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Book reviews for "Ake,_David" sorted by average review score:

Swedish Mentality
Published in Paperback by Pennsylvania State Univ Pr (Trd) (February, 1996)
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $15.32
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Used price: $15.32
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Average review score: 

This is a very well written book about the Swedes and also very true!

Much of contemporary social science still looks down upon the study of national characteristics as hopelessly unscientific. What a pity. Author Ake Daun shows that such studies, intelligently handled, can provide a wealth of reliable insights into other cultures. Covering everything from child-rearing to academia, he sheds considerable insight into Swedish culture and answers, in the process, some worthwhile questions. Why, for example, is Swedish society, on the whole, so dull? Students interested in the cultural components of creativity will do well to take note of the Swedish distaste for novelty, the predilection for order, peace, literalmindedness, and the surprising salience of envy.

Jazz Cultures
Published in Hardcover by University of California Press (07 January, 2002)
Amazon base price: $50.00
Average review score: 

In Jazz Cultures, David Ake (Assistant Professor of Music, University of Nevada, Reno) presents an informative and engaging history of the only authentically American contribution to world music -- Jazz. Professor Ake draws upon his expertise as a professional pianist and composer to present an impressively "reader friendly" historical survey of how jazz musicians and their audiences evolved an understanding and appreciation for this unique music which reflected the roots of the Black American subculture, went on to cross over into the dominant white popular culture, and go on to eventually achieve a world wide acclaim. Of special interest are Ake's commentaries on the concept of a "jazz standard" in the decade of the 1990s and how jazz history has never been a linear evolvement of musical styles, but a potpourri of disparate (and sometimes conflicting) creations, compositions, attitudes, performers and performances. Also available in hardcover...Jazz Cultures is strongly recommended reading for both students of American Music History and the non-specialist general reader with an interest in the development of this complex and original American musical tradition with its sometimes subtle, sometimes profound influences on 20th Century American popular culture.

Advances in Spatial Theory and Dynamics (Studies in Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol 20)
Published in Hardcover by North-Holland (May, 1989)
Amazon base price: $129.50
Used price: $779.64
Used price: $779.64
Average review score:
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Gateways to the Global Economy
Published in Hardcover by Edward Elgar Pub (January, 2001)
Amazon base price: $120.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Knowledge and Industrial Organization
Published in Hardcover by Springer Verlag (February, 1991)
Amazon base price: $94.00
Used price: $40.00
Used price: $40.00
Average review score:
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