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Book reviews for "Alexander,_John_N." sorted by average review score:

Ribbon of Sand: The Amazing Convergence of the Ocean and the Outer Banks
Published in Hardcover by Algonquin Books (May, 1992)
Authors: James Lazell and John R. Alexander
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $10.69
Collectible price: $13.22
Buy one from zShops for: $12.95
Average review score:

I purchased this book to learn more about the Outer Banks, which I have long wished to visit and where we will spend a week this summer. It is an amazingly interesting and informative book. Geology, geography, biology, weather, ecology, politics, and more are all discussed as is the importance of each in relation to the others. I found the book engrossing and would recommend it even if you are not going to this unique area of the world. Now when the kids ask me why there is a forest in the dunes I will be able to tell them and I will be much better able to appreciate the beauty of the place.

Man and Nature on a Tiny Strip of Land
I picked this book up during a recent week's stay on Topsail Island (one of the southernmost of the Outer Banks). Having never read a book on natural history or the ecology, I was prepared for the paper-pulp equivalent of Sominex.

Never have I been more wrong in my preconceptions about a book. Ribbon of Sand captures PERFECTLY the true mystique of North Carolina's Outer Banks -- how a half-mile wide band of barrier islands survive both because of nature . . . and in spite of it. Each segment of the book ties together both human and natural history. How the wind the shapes the wonderfully high dunes near Kill Devil provided the Wright Brothers with the means to test their gliders and to develop the first airplane. How shifting tides and currents that continue to shape the Outer Banks both abetted . . . and spelled doom for Blackbeard the Pirate.

In short, Ribbon of Sand captured my imagination and instilled in me a greater appreciation for the fragile balance of nature and man on the Outer Banks. I very highly reccomend this book!

Crow: The Dead Time
Published in Paperback by Kitchen Sink Pr (January, 1997)
Authors: John Wagner, Alexander Maleev, James O'Barr, and N. C. Christopher Couch
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $2.70
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $6.34
Average review score:

Not bad, but not really up to par
I thought the art was reasonably well-done, though it ain't James O'Barr's drawing. The story wasn't all that bad, pretty original, but it seemed kinda stupid to me. I mean, Confederate soldiers reincarnated as a biker gang. Not really all that far-fetched, but why would the Crow wait that long? I mean, let's look at our past year, months, weeks, days, same day... I guess, revenge requires a sense of timing too, though it really didn't work for me. I also didn't feel a lot of the emotion I felt with O'Barr's story. I guess, I'm so used to the lyricism and poetics of the original, that anything less just seems like crap to me. Anyway, this book is work a look, but I honestly do not think that any Crow comic will ever be as good as the original.

Great read even if you know nothing about it
This book is an excellent read based on the comic by J. O'Barr The Crow saga continues in this new story of in which a Crow warrior is awakened 100 years later to get revenge for the injustices done to him and his family.

cool book, but strange to the crow
This book was a good series, but it was hard to understand and figure out how the crow and the enemies come back 130.years later so that Joshua could have revenge, I mean was the crow tied up for 130 years and joshua was just on a waiting list for that time, but still, cool book and I am still wanting to know where the hell is waking nightmare#2 and whats taking so long

Alexander the Great
Published in Paperback by Bellerophon Books (September, 1981)
Authors: John K. Anderson, R. Zydycrn, and N. Conkle
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.32
Average review score:

Attempt at a complex subject
A lot of text, and I mean a lot, accompanies the drawings in this book. In fact, there is more page space devoted to the text than the coloring sections -- sure to disappoint children. The text is a good attempt to discuss a very complicated period of history and a rather difficult man to understand regardless of what "biographers" claim. The biggest problems I have with this coloring book are: Is the subject really appropriate for children and why aren't all the drawings labeled for where and when the originals were created.

Arabs and Islam (Western Civilization)
Published in Audio Cassette by University Press & Sound (October, 1993)
Authors: Alexander N. Damianakos and John Chioles
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:
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Birds Asleep (The Corrie Herring Hooks, No 14)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Texas Press (September, 1993)
Authors: Alexander F. Skutch and N. John Schmitt
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:
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Cyanobacteria (Methods in Enzymology, Vol 167 Bacteria)
Published in Hardcover by Academic Press (December, 1988)
Authors: Lester Packer, Alexander Glazer, Colowick, and John N. Abelson
Amazon base price: $189.00
Used price: $168.21
Buy one from zShops for: $173.88
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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Published in Paperback by McGraw Hill Text (January, 2004)
Authors: Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, and John W. Santrock
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Geological Disposal of Radioactive Wastes and Natural Analogues
Published in Hardcover by Pergamon Press (01 November, 2000)
Authors: William Miller, Russell Alexander, Neil Chapman, Ian McKinley, John Smellie, R. Alexander, N. Chapman, I. McKinley, W. Miller, and J. Smellie
Amazon base price: $131.00
Used price: $104.80
Collectible price: $149.93
Buy one from zShops for: $99.99
Average review score:
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Hellenism (Western Civilization)
Published in Audio Cassette by University Press & Sound (October, 1993)
Authors: Alexander N. Damianakos and John Chioles
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:
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The Papers of John C. Calhoun 1847-1848 (Papers of John C. Calhoun, 25)
Published in Hardcover by University of South Carolina Press (November, 1999)
Authors: Clyde N. Wilson, Shirley Bright Cook, and Alexander Moore
Amazon base price: $59.95
Used price: $39.60
Average review score:
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