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Book reviews for "Allen,_Pat" sorted by average review score:

Earl the EMU *God has a purpose for those who are different
Published in Hardcover by Light Way Publications (01 October, 2000)
Authors: Pat Winston and Cathy Allen
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $9.66
Buy one from zShops for: $8.81
Average review score:

I Love This Book
I am a foster parent and I take in children with disabilities. Not all have liked church, not all have liked school, but all of them have loved this book. The message hits home. Also, one child took it to school for show and tell to get her point across as to what it's like being different. She finished her presentation, and the teacher sent a note home thanking us for this book. She now has one in here class room

Earl The Emu is a must-have teaching tool for parents
Earl the Emu is a great book for average and special kids because it teaches youngsters how to value others. The boy in the story, Jason, has a brace on his leg. While people with disabilities in stories are not as rare as they used to be, it still is not something we see regularly in a children's book. I think this gives kids with physical limitations and disabilities a story character they can identify with. Plus, the pictures of Earl the Emu with hurt feelings because Jason's farm animal friends make fun him are really easy for kids to grasp and so should make them think twice before making fun of others. Earl's wanting to be liked and not being accepted really touched my heart. So, this book gives parents a great opportunity to stress why we should be kind and fair to others. I am using the book to teach my neice and nephews about diversity.

Making Wheels Easy (Old West Collection of WoodWorking Pattern Books)
Published in Spiral-bound by Windy Hill Woods (01 January, 1995)
Authors: Ron Hoke, Pat Hoke, Kelly Allen, and Donald Allen
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score:

Great learning tool

You sure named this pattern book correctly, "Making Wheels Easy" is exactly as the name implies. If a person can read and follow instructions, he can make a fine wooden wagon wheel with little difficulty.

At first I thought the $20.00 price of the pattern book was a little high, boy was I wrong! This book is worth every penny of the asking price. A lot of thought and preparation went into putting this book together. The book lays flat when opened to any page. Only one side of a page is printed so you always have a blank facing page for shop notes. The instructions are very easy to follow. It's almost as if you were looking over my shoulder, guiding me every step of the way. The full size patterns are easy to use. The patterns for the jigs, and the jigs themselves, are also very easy to use.

I made two 16 inch wheels using this pattern book. The first one I made was without using the jigs so I could get the "feel" of the project. The second wheel was made using the jigs. Any more wheels I make will be made with the jigs, the time saved, and the improvement in the accuracy of the cuts, make the jigs well worth while. The wheels themselves are well made and very sturdy.

This pattern book, Making Wheels Easy, is much more then a book that teaches someone a very easy way to make wheels. It's a book that opens the doors to all kinds of possibilities. Such as;

A wagon wheel trellis for vines or roses, Wagon wheel lawn furniture, Wagon wheel mailbox stand, Wagon wheels to mark the sides of a driveway, How about a wagon wheel fence? Or fence gates? Wagon wheel lamps, wagon wheel tables, Wagon wheel head and foot boards

The list of possibilities goes on and on. With this book, a few tools, and some lumber, a guy can accomplish a lot.

Thank you for your efforts in the production of such a fine learning tool. I am now ready to move on to your other pattern book, "Working Wagon Wheels"

Ron Ainsworth

Clear, simple text and great photos make it easy to follow.
Windy Hill Woods makes good on the promise implied by the title of its book Making Wheels Easy . This well thought out project book contains accurate templates, clearly written text and illuminating photographic illustrations makes the complex and exacting task of wooden wheel construction easy and enjoyable. Even a slightly below average woodworker such as myself was able to turn out some pretty good looking wheels. Best of all I accomplished this without the frustrations caused by project designers who have never built anything except a pile of papers. It is obvious to me that this book was written by a craftsperson who actually has built wooden wheels. The cautions and warnings in the text anticipate the "hard parts" and warn the woodworker of potential pitfalls The first set I made are on a miniature Prairie Schooner used in a local museum's education program. My wife is already thinking up projects that will incorporate the latest additions to my woodworking skills.

