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Book reviews for "Allan,_Nicholas" sorted by average review score:

Cinderella's Bum
Published in Hardcover by Random House Children's Books (A Division of Random House Group) (05 September, 2002)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $20.68
Buy one from zShops for: $27.66
Average review score:

Cinderella's Bum
A must-read for princesses of all ages! Our entire elementary school faculty laughed until we cried. We read it just as we were all preparing for our most dreaded spring task. Not spring cleaning or even standardized testing - trying to squeeze our ever expanding "bums" into a swimsuit for the first groan of the season.

The book is written to appeal to all females. It's whimsical pictures will delight young and old alike, and the story is a true delight. Buy it for your mother, your sister, your daughter and of course, YOURSELF!

Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (January, 1997)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $4.38
Buy one from zShops for: $12.00
Average review score:

Heaven - lets you smile through your tears
When my companion dog of 13 years died, my mother sent this book from England. Nicholas Allan's charming pictures and gentle story help ease the pain of losing a beloved pet.

Allan doesn't make death fun, or scary or even mysterious. One morning Lily find Dill packing to leave, and from the get-go it's clear she can't go along. But as with real death, the finality of parting is coupled with the hope that the loved one will somehow still be there, watching, caring and ultimately - waiting.

As Dill prepares his suitcase, Lily hears what he thinks Heaven will be like. And when she finally finds a new friend, she remembers Dill's words and puts them into practice.

This is a wonderful little book. One that still brings comfort and sweet memories, helps soothe the dull ache of loss and reinforces the belief that lessons learned lead to a better life.

The Queen's Knickers
Published in Paperback by Random House (UK) (June, 1998)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.70
Collectible price: $12.25
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Too cute!
It is very clever. Adults liked it and kids will love it -- how could they not like a story about underwear?!?! Cute illustrations. A must have for those who want to bring a little "culture" into their child's life.

Jesus' Christmas Party
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Merchandising) (October, 1992)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $1.90
Average review score:

There's no peace when your guest is a special baby
The simple line drawings are accessilble to all. the innkeeper certainly didn't know what he was in for when he let Mary and Joseph use the stable. Despite the bright light and all the interruptions the innkeeper finally gets in the spirit of things. A short, sweet look at the joy everyone had at the birth of a special baby.

My all-time favorite Christmas story
This charming story gives a realistic spin to how things really might have been out there in Bethlehem. It makes me laugh everytime I read it, and it makes a wonderful skit that our family loves to put on at Christmas time

I Love this Book
I love this book. I bought three, two to give away and one to keep. I have it sitting on the coffee table. People pick it up, think it's a cute kid's book and read through it. I can always tell when they get to the end...there is a little sigh and a look of peace! It reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. That our lives are hectic, just as the inn keepers night was, but he took time to celebrate the baby's birth!

The Bird
Published in Hardcover by Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Juv (April, 1998)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $2.20
Collectible price: $6.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.25
Average review score:

A great lesson for young and old
"The Bird" is a quirky story with both humorous and poignant illustrations that takes simple, vivid narrative and a light style to relate a hermit's trials with bird-company, and the alternative: loneliness. This tale combines a charming surface myth connected to the story of Noah and the ark with an underlying proverb for today about accepting what comes along with life and the living. Kids will love the colorful illustrations and the "splats" (excretions) and perhaps think about how they feel and act about living with siblings. Adults will appreciate the overtones of the difficulties all humans have co-existing.(The book reminds me a little of both St. Exupery's "The Little Prince" and "The Big Orange Splot" by Daniel Manus Pinkwater.) From time to time, we can all relearn the book's cute lesson that if we want the joys brought by any friend or relative, we must accept a little dirt and/or disorder of some kind. I gave the book to my neat-freak sister and her one-year-old son to read together. It's a good thing, too, because they are moving in with me in December...

Jesus' Day Off
Published in Hardcover by Bantam Books (13 October, 1998)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $7.95
Average review score:

Absolutely hilarious.
Okay first off, I'd like to point out the fact that I am an Atheist and if I was Christian I probably would burn this book. But from a non-Christian point of view this book is very crazy and insane making it very enjoyable. The plot: It appears ol' Jesus is having a bad day and all his miracles aren't quite what they used to be. (Ex: He tries to walk on water and sinks) So basically the Jesmeister says, "I need a vacation from being a savior for a day. The next 20 or so pages has some hobo doing some crazy antics. (I say hobo because Jesus wouldn't be caught dead doing some of these idiotic things.) If you're a devout Christian, though, I warn you, you are going to HATE this book like the devil himself. But if you're one of the other kinds of people by all means read on.

Pointed commentary for adults!
Jesus' Day Off can be a humorous way to make a point to adults who feel they must maintain control of their time and effort. Only when we all take time off to appreciate God's magnificent creation - both our own bodies and the rest of the universe - can we see that we are not in fact in control. God is. God rested after creation to celebrate the magnificence, and if God can rest, so can we! Amen!

Don't Believe The Hype - This is GREAT!
I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. This is a fantastic book to introduce small children not only to the BIG concepts of religion (eg: God & Jesus' parent/child relationship, the apostles, etc...) but to the compelling person of Jesus himself. FAR from blasphemic, irreverent or disrespectful - this book paints a picture of Jesus LIKE the children who read it - but with an even more special relationship to God! Aside from the positive religious message it teaches - the book also puts forward an important message about how - when you take good care of yourself - you can take better care of others. Christians and Non-Christians should be able - through their subsequent talk with their children - put the content into proper perspective for their kids (depending on their views). A fundamentalist could make it a great way to draw kids into their savior. A non-believer could use it to introduce their children to the important historical figure of Jesus. It's a win/win situation.

Adios, Pajarito, Adios
Published in Hardcover by Ekare, Ediciones/Banco Del Libro (01 January, 1997)
Authors: Nicholas Allen and Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Paperback by Random House Children's Books (A Division of Random House Group) (31 December, 1919)
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Complete Guide to Gatecrashing
Published in Paperback by Random House Uk Ltd (April, 1902)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Paperback by Trafalgar Square (September, 2000)
Author: Nicholas Allan
Amazon base price: $8.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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