of the four-book series, Sheila Rosalynd Allen wraps up the loose ends of her "Ghost" series. "The Passionate Ghost" takes place chronologically one year after "The Helpful Ghost" and again the Abbey is taken over by a new owner. However, the new owner's last name is the same as the resident ghost's and other similar strange connections surface. The book pulls in characters from the previous books and flashes back forty years to tell the story that sets the context.

Again, there are small problems that make this book less than five-star. The romance is lacking; Ms. Allen concentrates more on wrapping up the entire story instead of working out a realistic plot. Other small plot inconsistencies make you sit up and think, "Wait a moment! That's not right!" (i.e., how the heroine knows the ghost's name though she was never told). And the ending is ridiculously abrupt.

On the other hand, "The Passionate Ghost" has Ms. Allen's most compelling opening chapters of any of the books. And the characters stay consistent and likeable throughout the book. The book does nicely wrap up the entire plot and explain most of the questions lingering from the previous books. Overall, it is a satisfactory conclusion to a very fun series.

The Reluctant Ghost
Published in Paperback by Diamond Books (October, 1992)
Author: Sheila Rosalynd Allen
Amazon base price: $3.99
Average review score:

Introducing Sir Harry the Ghost
This is the charming tale of Sir Harry, the ghost, and the lovers of Steadford Abbey he must bring together. Although this book takes a while to get going, the characters are charming (especially the irritated but earnest Harry) and the plot is fun. Harry must bring together the granddaughter of bitter Lady Agatha (who has been dumped on by every man she ever knew) and the man who bought her home from under her. Sheila Rosalynd Allen's (aka Sheila O'Hallion) writing is especially strong with the dialogue and the believeable romance. Look to the next three books for more of an enjoyable romp (#2 "Meddlesome Ghost," #3 "Helpful Ghost," #4 "Passionate Ghost").

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