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Book reviews for "Akehurst,_Michael_Barton" sorted by average review score:

Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law
Published in Hardcover by Routledge (03 July, 1997)
Amazon base price: $160.00
Used price: $42.35
Used price: $42.35
Average review score: 

this was the best book I ever read, Yeah!

"Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law" by Peter Malanczuk is one of the best books on International Law for scholars and students of law, now a days. The text was re-written by Professor Peter Malanczuk (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) with aditional information based on the new developments like International Environmental Law or International Economic Law.
Certainly the basics of the book correspond to older editions, but new chapters make it a clear example of an "International Law" book than a modest "Introduction".
The text is well written and the concepts are in order. However, definitions about important international legal institutions were missed, for example, International Environmental Law, Custom, etc. These and other definitions are important for students in order to have clarity on the institutions and the subject.
The book, however, is well structured, keeping the interest of the reader on the topics of International Law and giving information on every topic to search further on in other sources.
I hope that the book will have translation to other languages.

As a student studying Political Economy, and hoping to pursue International Law at the graduate level - I find this book to be informative and an enjoyable read. Not only has the author taken steps to make sure the content is interesting and detailed, but the material is also unusually absorbing and has me "hooked".

A modern introduction to international law
Published in Unknown Binding by Allen & Unwin ()
Amazon base price: $
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The United Nations and the Principles of International Law: Essays in Memory of Michael Akehurst
Published in Hardcover by Routledge (January, 1994)
Amazon base price: $85.00
Average review score:
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