Occupational Therapy for Children
Published in Hardcover by Mosby, Inc. (01 August, 2000)
Authors: Jane Case-Smith, Anne S. Allen, Pat Nuse Pratt, and Mosby
Amazon base price: $69.95
Used price: $69.41
Buy one from zShops for: $69.39
Average review score:

The book title says it all: "OT for Children"
This resource provides an overview of many conditions found in pediatric treatment. The reviews of developmental progressions of all ADLs, pre-writing, fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, and other skills are presented both in concise, outline form and in paragraph form for more details. All chapters are well-organized, and focused on OT practice, while the section by Exner on the Development of Hand Skills is exceptional. This is a MUST HAVE resource for OT working in pediatrics.

essential reading
As a Paediatric Occupational Therapist I find this book a valuable resource in my department.

Wedding Details FAQ's
Published in Paperback by Pennythought Press (01 March, 2002)
Authors: Sherri Goodall, Edith Gilbert, Lois Pearce, Jeff Allen, Jack Benoff, and Pat Taylor
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $7.49
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50
Average review score:

THE Complete Book of Wedding Questions!
If you are planning a wedding and don't know "who" to ask the multitude of questions you have, this book is for you. Sherri Goodall and five other wedding experts have put together the ultimate wedding planning book. From etiquette to the bizarre and beyond, this book captures the essence of planning for your very special day! Recommended!

When They Don't All Speak English: Integrating the Esl Student into the Regular Classroom
Published in Paperback by National Council of Teachers of English (October, 1989)
Authors: Pat Rigg and Virginia G. Allen
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $8.46
Average review score:

By nine experienced and knowledgeable contributors
Collaboratively compiled and edited by educators Pat Rigg (American Language and Literacy, Tucson) and Virginia G. Allen (The Ohio State University), When They Don't All Speak English: Integrating The Esl Student Into The Regular Classroom presents a variety of essays by nine experienced and knowledgeable contributors concerning the practical realities of teaching in a traditional classroom when only some of the students speak English as a first language. Addressing such topics as the language experience approach, using literature to support language acquisition, the cognitive academic language learning approach, helping ESL high school students achieve success, and much more, When They Don't All Speak English is very highly recommended for all teachers who are working with English As A Second Language (ESL) students.

Art Is a Way of Knowing
Published in Paperback by Shambhala Publications (May, 1995)
Author: Pat B. Allen
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.35
Buy one from zShops for: $9.85
Average review score:

Good for Beginners
Pat Allen gives an informed and moving account of her personal experiences and how art used therapeutically has helped her work through different life challenges. However, being an artist and pursuing the field of art therapy I found her approaches and explanations a bit simplistic and not challenging for those already initiated in the use of art materials and techniques. A section for those with art backgrounds, or a follow-up book, might be helpful in this regard. A good pick for beginners, but not for those already conversant and comfortable with techniques and materials. Her resourse lists are helpful and informative. I would have liked to see works by patients of Ms. Allen's also included, with comments. This might have made the reading more challenging and interesting.

a wealth of ideas
The author reveals much of her own journey through painfull life experiences and how art expressions helped her to heal.
The book is filled with her own original artwork,and it is a very open,brave art indeed.
Her suggestions for the reader are very stimulating,and make one eager to begin to make art.She offers many examples of art activities and materials.,and even has an appendix for a music catalogue(she suggests listening to music while artmaking)and an adress for art supply catalogue...Everyone will feel like an artist,as well as getting to know oneself at a deep level through doing this book.

Moving and effective
A very moving and effective book with seamless ties between art therapy and personal experiences - this book easily reaches out to anybody, artist or not, therapist or not. It's for the common man and its honesty and fluent accounts make it extremely accessible.

Talking With Artists, Volume 2: Conversations with Thomas B. Allen, Mary Jane Begin, Floyd Cooper, Julie Downing, Denise Fleming, Sheila Hamanaka, Kevin Henkes, William Joyce, Maira Kalman, Deborah Nourse Lattimore, Brian Pinkney, Vera B. Williams and David Wisniewski
Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (September, 1995)
Author: Pat Cummings
Amazon base price: $15.40
List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.98
Collectible price: $12.71
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

This book is great!
Talking With Artists volume.3

This book is pretty interesting. It is about artists who share what they like to draw and about their lives. They are asked questions such as, "Do you have any kids or pets?" The illustrators show some of pictures that they drew when they were children. They also show how the children illustrators got their inspiration to draw.

I liked this book because it was neat to see how good some of the kids are at drawing and then to see them draw as they are older. Also that was cool it showed how to draw pictures in the back of the book. I recommend this book to people who are just stating to draw and people that want to read an interesting book.

Not Just for Kids!!
I got this book at the library for my children, but I think I enjoyed it as much as they did! (I plan to buy a copy of my own!) Instead of a cool, impersonal presentation of artists and their work, this book provides a refreshingly personal view. The artists talk about their childhoods, how they spend their days (the answers are fun & honest!), their families, and best of all, they give us peeks inside their studios. I don't know about you, but I love seeing inside of an artist's private workspace! It's like a glimpse inside his/her mind.
The styles of the artists are very diverse and they use many different techniques that kids and adults alike would like to try out. I highly recommend this book!

Getting to 'I Do'
Published in Paperback by Avon Books (Pap Trd) (February, 1995)
Authors: Pat Allen and Sally Arteseros
Amazon base price: $10.00
List price: $12.50 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Very Interesting!
Watch out, this is a very deeply provocative book. I wouldn't call it spiritual, but would say that it honors an enduring psychological energy exchange that is very real yet confounds most of us as we bumble along wondering why the things we are doing in our relationships aren't working. This is a very intelligent yet practical treatment of how this energy needs to be exchanged in relationships. I have being reading this book over and over for the last year to get it's principles into my mind. But the payoff has been tremendous. Its provocative content forced me to take a doubletake. I just couldn't believe what she was saying, yet something about it spoke to the part of me that always worked hard to be independent and do the right thing by being an equal in a relationship.The book encouraged me to cherish the feminine side of myself. Those of you out there with low self-esteem know how difficult this is to maintain. Read the hostile reviews and you'll see that some find it impossible to cherish themselves. Applying these principles, although they may seem simple, is not easy. The negotiation strategies, for instance, take practice -there has been an ongoing learning curve in my case. The author shows what to do in painful situations where some of us get reactive and defensive. (See her "5-step clean up" strategy.) The neatest thing is that the responses to this approach are loving and cherishing. The cherishing is what I have always wanted and now know how to get. It's what makes the relationship a romantic love affair instead of a business deal type partnership. And it brings out the best in my boyfriend, a maturity, that he never knew he had. Of course there are times when we switch roles and he shares his feelings and I share my thoughts. In my opinion, any person who says the author does not advocate this role reversal at times just did not sincerely look for the balanced approach that is here in this book, and that's not a fair treatment of her philosophy. If you want to grow up in a relationship, this book will help point the way. In writing this, I am "casting my bread upon the waters," in hopes that it will give someone else a chance read it and to experience what the book has given me.

Excellent advice on relating to men.
I honestly believe that between this book & "The Rules" book, which seem to stem from the same ideas, (1 difference I noticed is that 1 says to wait a while to have sex & this book seems to believe it is in a womans best interest to wait until she gets a commitment -) that I have an advantage in having a good romantic relationship that I did not have before. The concepts may not flow with a lot of feminism ideas or "we've come a long way baby" style of thinking - HOWEVER - how many men do you hear say "OOH look at that woman - I want her because she's so succesful - & way more assertive than me - now I have someone to tell me what to do" The book explains why it is more sexually attractive to a man for a woman to be more on the passive receiving side than the aggressive side. If we REALLY take the book's advise & just listen to our feelings & stop behaving like a man - like we might need to do in the work place (use our male energy), it actually makes life better (for myself anyway). It's nice to feel that it's ok to stay home with our children & depend on a man (if we can afford it)- an idea that modern thinking is wiping out - even scoffing at. I'm coming from an environment where most of my friends have masters degrees or at least bachelors degrees & staying home just seems like an unspoken no-no - like you've waisted your college education & that you're just plain lazy if you don't "strive for the best" I needed this book. I like the concept of female & male energy - I've used the ideas on my boyfriend & I feel a natural good flow between us. Sex REALLY is better when your man initiates it. & when we do things HE initiates it feels like our connection is stronger in the romantic sense. I wish I could go around telling all of the women in my life about the book & the concept of female passiveness/receptivity - but it's hard to preach to someone when you think they won't understand or believe it. I highly recommend this book to all women - who are frustrated with their relationships with men or just want a really honest viewpoint on how romance & relationships really work & why.

The Truth about Relationships Leading to Marriage
This book is phenomenal. I attempted to read it about 5 years ago and became angry with the book, put it down and never thought of it again. I am now 29 and ready for a committed, leading-to-marriage relationship. So, I decided to give it another try. Thank goodness I did!

I couldn't put the book down! I read it in 2 days & feel like I have never had such clarity concerning male-female energy relationships. As I read it, I found that often I sabotage my own relationships by not being true to myself. This book shows me how to 1) figure out WHO I AM AND LOVE MYSELF 2) how to demonstrate my true energy in a relationship 3) when to decide to have sex & why it's so incredibly important to do EXACTLY AS THIS BOOK RECOMMENDS!

I recommend this book to every strong, over achieving, female energy that strives for EQUALITY. Why? Because it will shake up your definition of equality & force you to look at yourself & your current actions/beliefs!

I also recommend this for those of you who are tired of sticking it out in those relationships with the guy who "will come around" to marrying you. Maybe, after reading this, you (like me) will figure out that you haven't been with the man who really fits you at all. NOW'S THE TIME TO DISCOVER HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF & THEN FIND THE MAN WHO WILL LOVE YOU THAT WAY TOO!!! Read this book...and keep an open mind because what you read is nothing like what you've heard about equality!

Try to give it a fair full read even if it makes you angry. Anything that makes you angry is hitting something passionate inside of you and could change you forever! =)

Working Wagon Wheels (Old West Collection of WoodWorking Pattern Books)
Published in Plastic Comb by Windy Hill Woods (01 January, 1995)
Authors: Ron Hoke, Pat Hoke, Kelly Allen, and Donald Allen
Amazon base price: $23.95
Average review score:

Working Wagon Wheels (Old West Collection)
The author spent a lot of time in designing this wood wagon wheel that almost resembles an old farm wagon wheel. As designed this wheel (1)won't carry a 1/2 ton or more in weight, (2)has no dish for side loading, (3)Hub is banded with two bands instead of four, (4) wood is not treated to prevent wood rot, (5) wheel tyre (outer steel band needs to be a minium of 3/8 thick. It's a shame that such beautiful wood is wasted on something that can't be used on original wagons that are used today on wagon caravans. However, this is a great project for the amature that want's to build wheels and projects for display. For the serious woodworker build it the old way. Your project will then increase in value, not decrease.

Great book for hard to find wagon wheels
Working Wagon Wheels is the book to have if you need wheels that can do more then just sit around and look pretty. These wheels are for doing work like moving a wagon load of whatever you need to move.

The book is well thought out and put together. When you open this book it will lay flat. They have even included blank facing pages so you can write notes as you go along. Follow the step by step instructions, use the jigs and table, and you can build any size wheels you want.

The table on page 6 is very handy. It will tell you exactly what you need for any size wheel from 30 inches to 57 inches. Once you understand how the table is laid out, you will be able to know what you need for any size wheel that your heart desires.

I recommend this book for anyone that wants a serious wagon wheel. However, the wheels will only be as good as your wood working skills. This project is for the experienced wood worker. You don't have to be a pro, but experience with tools and jigs is a big help. Take your time and you will have a project to be proud of.

Ron Ainsworth

12" Barrel (Old West Collection of WoodWorking Pattern Books)
Published in Spiral-bound by Windy Hill Woods (01 January, 1995)
Authors: Ron Hoke, Pat Hoke, Kelly Allen, and Donald Allen
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:
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